Watch Your Mouth Ep 34

Summary Notes


In a motivational talk, the host emphasizes the importance of leading by example to foster a culture of excellence within a team, particularly in the fitness industry. He shares his own experiences of transforming his approach from being critical to demonstrating genuine care for both customers and team members. By doing so, he illustrates how actions speak louder than words in shaping a team's attitude and productivity. He also underscores the significance of sharing the company's origin story and the personal journey to remind the team of their purpose. The host, alongside a second speaker, also encourages listeners to share the podcast to help more entrepreneurs.

Summary Notes

Event Preparation

  • Speaker A spent the entire weekend preparing presentations for an upcoming mastermind event for gym owners.
  • The speaker expresses excitement and mentions the extensive work put into creating many slides for the event.

"I spent the entire weekend making presentations for our Jim lord's mastermind event that's coming up."

The quote indicates the speaker's dedication and the effort invested in preparing for an important upcoming event, highlighting the significance of the event in their professional life.

Importance of Communication

  • Speaker A introduces the topic of communication with the phrase "watch your mouth," emphasizing its importance in a business context.
  • The catchy phrase is used to address a common concern among gym owners regarding their teams' performance and attitude towards customers.

"And the reason I said that is mostly because it's catchy, but also because one of the reasons that a lot of gym owners will come talk to me and be like, man, I wish my team worked harder."

This quote captures the essence of the communication issue being addressed, where gym owners express dissatisfaction with their staff's performance and engagement with customers.

Team Performance and Customer Care

  • Gym owners often feel their teams do not care about customers to the same extent they do, doing only the minimum required.
  • Speaker A notes that sometimes staff may ignore clients or lack energy, giving the impression of merely going through the motions.

"I wish my team cared about my customers the way I care about my customers. I feel like they don't care. They only do the minimum."

The quote reflects the frustration gym owners feel when their expectations of staff engagement with customers are not met, pointing to a disconnect between owner and staff commitment levels.

Comparison with Speaker A's Team

  • Speaker A contrasts other gym owners' experiences with their own team, who are described as passionate and dedicated to serving gym owners.
  • The team's commitment is highlighted by their willingness to work extra hours and their deep care for customers.

"Our team's in love with gym owners. They obsess about gym owners. They work in their free time, they work on the weekends. They work until midnight every night to serve our customers."

This quote demonstrates the high level of commitment and dedication Speaker A's team has towards their customers, setting a positive example for other gym owners.

Leadership and Example Setting

  • Speaker A admits that the positive culture within their team did not happen by accident and took time to develop.
  • A personal revelation was made about the impact of the speaker's behavior on staff, particularly concerning how customers were treated.

"And it was something that took me a really long time to figure out how to do."

The quote acknowledges the challenge and time investment required to cultivate a positive and customer-focused team culture, implying that it is a deliberate and ongoing process.

Self-Reflection and Change

  • Speaker A reflects on their past behavior, realizing that their actions did not align with the proclaimed values of service and community.
  • By avoiding customers and being short with them, Speaker A was setting a poor example for the staff.

"Except when customers would walk in, I would go into the back room because I didn't want to talk to them, right."

This quote illustrates the dissonance between Speaker A's stated values and actual behavior, highlighting the importance of leading by example in a business setting.

Importance of Actions Over Words

  • The effectiveness of leadership is demonstrated through actions rather than just verbal instructions.
  • Leading by example is crucial in establishing a strong culture within an organization.
  • Actions taken by leaders are observed and emulated by team members, reinforcing desired behaviors.
  • Demonstrating commitment to certain standards encourages others to follow suit without being explicitly told to do so.

"And so it didn't matter what I said, it mattered what I did."

This quote emphasizes the importance of actions over words in leadership. The speaker suggests that their actions had a greater impact on the culture and behavior of their team than anything they could have said.

"I love seeing the pastor at our church in Albuquerque is known to pick up the pebbles on the sidewalk."

This anecdote illustrates how a leader's actions, such as the pastor cleaning the church grounds, can inspire and set an example for others to follow, promoting a culture of attention to detail and care.

"And so it's that tiny bit of leading by example from your actions of, like, if you tell people, like, hey, guys, I want this place to be spotless, when you walk in, do you start organizing things, cleaning things up, having an owner mop the floor?"

The speaker is highlighting the impact of leaders actively participating in the tasks they value, which in turn motivates employees to emulate those actions, fostering a culture of excellence and shared responsibility.

Scaling Service Through Culture and Training

  • Scaling a service-oriented business involves two key components: culture and training.
  • Automated training ensures consistency in the onboarding process for different positions.
  • A strong culture can significantly enhance team productivity.
  • The difference in productivity between a highly effective team and a mediocre one can be substantial.
  • Instilling a culture of excellence and world-class support is essential for maximizing the potential of the team.

"There's two aspects of scaling service, which is what the business that we're in. You have culture and you have training."

This quote introduces the two fundamental elements of scaling service in a business: culture and training, both of which are necessary for successful growth and consistent service delivery.

"The difference between a highly effective team and a mediocre team is like 3410 to one in terms of productivity."

The speaker provides a quantifiable comparison to underscore the vast difference in productivity that can be achieved by cultivating a strong team culture.

"The way that you do that is by instilling a culture of excellence, world class support, and then leading with the example."

The speaker suggests that the key to unlocking a team's productivity is through the establishment of a culture of excellence and leading by example, rather than relying solely on verbal instructions or traditional management techniques.

Call to Action for Audience Engagement

  • The speaker does not run ads or sell products, relying on audience support to spread the message.
  • The goal is to reach and assist more entrepreneurs in growing their businesses and increasing their income.

