Sadhguru (World’s No.1 Guru) PREDICTS There Is A Mental Health Pandemic Coming! & We Are On The Brink Of Extinction!

Summary Notes


In a profound discussion, Sadhguru, a globally renowned spiritual leader, delves into the impending mental health crisis predicted by the WHO, emphasizing that human suffering stems from a lack of internal consciousness and the perpetual desire for more. He contrasts the pursuit of external achievements with the necessity of inner enhancement, arguing that without the latter, individuals succumb to stress and a sense of purposelessness. Sadhguru advocates for a practice of inner engineering, a process of becoming conscious of one's physiological and psychological functions, to combat the compulsiveness that leads to psychological distress. He challenges the notion of seeking life's meaning, positing that life's richness lies beyond intellectual constructs. Furthermore, he underscores the critical state of soil degradation, highlighting its impact on mental health and the vitality of all life forms, advocating for the Save Soil campaign to address this ecological concern.

Summary Notes

Prediction of Mental Health Pandemic by WHO

  • World Health Organization (WHO) predicted an impending mental health pandemic.
  • Sadhguru emphasizes that the mental health pandemic is not inevitable and can be addressed.

"The World Health Organization made a prediction. There will be a mental health pandemic. But this is not something that has to happen."

This quote highlights the WHO's warning about a potential mental health crisis and Sadhguru's belief that it can be prevented.

Sadhguru's Mission and Impact

  • Sadhguru, a widely viewed guru, aims to elevate individuals to their highest potential.
  • He founded one of the largest nonprofit organizations in the world.

"Need to Saad Guru, one of the most viewed gurus in the world. His mission is to raise every human being to the peak of their potential."

Jay Shetty introduces Sadhguru, outlining his mission and influence.

Discontent Despite Comfort and Technology

  • Modern generation has unprecedented comfort and technology but remains unhappy.
  • Constant desire for more leads to suffering.
  • Suffering is universal across different life circumstances.

"We have more than any other generation ever had in terms of comfort and technologies. Yet we are miserable people."

Sadhguru points out the irony that despite material comfort, people are not content.

Choice Between Wisdom and Wounds

  • Trauma can be an excuse for unhappiness.
  • Individuals have the power to choose their response to unpleasant experiences.
  • Happiness should not be contingent on external circumstances.

"If something unpleasant happened to you, you have two choices. Either you can become wise or you can become wounded."

Sadhguru emphasizes personal agency in responding to life's challenges.

The Path to Happiness

  • Sadhguru offers a simple 21-minute practice for personal transformation.
  • Human beings have the potential to achieve remarkable states of being.

"There is a simple practice which will only take 21 minutes."

Sadhguru suggests a practical method for individuals to work towards happiness.

Gratitude from Jay Shetty

  • Jay Shetty expresses gratitude to his audience for their support.
  • He emphasizes the impact of subscribing to the podcast on its success and future content.

"I just want to start this episode with a message of thanks, a thank you to everybody that tunes in to listen to this podcast."

Jay Shetty shows appreciation for his listeners and the growth of his platform.

Mental Health and Suicide Statistics

  • WHO warns about a suicide pandemic following the mental health pandemic.
  • Sadhguru provides statistics from Japan to illustrate the severity of the issue.
  • Jay Shetty shares UK suicide statistics, highlighting the gender disparity and age impact.

"In 2020, when the pandemic was in full swing all over the world, in Japan, more people died of suicide than of the pandemic."

Sadhguru uses this statistic to underline the critical nature of mental health issues.

Sadhguru's Personal Experience and Realization

  • Sadhguru recounts a profound personal experience that led to his work.
  • He discovered a method for achieving inner ecstasy.
  • His goal was to share this experience with the world.

"I just walked up and sat on a rock. My eyes were still open. I thought, it's just 1015 or 20 minutes. Suddenly, I started feeling every cell in my body literally dripping ecstasy."

Sadhguru narrates a transformative moment that shaped his life's work.

