REVERSE RISK AND MAKE MORE MONEYMY FAVORITE CLOSE.🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 The Best CaseWorst Case Close It's made me a ton of sales AND helped a lot of people take the next step... Ep 52

Summary Notes


Alex, the speaker, shares his effective sales technique, the "best case, worst case close," which he frequently used to sell fitness programs. He emphasizes the power of offering a 100% satisfaction guarantee to alleviate customer hesitation and boost confidence in the product. This risk reversal strategy not only increased sales but also instilled pride and accountability in his staff across six locations over five years, with only two customers ever requesting refunds. Alex encourages sales managers to adopt this approach, assuring it leads to stronger sales and more satisfied customers. He concludes by inviting listeners to follow his journey on Instagram, where he plans to grow his following by sharing more sales tips.

Summary Notes

Introduction to the 'Best Case, Worst Case' Close Technique

  • Alex introduces a sales technique he frequently uses called the 'Best Case, Worst Case' close.
  • This method is categorized under risk reversal strategies in sales.
  • It is particularly used when selling fitness programs to help prospects make a decision.
  • The technique involves outlining the best and worst possible outcomes for the client.

Going on, everybody. Happy Friday. I wanted to make you a quick video this morning, thinking about it, of one of my favorite closes that I use all the time.

Alex is introducing the purpose of the video, which is to share a favored sales closing technique.

This kind of falls under the category of a close risk reversal.

Alex categorizes the 'Best Case, Worst Case' close as a risk reversal strategy, which is designed to minimize the perceived risk for the buyer.

Best Case Scenario

  • The best case scenario is presented as an ideal outcome from purchasing the fitness program.
  • It includes significant personal benefits such as improved physical appearance, positive family impact, wardrobe benefits, and social gains.

Best case scenario, we get you an amazing shake. You become an example for your kids, your husband looks at you differently, you get into the clothes that you have in your wardrobe that you were talking about earlier, and you fall in love with the community, and you make a whole bunch of friends.

Alex describes the best case scenario as a transformative experience with multiple personal and social benefits.

Worst Case Scenario

  • The worst case scenario is framed to minimize any perceived negative outcomes.
  • It includes a humorous approach to potential dissatisfaction with Alex's appearance and the community.
  • The client is reassured with a money-back guarantee and free workouts, emphasizing the seller's confidence in the program.

Worst case scenario, you get done with the first month or your first six weeks, your first twelve weeks, whatever it is, right? And you say, alex, I think your long hair and your stash look are really creepy. I don't really like your community that much. And so then I just give you your money back and you still get all the workouts on us.

Alex humorously outlines the worst case scenario, which still includes a full refund and free workouts, demonstrating the seller's belief in the value of the program.

Seller's Belief and Confidence in the Product

  • Alex expresses strong belief in the fitness program's ability to change lives.
  • The 'Best Case, Worst Case' close is used to convey the seller's confidence and commitment to the client's success.

That's how much I believe in this program and that I believe I'm going to be able to change your life.

The quote reflects Alex's confidence in the program and his commitment to the client's transformative journey.

Conclusion and Persuasion

  • The technique concludes with a persuasive push, aiming to convince the prospect to make a positive decision.
  • Alex uses the 'Best Case, Worst Case' close as a compelling argument to reduce hesitation and encourage the sale.

Right. And I would keep going on that tangent with...

Alex indicates that he would continue to elaborate on this persuasive technique to close the sale effectively.

Confidence in Product and Service

  • Alex emphasizes the importance of having confidence in one's product and service.
  • A 100% satisfaction guarantee is used as a selling point to close sales.
  • Only two customers have ever requested refunds, indicating a high level of customer satisfaction.
  • The guarantee is specifically for the level of service provided.
  • The offer aims to remove any hesitation potential customers might have.

"Think about how confident we have to be in our product and our service to be able to make that kind of guarantee for you, right?"

This quote highlights the confidence required to offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee, suggesting the company's strong belief in the quality of its product and service.

"I had 100%, any reason satisfaction guarantee for any of the products that we sold."

Alex explicitly states the commitment to customer satisfaction by offering a no-questions-asked refund policy.

"If you feel like you did not get the level of service that you asked for, I will give you the money back."

The quote clarifies that the satisfaction guarantee is focused on the service aspect, ensuring customers feel they receive value for their money.

Overcoming Customer Hesitation

  • The satisfaction guarantee is a tool to overcome potential customers' fears and objections.
  • Alex uses the guarantee to address concerns about investing in a gym membership.
  • The refund policy is framed as a risk-free proposition to the customer.
  • Alex presents the policy as a way to alleviate concerns a spouse might have about the investment.
  • The "best case, worst case" scenario is used to close sales effectively.

"Our reputation matters a lot more, and so I just don't want you to feel like you had anything holding you back in order to take the next step."

This quote emphasizes the company's focus on reputation and the desire to eliminate barriers for customers to engage with the service.

"Best case, you totally change your life. Worst case, I just give you the money back, and you're on your own, right?"

Alex presents the ultimate win-win scenario to the customer, reducing perceived risk by ensuring they have nothing to lose.

"And that way, it overcomes the whole husband thing, because you're like, listen, you can tell your husband it was a great deal, right? There's nothing to lose."

The quote addresses a common objection by suggesting that the satisfaction guarantee can convince a skeptical spouse of the value and lack of risk in the service.