"You guys already know that I don't run any ads on this, and I don't sell anything. And so the only ask that I can ever have of you guys is that you help me spread the word so we can help more entrepreneurs make more money."

This quote is a direct appeal to the audience for support in sharing the content, with the intention of helping a wider community of entrepreneurs. It establishes the speaker's reliance on organic growth and word-of-mouth promotion.

Importance of Podcast Support

  • The speakers emphasize the necessity of audience engagement to help improve businesses and experiences for employees and customers.
  • Reviews and sharing the podcast are presented as crucial actions that listeners can take to support the podcast's mission.
  • The speakers suggest that listener support could potentially have a significant impact on others.

"And the only way we do that is if you can rate and review and share this podcast."

This quote highlights the speaker's call to action for listeners to engage with the podcast through ratings, reviews, and sharing, which they believe is essential for achieving the podcast's goals.

"It'll take you 10 seconds or one type of the thumb. It would mean the absolute world to me. And more importantly, it may change the world for someone else."

The speaker emphasizes the ease and minimal effort required to support the podcast while underscoring the potential broader impact this simple action could have.

Customer-Centric Culture

  • The discussion revolves around the importance of genuinely caring for customers and understanding the business's origin story.
  • Speaker A shares a personal narrative to illustrate the depth of their commitment to their industry and the hardships they've overcome.
  • The narrative is used as a tool to inspire and remind the team of the foundational reasons for their work and the value they provide to customers.

"Usually we need to care more about our customers and how we talk."

This quote suggests that businesses should reflect on their own customer care practices and strive to improve how they communicate and engage with their customers.

"I basically explained our origin story and where we came from and how I got in the gym business and all this stuff."

Speaker A shares their emotional journey and the challenges faced, which serves as a powerful reminder to their team about the company's mission and the importance of perseverance.

Emotional Connection and Team Motivation

  • Speaker A advocates for the power of emotional storytelling in creating a strong connection with the team.
  • The speaker advises other gym owners to share their personal motivations and the significance of their work with their employees.
  • Emotional storytelling is presented as a method of reinforcing the team's commitment and enhancing the service provided to customers.

"And if you can have those types of meetings where they remember why you remember why you started, is just as important for you as the gym owner and for your team, even more so than it is sometimes for the customers."

This quote emphasizes the value of recalling the original motivations for starting a business and suggests that this can be as important for the team as it is for the customers.

"But then the way you talk about it to your staff, you're selling your staff on the importance of what they do by the conviction that you're speaking about it with."

Speaker A stresses the importance of communicating with conviction to staff, as this can sell them on the importance of their roles and positively influence their performance and attitude toward customers.

Counterproductive Behaviors

  • The speakers highlight the negative impact of mocking or belittling customers, which can undermine the business's values and service quality.
  • The example provided serves as a cautionary tale against creating a culture of disrespect towards customers.

"Here's the counterexample is when you're like, can you believe that? Carol asked, did you see Carol's squat? Like, she asked, is this parallel?"

The quote illustrates an example of inappropriate behavior where staff members mock a customer, which is discouraged as it contradicts the principles of a customer-centric and respectful business culture.

Perception of Customers

  • Discusses the negative impact of perceiving and speaking about customers as inferior or lacking knowledge.
  • Emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for a team's performance and attitude towards customers.
  • Stresses the need to serve and assist customers, acknowledging their lack of expertise in certain areas as the reason they seek services.

"When you talk about your customers like that, as though they're stupid, or as though they're less than and like, they're just the muggles or the plebeians, right?"

This quote highlights the problematic mindset of viewing customers in a condescending manner, likening them to "muggles or plebeians."

"The reason the team isn't performing the way I want them to is because it's me, it's my fault."

This quote underscores the speaker's realization that their own attitude and behavior were influencing their team's performance negatively.

"If I talked about gym owners like that, my staff would start acting that way on support calls with gym owners, and then we wouldn't have world class customer support."

The speaker recognizes that disparaging customers would lead to a decline in the quality of customer support provided by their staff.

Leadership and Customer Service

  • Highlights the role of leadership in shaping team behavior and customer service quality.
  • Suggests that leaders must exemplify the level of service and care they expect from their team.
  • Suggests that by setting a strong example, leaders can influence their team to provide better service, even if it's at a lesser degree initially.

"We're here to serve them. That's the point, of course, that they don't know that. They're not supposed to know that. That's why they're paying us for help."

This quote reinforces the idea that businesses exist to serve and educate their customers, not to judge them for their lack of knowledge.

"If someone makes that kind of comment and one of your trainers laughs about it or makes fun of them, that's where you have to address it and be like, don't talk about them like that."

The speaker insists that leaders must correct team behavior that disrespects or mocks customers, to maintain a supportive environment.

"You need to be two x five x. What you want your team to be in terms of the service, in terms of the care, in terms of the actions that you take in order to make your clients feel amazing."

This quote suggests that leaders should go above and beyond in their service and care, setting a high standard for their team to emulate.

Encouragement and Engagement

  • Provides a motivational message to the audience, encouraging them to have a productive start to the week.
  • Mentions an upcoming event, Mastermind Monday, to build excitement and engagement.
  • Ends with a call to action for those considering joining the speaker's program, Jim Lunch.

"Hope you guys having an awesome Monday. Make mania Monday. Mastermind Monday. It's coming up. I'm so excited."

The speaker is encouraging enthusiasm and excitement for the week ahead, specifically for the event Mastermind Monday.

"And if you are on the fence about Jim lunch, you should do it only."

This quote is a direct encouragement for listeners who are undecided about participating in the speaker's program to take the plunge and join.

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