Summary notes created by Deciphr AI the latest episode of "13," a Taylor Swift fan podcast, hosts Nick Adams, Anna Z, Amy Nichols, and Lacy G anticipate the release of Swift's album "The Tortured Poet's Department." They embark on a speculative ranking of the unreleased songs based solely on their titles and potential emotional weight, with tracks like "So Long London" and "I Can Do It With A Broken Heart" standing out. The group discusses the significance of track numbers, Swift's lyrical Easter eggs, and their personal connections to the songs. They also plan a live listening party for the album's debut and a Swiftie meetup event. Throughout, the hosts engage in playful banter, referencing Swift's past work, and even speculate on a possible Harry Potter-inspired track.
"Welcome to 13: A Taylor Swift Fan Podcast. My name is Adams, I'm Anna, Amy, and I'm Lacy G, and today we're going to try something that uh could be great could be a total fail I don't know we'll see it."
The quote introduces the podcast and sets up the episode's theme of speculating about Taylor Swift's unreleased album.
"So we're going to do the same thing with the songs even though we haven't heard them yet we're just going on the title alone maybe some people are going on the track number."
This quote explains the hosts' method for predicting their favorite songs from an album they haven't heard yet, using only song titles and track numbers as a basis.
"Nick, I do want to say um one of our sweet listeners did suggest that we do this on Google voicemail um I played it many episodes back."
This quote highlights the podcast's interactive nature and the hosts' willingness to incorporate listener suggestions into their content.
"All right so here here's the track list for the tortured poets Department track one fortnite featuring post Malone which is interesting to have a feature be the first track has she ever done that before I don't think so I don't know I have to go back and look."
The quote presents the tracklist for the speculated album and highlights the unique aspect of having a featured artist on the first track.
"So that's my number five okay. that's track 11. okay all. right. oh yeah. we usually go this way yes. you. okay. no. no. no we go that way."
This quote demonstrates the hosts' process of sharing their predictions and the informal, conversational style of the podcast.
"I think um we're going to learn a lot about clabo. and I'm also very interested in the fact that this is the last song on the standard edition that we know of so far um so I'm just. I I there has to be reason as to why it's the last track."
The quote reflects the hosts' curiosity about the storytelling and significance of the track order within the album.
"Okay all right so for me my fifth favorite song on the tortured poets department is going to be I can fix him. no really I can boy that's going to be in like the denial Apple music playlist the second. it's released right."
This quote shows one host's personal ranking choice and the emotional playlist it might fit into, showcasing the personal connection fans have with music.
"Nikki King talks about it a lot on Tik Tok so go check out what she's saying what a lot of people are saying."
The quote indicates that Nikki King is a relevant voice on TikTok, discussing themes that resonate with many people, possibly related to music or cultural commentary.
"I wonder what the manuscript is going to be about I have absolutely no idea I did read um someone called what's that cute thing on Reddit was theorizing the manuscript what if this is the man you script like just broken down since theorizing this is a lot about relationships failing a relationship I can fix them no really I can if this was the man you script."
This quote reflects the curiosity surrounding the content of the manuscript and presents a theory from Reddit that interprets the manuscript as a metaphor for personal guidance in relationships.
"My boy only breaks his favorite toys. and I think what really is drawing me in on that is The Possession my boy not I don't know there's just something about us."
This quote conveys the speaker's interest in the song title and its implications of ownership and emotional depth.
"I have guilty as Sin question mark I'm intrigued by the question mark and we have heard her say guilty of sin before in um Carolina."
The quote reflects the speaker's curiosity about the song title "Guilty as Sin?" and its potential connection to previous work.
"LOL I'm thinking of Phil dumpy right now LOL laugh out loud WTF. why the face it makes me think um this conversation that maybe you don't use those so much ni."
This quote humorously references a TV character's misunderstanding of text abbreviations, highlighting the generational and personal differences in digital communication.
"Alchemy refers to the process of turning something into gold gold rush from evermor is about how everybody wants Joe people flock to Glimpse him and graze him as if he was precious gold."
The quote discusses the expectations for the song "Alchemy," relating it to the theme of transformation and previous works by Taylor Swift.
"It's track. five. yeah. do I dare say more."
This quote emphasizes the expectation that track five will be emotionally charged, based on Taylor Swift's history of album track listings.
"But. daddy I love him. and it's just like it hurts as a dad it's like I know I'm going to hear that at some point one day."
The quote conveys the speaker's emotional response to the song title, anticipating a song that will touch on the heartfelt dynamics between a father and daughter.
"I can do it with a broken heart just knowing that she powered through that she was on the airs tour that she was doing things that we had no idea about and putting on this Brave face."
This quote expresses admiration for the strength displayed by Taylor Swift, as suggested by the song title "Simple but Crushing."
"The black dog I have learned is a metaphor for depression um and also the black dog I believe is like a pub in London or something."
The quote discusses the multifaceted symbolism of "The Black Dog," anticipating a song with deep emotional content and potential references to places in London.
