Swiftie Analyzes Midnights Lyrics AFTER Taylor Swift and Joe Alwyn Breakup News/Rumors

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Summary Notes


Allison delves into Taylor Swift's "Midnights" album, interpreting lyrics as potential insights into Swift's rumored breakup with Joe Alwyn. She speculates on the nuanced meanings behind songs like "Lavender Haze," contemplating the desire to cling to a relationship despite foreseeing its end, and "Maroon," which may hint at multiple past breakups. Allison suggests "Midnight Rain" reflects Swift's career-focused life choices conflicting with Alwyn's desire for marriage. She analyzes "Bejeweled" as an expression of Swift's struggle with her public persona versus private relationship dynamics. Allison also touches on "Sweet Nothing," co-written with Alwyn, possibly indicating a lack of fulfillment. Throughout, she emphasizes her respect for Swift's privacy and her role as a fan interpreting the art, not the artist's personal life.

Summary Notes


  • Allison, the host, is a Taylor Swift fan discussing Taylor Swift's rumored breakup with Joe Alwyn.
  • She talks about analyzing the lyrics from Taylor Swift's "Midnights" album for clues about the relationship.
  • Allison emphasizes her role as a commentator on pop music and personal opinions.

"hello pop music fans welcome back to my channel my name is Allison today is a somewhat somber day because today I am discussing Taylor Swift and her rumored breakup from Joe Alwyn."

The quote introduces the topic of the video and sets the tone for the discussion on Taylor Swift's personal life.

Personal Disclaimers

  • Allison clarifies her content involves personal opinions on Taylor Swift's music and relationships.
  • She acknowledges that Taylor Swift might not appreciate speculation, but it's a common fan activity.
  • Viewers not interested in such content are advised to not watch the video.

"I just want to start at the beginning of this video saying first of all my name is Allison I talk about Taylor Swift pop music all that kind of stuff and my own personal opinions so if you're not interested in hearing my own personal opinions regarding Taylor Swift and her relationship this rumor this speculation as it relates to her song lyrics off of the album midnights then this might not be the right video for you."

Allison sets expectations for the video's content, focusing on her personal take on Taylor Swift's rumored breakup.

Breakup Rumor Acceptance

  • Allison initially denied the breakup rumors but now believes them to be true.
  • She bases her belief on the lack of action from Taylor's PR team to remove articles, suggesting validity to the rumors.

"but at this point the Articles um in the media would have been taken down if it wasn't true because Taylor's PR team can legally remove something if it's incorrect from the media but that hasn't happened which makes me think that it is likely true."

Allison explains the reasoning behind her acceptance of the breakup rumors, citing the inaction of Taylor Swift's PR team as evidence.

"Lavender Haze" Analysis

  • Allison reflects on the "Lavender Haze" music video, noting Taylor's bored appearance.
  • She interprets the lyrics as an indication of a simple and quiet relationship.
  • The song suggests a desire to stay in an intermediate state of the relationship, avoiding the end.

"Looking Back in hindsight. it is not so let's start at the beginning where she says staring at the ceiling with you. oh you don't ever say too much that kind of gives me some sort of indication about um their relationship is simple it's quiet."

The quote is Allison's interpretation of the song "Lavender Haze," suggesting the relationship is uncomplicated and uneventful.

Color Symbolism in Lyrics

  • Taylor Swift uses colors to symbolize different states of relationships.
  • "Lavender Haze" is interpreted as a mix of love and loss, representing an unwillingness to move on.
  • The lyrics discuss the pressure of marriage and staying in a comfortable middle ground.

"in the past Taylor has used colors to represent relationships she has said that love is burning red losing is blue and true love is golden like daylight. so if you mix together the red and the blue you might get lavender."

Allison discusses Taylor Swift's use of color symbolism in her lyrics, with lavender representing a mix of emotions.

"Maroon" Interpretation

  • "Maroon" is seen as a song about losing love, with dark red symbolizing deep affection.
  • Allison suggests the song could be about multiple people and breakups.
  • Lyrics indicate a confusion between friendship and romance, and the difficulty of giving up something valuable.

"maroon is a song about having lost that dark red love she says I chose you the one I was dancing with in New York no shoes looked up in the sky and it was."

The quote is Allison's analysis of the song "Maroon," which she believes is about the loss of a deep love.

"Anti-Hero" and Breakup Reference

  • "Anti-Hero" contains a brief mention of a breakup in the pre-chorus.
  • The lyrics express the fear of life losing meaning without the significant other.

