In the latest Gym Secrets podcast, the hosts discuss the importance of paired management metrics for scaling businesses effectively. They credit Andy Grove's "High Output Management" for the concept, which involves balancing two parallel metrics, such as sales volume versus customer refunds, to ensure both quantity and quality in performance. This approach helps manage dichotomies within roles, like micromanaging versus over-delegating, and can be applied to various positions from sales to customer service. The episode emphasizes that defining clear metrics for employees leads to optimal performance, clarity in roles, and ultimately, business growth. The hosts encourage listeners to apply these principles for better management and profitability.
Welcome to the gym Secrets podcast, where we talk about how to get more customers, how to make more per customer and how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons that we have learned along the way. I hope you enjoy and subscribe.
The quote introduces the podcast's themes and goals, emphasizing the value of the content for listeners interested in business strategies related to customer management.
I just got off a call with a company that I have a vested interest in, and so we were talking about how to set up the management metrics in place for the business as we're trying to scale it.
This quote underscores the significance of implementing management metrics in a business, particularly in the context of scaling operations.
And so one of the things I picked up from Andy Grove in shoot, what is called high output management, I think is paired metrics. And it was just a great epiphany for me.
The quote references the source of the paired metrics concept and its impact on Speaker B's approach to business metrics.
So the way that indie Grove, who is the founder of intel, very smart dude, manages each of the roles within the company is that he tries to put paired metrics in place. So it's not just number of sales. Or just closing percentage or just insert one thing here, right?
This quote explains the strategy of using paired metrics to manage roles within a company, as practiced by Andy Grove of Intel.
Most times, and this is just myself included, I would usually just be like, this is the one key metric that I want to look at, right? This is the one thing that matters for this position. But if you think a little bit more about it, it tends to be two that are in parallel, all right? And so what it does is it helps you manage the balance or the dichotomy between the performance and role.
The quote reflects the realization that a singular focus on one metric can be limiting and that paired metrics provide a more balanced approach to performance management.
And typically it'll be between speed or output in terms of total volume and quality, all right? And so the way that you balance this within any position would be, for example, if you're talking to a salesperson, it would be total number of sales against refunds, backouts, all right?
This quote gives practical examples of how paired metrics can be applied in different roles, such as sales and customer service, to balance various performance factors.
"And customer satisfaction or NPS, like promoter score, right? So that would be a balance between two different metrics that you're looking at."
This quote emphasizes the importance of balancing customer satisfaction, measured by NPS, with other business metrics to achieve a comprehensive understanding of performance.
"Because a lot of times in business."
This incomplete quote suggests a discussion about common situations or strategies in business.
"It's not about either extreme, it's about."
This quote introduces the idea that successful business management involves avoiding extremes and finding a balance.
"Managing a dichotomy of being, am I."
This quote touches on the dichotomy business managers often face, such as micromanagement versus delegation.
"Being micromanaging or am I delegating too much?"
This quote specifies the dichotomy mentioned earlier, highlighting a common management challenge.
"Like, is either of them wrong? No. You want to follow kind of right."
This quote suggests that neither extreme is inherently wrong, but the right balance is necessary.
"In that middle path."
This quote reinforces the concept of finding a middle ground in business practices.
"More examples because I think it might be useful for you. So if you're looking at a marketing position, it's going to be total number of applications against qualified applications."
This quote provides an example of balanced metrics in a marketing position, emphasizing the importance of not just the quantity but also the quality of applications.
"The next would be the sales guy, which I just went over. Like total sales volume or closing percentage against backouts."
This quote discusses balanced metrics for a sales position, comparing total sales and closing rates with the rate of backouts.
"All right, the service position, total number."
This incomplete quote introduces the discussion of metrics for a service position.
"Of responses and or tickets handled or."
This quote continues the previous one, mentioning metrics such as the number of responses or tickets handled in a service position.
"Customer complaints resolved or speed of resolution."
This quote adds additional metrics for service positions, including the resolution of customer complaints and the speed of resolution.