The Nature of Human Longing

  • Humans have an intrinsic desire to expand limitlessly.
  • Sadhguru discusses the futility of trying to satisfy this longing through material means.
  • He explains the difference between survival instincts and the deeper longing to expand.

"There is something within a human being which wants to expand limitlessly."

Sadhguru describes the fundamental human urge to grow beyond boundaries.

Misidentification as the Root of Suffering

  • Identifying with thoughts, emotions, and physiological processes leads to suffering.
  • Sadhguru argues that life itself is not problematic, but false identifications are.
  • He criticizes the idea of life as inherently suffering.

"The only problem is you're identified with things that you are not."

Sadhguru identifies misidentification as the cause of human despair and confusion.

Seeing Life As It Is

  • The importance of perceiving life clearly to navigate it effectively.
  • Misinterpretation of life leads to complications and suffering.
  • Sadhguru advocates for a realistic view of life.

"The problem is not that what you're doing is wrong. The way you're seeing it is wrong."

Sadhguru suggests that perspective, rather than actions, is often the source of issues.

Evidence of Misguided Perception

  • Statistics on mental health and suicide indicate a problem with societal perception.
  • Sadhguru points out that not everyone is suffering to the same extent, but it is widespread.

"As you giving me the evidence from statistics? That's the evidence."

Sadhguru uses Jay Shetty's statistics to support his argument about the prevalence of suffering due to misperception.

The Importance of Perception Over Expression

  • Sadhguru emphasizes the need to invest in perception rather than expression.
  • He critiques the trend of people writing and expressing without deep understanding.

"There is expression and there is perception. Which should you invest in more? Perception."

Sadhguru argues for the value of deep understanding before expressing opinions or ideas.

The First Step Towards a Blissed-Out Life

  • Sadhguru offers guidance for those seeking to live a blissful life.
  • He emphasizes the importance of internal well-being over external circumstances.

"I'll tell you. See, whatever you call it, you call it by whatever name you want. Stress, anxiety, tension, depression, bipolar."

Sadhguru prepares to offer advice on achieving internal peace and happiness.

Psychological Ailments and Compulsiveness

  • Sadhguru was surprised to learn from top UK psychiatrists about the existence of 72 varieties of psychological ailments.
  • Compulsiveness is a common thread in these ailments, exemplified by compulsive behaviors like nose picking.
  • The solution to compulsiveness, according to Sadhguru, is to become conscious, as consciousness eliminates compulsive behavior.
  • He asserts that humans inherently desire the highest level of pleasantness for themselves and do not need to be inspired to seek bliss.

"I was talking to some of the top psychiatrists in UK and they told me there are 72 varieties of psychological ailments... One of the things they told was compulsive nose picking... It's compulsiveness... If you become conscious, compulsive behavior is gone."

The quote emphasizes the prevalence and variety of psychological issues, focusing on compulsiveness as a fundamental problem. Sadhguru suggests consciousness as a remedy for compulsive behavior.

Perception of Heaven and Human Intelligence

  • Sadhguru challenges the notion of heaven as a place of eternal pleasantness, questioning the need to imagine such a place when one can create pleasantness on Earth.
  • He criticizes the human tendency to allow intelligence to turn against oneself due to a lack of understanding of how to handle it.
  • Education systems and societies fail to teach individuals how to manage their intelligence, emotions, and thoughts, leading to mental ailments.

"Every human being wants the highest level of pleasantness for themselves... But why is my intelligence turning against me? Somewhere we have not learned how to handle it, isn't it?"

Sadhguru points out the universal desire for a pleasant existence and identifies a gap in education regarding the management of one's own intelligence, which can lead to self-destructive behavior.

Mental Diarrhea and Overthinking

  • Sadhguru uses the metaphor of mental diarrhea to describe the uncontrolled, distressing flow of thoughts.
  • He contrasts the traditional approach to physical diarrhea, which involves identifying and avoiding the cause, with the modern tendency to suppress symptoms without addressing the root cause.
  • Sadhguru asserts that overthinking is a misconception; instead, people experience uncontrollable thoughts because they identify with things they are not.