"in the next song anti-hero there's only one reference to a breakup and that is in the pre-chorus where she says one day watch as you're leaving and life will lose all its meaning."

Allison points out a line in "Anti-Hero" that implies the impact of a breakup on one's life.

Exclusions and Future Content

  • Allison chooses not to analyze "Snow on the Beach" and "You're on Your Own, Kid" as they don't pertain to the breakup theme.
  • She invites viewers to request analyses of other Taylor Swift songs or albums.

"I'm going to skip over snow on the beach because it is a song about falling in love which is not the topic that we're talking about today."

This quote explains why Allison is excluding certain songs from her analysis, keeping the focus on the theme of breakups.

"Midnight Rain" Insights

  • Allison shares her initial favorite, "Midnight Rain," and the debates about its subject.
  • She interprets the song as possibly referencing Joe Alwyn and a desire for marriage.
  • Past albums like "Lover" are mentioned for their marriage themes, indicating a previous interest in long-term commitment.

"midnight rain is well at least was my first favorite song on this album and this song stuck out to a lot of people right away a lot of people were kind of debating about who it's about."

Allison shares her personal connection to "Midnight Rain" and the general curiosity about the song's inspiration.

Lover Era and Miss Americana Documentary

  • Taylor Swift viewed the Lover era as potentially her last major endeavor in pop music.
  • At the age of 29, Taylor felt it was her "last hurray" before considering settling down.
  • The Lover album contains many lyrical references to marriage.

"because she's the age 29 she feels like the lover era is her last hurray in pop music it has she describes her last chance to be really successful while people are still tolerating her being really successful"

This quote explains Taylor Swift's perspective on her career trajectory and success during the Lover era, emphasizing her concern about the longevity of her popularity in the music industry.

Pandemic Impact and Folklore Album

  • The pandemic led to Taylor Swift writing songs at home.
  • Taylor released the album "Folklore," which received unprecedented critical acclaim.
  • "Folklore" signified a shift in Taylor's music style and public perception.

"Taylor writes songs by herself plenty of them. and she releases the folklore album which is her album that has never received no other album has ever received as much critical Acclaim as that 2020 album folklore did"

This quote highlights the success and critical reception of the Folklore album, marking a significant moment in Taylor Swift's career.

Taylor's Career Resurgence

  • Taylor Swift's popularity increased with her indie and alternative music style.
  • Public interest in her career grew post-Folklore.
  • Taylor started releasing re-recorded versions of her earlier albums, drawing in fans from different music eras.

"Taylor is more popular than she has ever been she has pop fans she has alternative fans she has country fans and her career in a way is bigger than ever"

The quote summarizes the resurgence and expansion of Taylor Swift's fan base across various music genres, leading to a peak in her career popularity.

Directing and Rumored Projects

  • Taylor directed a critically acclaimed short film.
  • There are rumors of Taylor working on a movie and a book.
  • She embarked on the Eras Tour, showcasing music from her entire career.

"she directed this short film that became super critically acclaimed as well there's rumors that she's working on a movie there's always been rumors that she's working on a book"

This quote details Taylor Swift's ventures into film and literature, alongside her music, indicating her multi-faceted talent and the breadth of her creative pursuits.

Perception of Age in Pop Music

  • Taylor Swift made references to the challenges of being a pop star in her 30s.
  • She humorously compared her age to being ancient in "pop star years."

"I'm 33 which is 174 in pop star years"

The quote captures Taylor Swift's commentary on the perceived shelf-life of pop stars and the industry's ageism, especially towards women.

Marriage and Career

  • Taylor Swift had anticipated marriage as her career slowed down.
  • Contrary to her expectations, her career accelerated, leading her to reconsider the timing of marriage.
  • "Midnight Rain" is seen as a reflection of her changing views on marriage in light of her career success.

"she looks at marriage something that she had seen upcoming as her career kind of tapered off but her career didn't taper off her career continued to if anything exponentially accelerate"

This quote discusses the unexpected continuation and growth of Taylor Swift's career, which influenced her personal life decisions regarding marriage.

Relationship Privacy and Public Scrutiny

  • Taylor Swift and Joe Alwyn valued privacy in their relationship, possibly more so on Joe's part.
  • Taylor's life is under constant scrutiny, which affects her relationships.