Satisfaction Guarantee as a Sales Strategy

  • Alex recommends using a 100% satisfaction guarantee, especially for initial periods or weight loss programs.
  • The guarantee is positioned as a commitment to customer satisfaction and a powerful sales tool.
  • It is suggested that the guarantee can be particularly persuasive in the context of short-term challenges.

"And that best case, worst case, close, I used all the time, and it is based around the concept of 100% satisfaction guarantee, which if you don't have that, I would definitely recommend doing it, especially for first months or for a weight loss program that people are signing on to for the front end."

Alex advocates for the strategic use of the satisfaction guarantee in closing sales, particularly for new sign-ups and specific programs like weight loss challenges, indicating its effectiveness in securing customer commitment.

Customer Satisfaction and Money-Back Guarantee

  • Alex emphasizes the importance of over-delivering on services to ensure customer satisfaction.
  • Alex mentions only two customers requested refunds, demonstrating confidence in the quality of service.
  • Alex used a money-back guarantee as a persuasive tool for customers hesitant to commit.
  • The money-back guarantee became a part of the program, empowering staff and reinforcing service quality.
  • The guarantee served as a motivational tool for staff, instilling pride and accountability.

"I'll give you the money back. Right? And we just knew that we were trying so hard to over deliver that no one could really say that they didn't get the service."

This quote illustrates Alex's commitment to customer satisfaction and the confidence in their service delivery, willing to offer a refund if the customer feels they did not receive the value promised.

"I will give you your money back if you feel like it is not worth it."

Alex uses the money-back guarantee as a reassurance to customers, mitigating their risk and addressing their concerns directly.

"Best case scenario, change your life. Worst case scenario, I'll give you your money back."

This quote demonstrates the use of the money-back guarantee as a selling point, framing the service as a risk-free investment for the customer.

"We have 100% money back guarantee for satisfaction on service. All right, so you guys need to be on point."

Alex communicates the guarantee to the staff as a directive to maintain high service standards, knowing that the company's finances are directly tied to customer satisfaction.

"We put our money where our mouth is, right? We say we're the best, but then we back it up."

Here, Alex emphasizes the integrity of the business, showing that they stand behind their claims with tangible actions, such as the money-back guarantee.

Staff Motivation and Company Culture

  • The money-back guarantee fosters a culture of excellence among the staff.
  • Staff members feel a sense of legitimacy and confidence in their service, knowing the company offers a guarantee.
  • The policy serves as a reminder for staff to provide top-notch service, as their performance is directly linked to the guarantee.

"Everyone starts to kind of sit up tall because they're like, yeah, we're legit."

This quote reflects the positive impact of the money-back guarantee on staff morale, making them feel part of a credible and trustworthy organization.

"It's super cool for the staff to hear that, that you're like, you believe in them that much and it totally crushes from the sell side."

Alex recognizes the motivational aspect of the guarantee for the staff, which translates into better sales performance and customer service.

Encouraging Listener Engagement

  • Alex transitions to encouraging listeners of the podcast to engage by rating or reviewing the show.
  • This suggests a parallel between engaging customers in a service-oriented business and engaging listeners in the context of a podcast.

"Hey, if you're a return listener and you have not rated or reviewed the show, I want you to know that."

The quote indicates a call to action for listeners, implying the importance of their feedback, much like customer feedback is crucial in a service business.

Podcast Growth and Listener Engagement

  • The hosts encourage listeners to actively participate in growing the podcast.
  • They emphasize the importance of word-of-mouth promotion.
  • There's a call-to-action for listeners to provide support by performing a simple task.
  • The hosts convey a sense of community and shared responsibility among entrepreneurs.

"And like I said, the only way that podcast grows through word of mouth and this is you joining hands with me and helping as many entrepreneurs as we possibly can because no one is coming to save us. It's just us."

This quote highlights the significance of listener involvement in the podcast's growth and the collective effort needed to support the entrepreneurial community.

Sales Strategy: Risk Reversal and Satisfaction Guarantee

  • Speaker A discusses the importance of having a risk reversal, such as a money-back guarantee, in sales.
  • The strategy is presented as a means to increase revenue and customer satisfaction.
  • There is an emphasis on the psychological comfort provided to customers through guarantees.
  • The follow-through on promises is identified as a key factor in strengthening sales.

"I'm telling you, if you're not doing this and you don't have a risk reversal and like a satisfaction guarantee when you're selling anything, you're missing out."

This quote underscores the belief that risk reversal strategies are essential for successful sales and are often overlooked by sellers.

Sales Tips and Social Media Engagement

  • Speaker A offers sales advice and encourages listeners to share it with colleagues.
  • They mention sharing more sales tips on Instagram and invite listeners to follow their journey.
  • There's a focus on practical applications of sales techniques to make more money and help people.

"Use the best case, worst case, close risk reversals. Work like crazy. Do them and make more money and help more people."

The quote is a concise summary of the sales advice given, emphasizing the use of specific closing techniques and hard work to achieve success in sales.

Closing Podcast Episodes

  • Speaker A acknowledges the need to improve the efficiency of closing podcast episodes.
  • There is an awareness of the time it takes to conclude an episode and a desire to do it faster.

"And I have to learn how to close these things faster."

This quote indicates the speaker's self-reflection on the pacing of the podcast's conclusion and a goal to streamline the process.

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