"They have a mental diarrhea... The moment you identify yourself with something that you are not, your mind, you cannot stop."

This quote illustrates the concept of mental diarrhea as an uncontrollable mental state caused by misidentifying with things that are not truly representative of oneself.

Suffering from Nonexistent Problems

  • Humans often suffer from past events or potential future scenarios that do not currently exist.
  • Sadhguru equates this with insanity, highlighting the unnecessary nature of such suffering.
  • He suggests that large-scale mental health issues are predicted to occur due to this tendency.

"What is it that human beings are suffering? What happened ten years ago, they're still suffering. What may happen day after tomorrow, they're already suffering... If you're suffering something that does not exist, what does it mean?"

The quote discusses the human propensity to suffer from things that are not present realities, suggesting that this behavior is akin to insanity.

Dealing with Loss and Maintaining Sanity

  • Sadhguru differentiates between the pain of losing a child and the stress of losing a job, emphasizing the importance of maintaining sanity to potentially save a loved one.
  • He reflects on the inevitability of death and the importance of using one's time and energy meaningfully.
  • Sadhguru shares his personal approach to dealing with loss, choosing to experience emotions consciously rather than letting them control him.

"Obviously, there will be a certain amount of pain in any human being. That's different... Can you do the best for the child if you are in your sanity, or is it good to go into insanity?"

Sadhguru acknowledges the natural pain associated with loss but advocates for remaining sane to act in the best interest of the situation.

Emotion Control and Choice

  • Sadhguru claims he has conditioned himself to only experience emotions that he chooses, including love, joy, and sadness.
  • He differentiates humans from other creatures by their ability to consciously decide their emotional state regardless of external circumstances.

"Nothing happens within me the way I don't want it... If I want, I can be loving. If I want, I can be joyful. If I want, I can be sad."

The quote highlights Sadhguru's belief in the human ability to control internal emotional states, asserting that he personally practices this control.

Passion, Purpose, and Inner Engineering

  • Sadhguru warns against becoming overly committed to a single purpose, which can lead to fanaticism or extremism.
  • He stresses the importance of inner joy and self-determination in experiencing life.
  • Passion and purpose should not be externally driven but should come from an inner state of joyfulness.
  • Sadhguru introduces Inner Engineering as a process to understand and control one's own thoughts and energies.

"If you get absolutely committed to your purpose, you will be called a fanatic... So there is no purpose to life if you are not a vested interest."

This quote cautions against the dangers of becoming too fixated on a singular purpose, suggesting that life's purpose should not be externally imposed but should arise from an individual's inner state.

The Importance of Self-Start and Inner Experiences

  • Sadhguru compares the self-start function of a car to the self-start nature of inner experiences.
  • He emphasizes that while external events cannot always be controlled, inner experiences can be self-regulated.
  • Sadhguru encourages individuals to take control of their inner states and not rely on external circumstances for happiness.

"Inner experiences are always on self start. Outside world will never happen 100% our way... It is only fine if you are joyful by your own nature."

Sadhguru's quote underscores the importance of self-regulation for inner experiences, contrasting this with the unpredictable nature of external events.

The User's Manual for Life

  • Sadhguru metaphorically refers to a user's manual for life, suggesting that one should invest time in understanding oneself.
  • He encourages individuals to become aware of their own mechanisms, comparing it to learning how to use a new device.
  • Inner Engineering is described as a process for gaining this self-understanding.

"The most sophisticated machine on the planet. Have you read the user's manual?"

This quote likens the complexity of human life to a sophisticated machine, implying that understanding oneself is crucial for navigating life effectively.

Experiment on Breath and Energy

  • Sadhguru conducts an experiment with Jay Shetty to demonstrate how subtle changes in posture can affect breathing and energy flow.
  • The experiment involves switching hand positions and observing changes in the breath.
  • Sadhguru explains that unconscious actions can disrupt one's energy and inner peace.