"it's crowded by fans who make YouTube videos talking about her song lyrics and how it connects to her life"

The quote describes the level of public interest and analysis of Taylor Swift's personal life, which has implications for her romantic relationships.

Song Analysis: "Question"

  • "Question" is speculated to be about Taylor's past relationship with Harry Styles.
  • The song's release raised questions due to its timing during Taylor's relationship with Joe.

"question which is a song about a past relationship where she wants to know what happened and what's life like after their romance that was a meteor strike"

This quote provides an interpretation of the song "Question," suggesting it reflects on a past intense relationship and its aftermath.

Song Analysis: "Bejeweled"

  • "Bejeweled" discusses the feeling of being underappreciated in a relationship.
  • Taylor uses the metaphor of being "Bejeweled" to describe her ability to captivate attention, particularly in the pop music scene.

"best believe I'm still Bejeweled. and she says this is kind of a metaphor for her stepping back into pop music when I walk in the room I can still make the whole place Shimmer"

The quote interprets the song "Bejeweled" as a statement of Taylor Swift's enduring star power and presence in the music industry.

Taylor's Relationship Dynamic

  • Taylor Swift's lyrics potentially reflect on her relationship with Joe Alwyn, indicating both intimacy and struggles.
  • The couple has different preferences regarding privacy and public acknowledgment of their relationship.
  • Taylor desires more overt recognition and affection, while Joe prefers to keep things private.
  • Lyrics suggest a desire for balance between personal love and public career.

"he is she's one of the biggest stars in the world and he kind of likes things a little bit more quiet. but Taylor says and when I meet the band they ask do you have a man I can still say I don't remember I think that's."

This quote highlights the contrast between Taylor's fame and Joe's preference for quiet, as well as the ambiguity Taylor feels about her relationship status during certain situations.

"familiarity breeds contempt don't put me in the basement when I want the penthouse of your heart this part makes me think of Joe because familiarity brood's contempt they've been together for six years maybe there's some contempt going on especially since they spent two of those years in lockdown together."

This quote suggests that prolonged closeness may have led to friction and that Taylor feels undervalued in how Joe publicly acknowledges their relationship.

"baby boy I think I've been too good of girl did all the extra credit then got graded on a curve."

Taylor feels she has made significant efforts to maintain the privacy of their relationship, yet feels underappreciated or judged for her fame and the attention it brings.

"I made you my world have you heard I can reclaim the land."

Taylor expresses that she has prioritized the relationship but is capable of returning to her career and public life with full force.

Labyrinth of Relationship

  • The song "Labyrinth" reflects on the complexities and different stages of a relationship.
  • Lyrics indicate moments of love, argument, and reconciliation, symbolizing the difficult navigation through a relationship.

"Labyrinth starts off with it only hurts this right now was what I was thinking the whole time breathe in breathe through breathe deep breathe out."

The opening lines of "Labyrinth" suggest a moment of pain and the need for emotional regulation, possibly reflecting on an ongoing struggle within the relationship.

"oh I'm falling in love. but also it does say break up break free breakthrough break down."

These lines depict the song's exploration of various emotional states, from falling in love to breaking up and the challenges in between.

Karma and Sweet Nothing

  • "Karma" is not directly associated with the relationship themes being discussed, so it is not analyzed in depth.
  • "Sweet Nothing" is co-written by Taylor and Joe, potentially carrying dual meanings about their relationship and expectations from each other.

"Sweet Nothing which is the song that Taylor and Joe wrote together sweet nothing on the surface is a beautiful song about how Taylor Maybe the whole world wants and needs something from her."

This quote introduces the song "Sweet Nothing," highlighting it as a collaboration between Taylor and Joe and its surface interpretation as a love song.

"but maybe in a way the Sweet Nothing is kind of well nothing as in it's not enough it's it's the same all the time."

This analysis suggests that "Sweet Nothing" might also imply dissatisfaction with the relationship's status quo, questioning whether Taylor seeks more than what is currently provided.

The Great War

  • "The Great War" uses wartime imagery to describe a tumultuous period in the relationship.
  • The song suggests a near breakup but ultimately survival and commitment.
  • Taylor might have trust issues that affect the relationship dynamics.

"Taylor starts off the song with a scene of War where she says that she tore his banners down and took the battle underground."

The opening of "The Great War" metaphorically represents conflict within the relationship, with Taylor taking active measures that could signify confrontation or self-protection.