"I will admit I do get every version of everything that she ever puts out."
This quote highlights Nick Adams's dedication as a fan, collecting every version of Taylor Swift's releases.
"I've never ordered the cassettes cuz it's... I'm realistic what's the point I don't know get... it's a collector thing I said."
Here, Nick Adams acknowledges the impracticality of collecting cassette tapes but also recognizes the collector's mindset behind it.
"Hey guys maybe the black dog is Taylor finally having a Harry Potter song and she's singing about serious black maybe anybody."
Lacy G makes a playful connection between a potential Taylor Swift song and the Harry Potter character Sirius Black.
"I'm currently reading Harry Potter books with my son so like that's our nightly thing right now we're on the Chamber of Secrets."
Amy Nichols shares a personal anecdote about reading Harry Potter, showing the series' impact on family bonding and its cultural significance.
"My favorite song without hearing the tortured poet's department is I can do it with a broken heart."
Anna expresses her anticipation for a song that she believes will be about perseverance, even though she hasn't heard it yet.
"I saw the same thing though the longest being who's afraid of little old M at 5 minutes and 34 seconds so my basis is also on that."
Lacy G discusses the rumored lengths of songs on the new album, indicating a shared source of information with others in the conversation.
"We're going to have a live listening party online on our YouTube channel the night that this comes out."
Nick Adams announces the live listening party, inviting fans to join them for a communal listening experience.
"We did this with midnights and it was a blast it was so fun."
Amy Nichols reflects on a previous listening party, suggesting that it was a memorable and enjoyable event, setting the expectations for the upcoming one.
"event at grandscape in the colony in Texas from 2: to 5: on April 27th that's a Saturday come hang out with us for swifties in the park all the info for tickets and things like that are in the description of our podcast as well we would love to hang out with you maybe you can win some fun prizes it's going to be blast we can definitely console each other after going through this heartbreak together of what's going to be the tortured poets Department it's going to be a good time it's always a good time to get together with swifties and celebrate and talk and theorize and it's just it playing this new album album on repeat it's going to be a super good time."
The quote describes the Swifties in the Park event, emphasizing the community aspect of Taylor Swift fans and the activities planned for the gathering, including playing Swift's new album.
"yes if we have any like pose a question right now that we can basically listen back and answer in just a few days like for example I want to know to our future selves what was the most shocking part of the tortured poets Department"
This quote introduces the idea of posing questions to their future selves, specifically asking about the most shocking part of the new album.
"what is your favorite unique word. yeah that Taylor threw into the tortured poets"
The speaker is curious about new and unique words Taylor Swift may have used in her lyrics, indicating an interest in her word choice and lyrical style.
"which one after a couple days really grew that maybe I didn't understand in the height of our excitement and listening for the very first time"
This question is about the songs that may not have been immediately appreciated but became favorites after multiple listens, acknowledging that music can have a growing impact.
"also how do we all feel now that we know she used Lobster in her lyrics"
The speaker is curious about the group's reaction to the unexpected use of the word "Lobster" in the lyrics, highlighting the surprise element in Swift's songwriting.
"I saw this from Tik Tok like as soon as tortured poet's Department was announced and I've never forgotten it this is from 20 cash regular I've never forgotten it. I've thought about it and respected it and just like random r l in my head came back and laughed at this moment ever since"
The quote reflects on a memorable TikTok video that humorously dramatizes the album title, showing the fan's engagement with other fans' creativity.
"sweet prince has anybody already come up with the idea of calling the the tortured poets Department the Topo Depot cuz that's what I'm calling it The Topo Depot I love that"
A fan's suggestion for an affectionate nickname for the album is shared, demonstrating the playful and creative nature of the fan community.
"I saw someone make a friendship bracelet that says all too well butan. okay only me never mind I thought that was funny that depression is that a depression drug Nick happy look at Nick he didn't even know that's a depression."
The speaker shares a joke about a friendship bracelet that plays on the names of Taylor Swift's songs and antidepressant medication, which not everyone understands.
"don't ever tell anybody to calm down Nicholas."
A humorous rebuke is given after a misunderstanding about the humor in the group's conversation, emphasizing the social dynamic within the group.
"hi 13 a Taylor spce fan podcast my name is Sarah. I'm a spookie that lives in Central Florida and I just wanted to tell you guys how much I love the podcast like literally I love listening every single week I've been listening since like 2021"
Sarah introduces herself, declares her love for the podcast, and indicates she has been a long-time listener, showing the podcast's impact on its audience.
"I'm so excited for the tortured poets Department I am very excited for the song Florida with three exclamation points because I went to Tampa night two"
The listener shares specific details about her excitement for the new album and her personal connection to the song "Florida," highlighting the personal significance of Taylor Swift's music to fans.
"thanks for listening the 13 a Taylor Swift fan podcast subscribe for free and leave a positive review on Apple podcast Spotify or Google podcast."
The closing statement invites listeners to support the podcast through subscriptions and positive reviews, fostering community engagement.