"Just by turning your hands around like this, the very way you breathe is altering itself... How many times in a day, unconsciously, are you now you're setting your energies into turmoil and hoping to be peaceful."

The quote explains the experiment's purpose, which is to show how even small, unconscious actions can have a significant impact on one's internal state.

Perception of Sense Organs

  • Sense organs are designed for survival, not for enhancing life.
  • They are outward bound, meaning they are used to perceive external rather than internal phenomena.
  • To perceive within oneself, one must turn inward, which requires effort beyond survival instincts.

"All your sense organs are outward bound because they are survival instruments."

The quote emphasizes that our primary senses are geared towards external survival, not internal understanding or enhancement of life.

Striving Beyond Survival

  • Activities beyond mere survival require effort and guidance to learn, like learning the alphabet.
  • Societies historically invested in inward well-being, leading to significant advancements and wealth.
  • Enhancing oneself is crucial for effective leadership and reducing stress in CEOs.

"Anything that's beyond survival needs striving."

This quote highlights that non-survival skills and qualities require deliberate effort to develop, unlike instinctual survival mechanisms.

Societal Orientation and Competition

  • Society prioritizes competition over peace and joy, starting from early education.
  • The competitive mindset leads to deriving pleasure from others' failures, which is unhealthy.

"So the whole life is about being better than somebody means. Essentially what it means is I enjoy your failures."

The quote criticizes the competitive nature of society, suggesting it fosters a harmful joy in others' misfortune.

Trauma and Choice

  • Individuals can choose how to respond to trauma: becoming wise or wounded.
  • Carrying trauma as a badge can lead to inflicting pain onto others, which is counterproductive.

"Either you can become wise or you can become wounded. Choose."

This quote presents the idea that individuals have a choice in how they let past trauma affect them.

Neurology and Practice

  • Simple practices can significantly increase endocannabinoid levels, leading to happiness.
  • People have innate receptors for endocannabinoids, suggesting internal production over external substitution.

"The endocannabinoides in their system is 70% higher than what is considered to be normal."

The quote refers to research findings that certain practices can naturally elevate mood-enhancing chemicals in the body.

Human Existence and Intelligence

  • Existence is fundamental, and activities like thinking and emoting are secondary.
  • Intellect is a sharp tool that requires conscious handling to avoid self-harm.

"Your existence is fundamental. These are all activities of your existence, the life that you are."

The quote underlines the primacy of existence over intellectual or sensory activities.

Artificial Intelligence and Human Creation

  • AI is a product of human intelligence and should not be considered superior.
  • Over-emphasis on intellectual capacity can lead to a one-dimensional understanding of intelligence.

"Artificial intelligence is created by human beings, isn't it?"

The quote points out that AI is a human invention and thus a subset of human intelligence.

Concerns About AI and Human Error

  • AI potentially reduces human error in decision-making processes.
  • Development in technology, including AI, is seen positively if it improves processes and reduces mistakes.

"At least artificial intelligence means there'll be a proper process before we launch anything."

The quote expresses optimism that AI can introduce more reliable and error-free processes in critical decision-making scenarios, like military actions.

Sadhguru's Critique of Conventional Education

  • Sadhguru expresses dissatisfaction with traditional education, feeling it unnecessary and burdensome.
  • He recalls feeling insulted by the existence of calculators, which could easily do the math he was forced to learn.
  • Sadhguru preferred learning through life experiences like swimming in lakes and exploring the countryside.

"But when I went, I thought this was just an unnecessary nonsense in my life."

This quote reflects Sadhguru's perception that conventional education was irrelevant to his personal growth and learning.

Vision for a World Without Tedious Jobs

  • Sadhguru envisions a world where people are freed from jobs due to technological advancements.
  • He argues that if basic needs like food are met, people could pursue more fulfilling activities.
  • Sadhguru suggests that current jobs are a waste of human potential.

"Suppose everybody on the planet is fed... this is when human beings can do something absolutely fantastic."