"we will never go back to the Bloodshed the crimson clover. and so this song is about surviving the rape War it ends with I vowed I would always be yours because we survived the Great War."

The conclusion of the song signifies overcoming the relationship struggles and reaffirming commitment, drawing a parallel to the historical context of the Great War.

Bigger Than the Whole Sky

  • The song explores themes of loss, which could be interpreted as the end of a relationship or a more literal loss.
  • Lyrics express a longing for what could have been and a sense of unfulfilled potential.

"I've got a lot to Pine about I've got a lot to live without I'm never gonna meet what could have been would have been what should have been you."

Taylor mourns the loss of a future she envisioned with someone, indicating deep emotional pain and the gap left by this loss.

"did some bird flap its wings over in Asia did some Force take you because I didn't pray."

Referencing the butterfly effect, this line suggests pondering the reasons behind the loss, whether it's a small, seemingly insignificant event or a larger force at play.

High Infidelity

  • The song "High Infidelity" is believed by many to be about Calvin Harris and Tom Hiddleston.
  • Allison does not identify any lyrics in "High Infidelity" that she associates with Joe.
  • The song is considered to be mainly about the Calvin Harris and Tom Hiddleston era.

"The song after that is High Infidelity which many people believe to be about Calvin Harris and I think that is possible... so I'm just gonna say this is mainly like a Calvin Harris Tom Hiddleston kind of segment."

Allison suggests that "High Infidelity" may be about Taylor Swift's past relationships with Calvin Harris and Tom Hiddleston, rather than her relationship with Joe.


  • "Glitch" starts with the notion of being "just friends" and the complexity of a situationship.
  • The lyrics reflect a connection despite differences, such as living in different parts of town.
  • The song explores the theme of an unintentional attachment and the breakdown of a system that maintained a relationship for six years.
  • There is a reference to Taylor potentially returning to relationships that are unfulfilling.

"Glitch we start off in the first verse saying we were supposed to be just friends... there's been a glitch... the system's breaking down."

Allison interprets the lyrics of "Glitch" as describing a relationship that was meant to be casual but became more serious, and now is experiencing a breakdown or 'glitch.'

Dear Reader

  • "Dear Reader" is analyzed as reflecting on the sense of entrapment and caution against bad advice.
  • The song suggests the importance of secrecy and privacy in maintaining a relationship.
  • There is speculation about the song being written after a potential breakup with Joe.
  • The lyrics convey a message about seeking guidance and advice from someone who is not currently struggling.

"Dear reader most of the song I think analyzes kind of the 2016 apocalypse kind of sense... Taylor then says Dear reader the greatest of luxuries is your secrets."

Allison interprets "Dear Reader" as a song that deals with the challenges of 2016, the value of privacy, and the aftermath of a possible breakup with Joe, where Taylor reflects on being alone and the credibility of her advice.

It's Different

  • "It's Different" describes the aftermath of a breakup, portraying Taylor as struggling with the emotional impact.
  • The song contrasts previous short-lived relationships with a six-year relationship that ended differently.
  • Taylor's lyrics suggest a deeper connection with this person, making moving on more difficult.
  • The song captures the process of analyzing what went wrong in the relationship.

"Basically the entirety of this song Taylor's kind of being a messy drunk who had been in love but lost that luck... but now it's not easy and it hits different."

Allison discusses "It's Different" as a song that expresses the unique pain of a recent breakup, contrasting it with Taylor's past experiences and highlighting the struggle to move on from a long-term relationship.

Taylor's Relationships and Personal Growth

  • Every relationship and person encountered is seen as a lesson and an opportunity for growth.
  • An ended relationship should not be considered a failure but a stepping stone.
  • Allison expresses confidence in Taylor's ability to make the right choices for herself in the future.

"Every relationship and every person we encounter in our lives is there to teach us something... never think of an ended relationship as a failure because it's just a stepping stone."

Allison reflects on the broader perspective that relationships, whether they end or not, are part of personal growth and should not be deemed failures.

Final Thoughts and Support for Taylor

  • Allison addresses Taylor directly, expressing love and support from herself and Taylor's fans.
  • The discussion is focused on Taylor's music and lyrics, not her personal life.
  • Allison emphasizes the importance of keeping the conversation respectful and positive.

"Taylor if somehow for some reason you are watching this... I just want to say I love you we all love you and we care about your relationship because we care about you."

Allison concludes by sending a message of support to Taylor Swift, assuring her of the fans' care for her well-being and appreciation of her music.

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