In a candid discussion, Speaker B reflects on their serendipitous career trajectory, starting with an unexpected opportunity at Spike Lee's advertising agency, and the subsequent decision to forgo medical school. Emphasizing the importance of intuition and active engagement with life's possibilities, Speaker B shares personal insights on destiny, asserting that it is not preordained but shaped by our choices and actions. They advise against passive waiting for destiny to unfold, instead advocating for listening to one's inner voice and letting go of preconceived notions. This approach has consistently guided Speaker B through career transitions, underscoring that true success is defined by personal happiness and the freedom to pursue one's passions.
"Spike Lee is blackity, blackity black. First of all, all the blackness. No, but he is a film director, really, at his core. Filmmaker, let's call it that, because he certainly produces and does other things and writes. But he has an advertising agency in New York. When I was there was on Madison Avenue."
This quote explains Spike Lee's multifaceted role in the entertainment industry and specifies the location of his advertising agency, highlighting its significance in the advertising world.
"I graduated from Wesley University, which was in Milltown, Connecticut, and it was just time to apply to med school and I really didn't want to. And New York was right there. It was like an hour and a half from school and I really didn't have a plan. I just went trying to escape what I thought was my destiny."
This quote provides context for Speaker B's move to New York, highlighting the motivation behind the decision and the proximity to their previous environment.
"So many people are in that chapter of their life where they're trying to find their destiny or trying to help, trying to figure out a way to let their destiny find them."
This quote acknowledges the common struggle people face in seeking their purpose or allowing their purpose to emerge naturally.
"The letting go, for me is like the letting go of preconceived ideas about what it is that you are going to do letting go of. Sometimes you're like trying to do something and keep hitting a wall. You're just like, oh, if I just hit it one more time, it's going to break. Sometimes it's like, you know, that's a cement wall, right? If you just move 5ft to the right, it's actually plaster and you're going to go right through it."
The quote emphasizes the concept of letting go as an active decision to move beyond fixed expectations and to be adaptable in the pursuit of one's goals.
"I can feel it, like in my spirit. And that understanding of your intuition, and if you're listening to it, it's like a magnet."
"It's going to just draw you closer to the thing that you're supposed to do. And it has happened every single time."
"Like every job, every move I've made hasn't been because somebody said, oh, you know what? This makes logical sense."
"I'm like, I don't know, something inside. I'm telling you, it's telling me that this is the way to go."
"I don't believe things are pre written. Actually, for me, the idea of destiny isn't that something is already predetermined for you."
"The concept is basically like if you're running for the train and you catch it, you jump inside, you have one destiny. If the doors close, you still stand on platform. Then you have to catch the next train."
"I think your constant movement, your constant Discovery is actually what then brings the destiny to you."
"I do believe that we are constantly creating our destiny."
"These experiences, the people we're meeting, the people you're in relationships with, it happens because there's a certain action that you take that leads you to that thing."
"Now it's your choice whether or not you take it. And then that's when the whole intuition thing comes up for me, right?"
"They want to write pro and con lists. They want to ask people for advice, do you think I should do this or should I do that? Both of these are good. Why are you asking other people? They don't know. They're not living your life."
This quote emphasizes the common practice of seeking external validation for decisions and the inherent flaw in doing so, as others do not have the same life or destiny.
"It's hard to hear your intuition when George is very loudly telling you, yes, George being your father."
The quote illustrates how dominant external opinions, represented by "George," can make it difficult to listen to one's inner voice or intuition.
"But it is like any muscle, you got to work it, you've got to listen to it. You have to make it brave to talk to you."
This quote compares intuition to a muscle that requires exercise and attention to become braver and more communicative.
"Throughout my life, I've had to listen to my intuition allow it to lead me. Even when other people were like, no."
The quote reflects the speaker's personal journey of trusting their intuition despite opposition from others, highlighting the importance of inner guidance.
"It is so hard. I'm not pretending as if this is the easy thing where it's like, oh, just listen to your intuition be fine. Thing is dumb, hard. It's like, look, because sometimes the logic makes a lot more sense than your intuition. And so I'm not saying that it's easy, but it is the only choice if you want to be successful."
This quote acknowledges the challenge of following intuition, especially when it contradicts logic, but frames it as necessary for achieving true success and fulfillment.
Like, do I have freedom, man? And freedom isn't just like, I can do whatever the hell I want. Freedom is that I can be working on a campaign and not sleep for three days because I'm so excited about it.
This quote emphasizes that freedom is the ability to engage in activities that bring excitement and joy, even to the point of sacrificing sleep due to passion for the work.
What is your definition of success? Because if you're not clear on it, someone else is going to write that definition for you.
This quote highlights the importance of understanding and defining success for oneself to avoid following someone else's expectations or societal norms.
When I started recognizing that Sunday scares were tied to my wrong turns, guess who jumped into the driver's seat real quick? Me.
This quote suggests that realizing the connection between anxiety about the upcoming week and one's life choices can be a catalyst for taking control and making changes.
Do you feel great? Do you have ickiness when you're with them? That's a Sunday scary that you need to watch out for.
This quote advises that persistent negative emotions in a relationship are a warning sign, similar to the dread of Sunday scaries, and should be addressed for one's well-being.