Sadhguru emphasizes the potential for human greatness if the struggle for basic survival is eliminated.

Technology's Impact on Work and Purpose

  • Sadhguru mocks the idea of reverting to manual labor, predicting protests against physical work in the future.
  • He questions the need for jobs when technology can perform tasks, citing his reaction to seeing a calculator.
  • Jay Shetty brings up the need for a sense of purpose, to which Sadhguru responds that many people's purposes are false.

"That's what I said the first moment I saw the calculator. I said, what? This nonsense? Why am I doing all this when I can do tuktuk tuk here?"

Sadhguru recalls his realization that technology could replace the need for manual calculations, questioning the purpose of learning such skills.

The Illusion of Purpose

  • Sadhguru criticizes the idea that people need a manufactured sense of purpose.
  • He suggests that many people live for simplistic goals, like providing for their family, without understanding their life's potential.
  • Sadhguru argues that this is an unfortunate reality of the world we've created.

"You need a false purpose to live, because you have not even made an attempt to understand what this life is about, what its potential is about."

The quote illustrates Sadhguru's belief that many people live with artificial purposes without exploring the deeper meaning of life.

The Impossibility of Starting from Scratch

  • Sadhguru dismisses the idea of creating a new society from a "blank canvas."
  • He emphasizes the need to gradually rebuild society while it's still functioning.
  • Sadhguru uses an analogy of a doctor and a mechanic to illustrate the complexity of making changes in an ongoing system.

"That's never going to happen. Where is a blank canvas? How do you create a blank canvas? It's never going to happen."

Sadhguru asserts that it's unrealistic to expect to start society anew, as it's an ongoing, functioning system.

The Importance of Inner Joy and Self-Understanding

  • Sadhguru discusses the significance of internal happiness and self-awareness.
  • He explains that joy, love, and peace are states of being that come from within and do not depend on external factors.
  • Sadhguru emphasizes that understanding oneself is crucial for a blissful life.

"If your mind becomes pleasant, we call this peace. You want this only to create pleasantness in your surroundings, do you need the cooperation of various people and many forces around you?"

The quote highlights the idea that mental peace and internal happiness are independent of external circumstances and are within one's control.

The Fallacy of Searching for Meaning

  • Sadhguru argues that life's meaning is a construct of the mind and not inherent to existence.
  • He suggests that the search for meaning arises from distress or an inability to appreciate life's profoundness.
  • Sadhguru contrasts Eastern and Western approaches to life, with Eastern thought focusing on experiencing life rather than finding meaning.

"Only human mind needs meanings... Only when you're miserable, it's important."

This quote conveys Sadhguru's belief that the search for meaning in life is a product of human psychological distress.

The Absurdity of Believing in Central Importance

  • Sadhguru criticizes the egocentric view that one is the center of the universe.
  • He references historical misconceptions perpetuated by dogmatic religious beliefs.
  • Sadhguru challenges the idea that life has a predefined meaning.

"And you don't know where you're going. You're just here for a brief amount of time and you think you are the center of the world."

Sadhguru points out the folly in assuming one's central importance in the grand scheme of existence.

The Save Soil Campaign

  • Sadhguru explains the Save Soil campaign, highlighting the critical role of soil in sustaining life.
  • He warns of the dire consequences of soil degradation, including potential widespread mental illness.
  • Sadhguru emphasizes the urgency of recognizing soil as a living system and not merely a resource.

"Soil is not a resource. It's your source."

This quote underscores the fundamental importance of soil as the basis of life, not just a material to be exploited.

Living Out of Humanity

  • Sadhguru reflects on the essence of living a life guided by humanity rather than external values or commandments.
  • He suggests that one should live by spreading joy rather than adhering to prescribed norms.
  • Sadhguru concludes by emphasizing the importance of humanity in one's life.

"I live not because of my values. I live not because of my morality. I live not because of some commandments from somewhere. I live out of my humanity."

Sadhguru encapsulates his philosophy of life, which is centered on living with humanity as the core principle.

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