"Against the quality score right on the back end."
This quote suggests that the aforementioned service metrics should be balanced against a quality score to ensure effectiveness.
"I'm trying to think of other positions that you could have for this right now."
This quote indicates an attempt to consider other positions that could utilize balanced metrics.
"Obviously, I'm blinking because I'm live. But if you think about every piece."
This quote acknowledges a momentary lapse in recalling information due to being live, but encourages thinking about each part of the business.
"Of your business right now and all of the people that report to you, there's typically a metric that you're trying to push, but something you're trying to also, conversely, not have happen. And so if you can define both of those things for the person, then you can push as hard as you."
This quote concludes by emphasizing that for every aspect of the business and for every subordinate, there are metrics to push for and against, and defining these clearly can help drive performance.
"You don't want to have tons and tons of inventory because that's not good. You have lots of cash that's sitting there. It's not good for the business. It's dangerous for the business. But if you just say, hey, I want you to just keep our inventories as low as possible, then you're going to start having shortages. And so you want to balance inventory against shortages."
This quote explains the need for a balanced approach to inventory management, highlighting the risks of both overstocking and understocking.
"Taxes versus audits or any kind of issue that you have with the IRS. And so with each of these things, you have the positive thing which you're going for against the negative thing that you're trying to avoid."
The speaker is emphasizing the importance of managing taxes efficiently while minimizing the risk of audits or legal issues with tax authorities.
"And so I want to call this the sweet spot, which clearly I didn't, and I'll name it later, but that's the managing the dichotomy in management using parallel metrics will get you so much closer to the sweet spot of optimal performance for each of these roles."
The speaker introduces the term "sweet spot" to describe the ideal state of balance in management and suggests that using parallel metrics can help in reaching this state.
"And ultimately, the only thing that's going to allow you to scale the business if you're in the service space, which many of the people who are listening this are, is initially, it's going to be your ability to train people and onboard people, right? So it's going to be your culture and your training. Your training gets them up and going. Culture keeps them going."
This quote highlights the pivotal role of training and culture in the growth and scaling of a service-oriented business. Training is essential for initial onboarding, while culture ensures ongoing commitment and performance.
Would love to talk to you. And if you like that or would.
This quote indicates an invitation to discuss strategies for business growth, suggesting a willingness to engage with others who are interested in scaling their business.
And see if we can help you get there.
This quote highlights the speaker's intention to assist businesses in achieving their growth targets by offering help.
And so I just had this call with the founder of that business that I'm now invested in. And we were talking about how we're setting that business up to scale so.
The speaker shares an experience of discussing with a founder about preparing their business for scaling, indicating that strategic planning is a crucial part of growth.
It's a photography based business against the number of callbacks or corrections that need to happen.
This quote provides a specific example of how operational efficiency is measured in a photography-based business, by tracking the number of callbacks or corrections.
And so you can see this in virtually every position that exists within your business. But if you simply look at that, name them and explain it to the person, then they'll understand everything that you want.
This quote stresses the importance of transparency and communication in ensuring that employees understand their roles and the company's expectations.
The entire, that's the whole game is you train them, you give them the two metrics, you walk the middle, and.
Here, the speaker is emphasizing the process of training employees and providing them with two key metrics to aim for, which is fundamental to maintaining high performance.
So shout out to Andy Grove for being smarter than me. Hopefully that was useful for you.
The speaker gives credit to Andy Grove, a well-known business figure, implying that his ideas have been influential and helpful.
For me, that was a huge takeaway when I was going through his book. And so use it.
This quote suggests that the speaker has gained significant insights from Andy Grove's book, which they believe can be beneficial to others in their business endeavors.
Have a happier team. Have a happy Wednesday.
This quote conveys a friendly farewell, wishing listeners well-being and happiness in their team and day.
Lots of love. Hit you soon. Bye.
The speaker ends the conversation with affection and a promise to reconnect, indicating a personal and engaging approach to the audience.