Int 814 with Aaron R. Day a entrepreneur, investor, and advisor

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Summary Notes


In this comprehensive discussion, Aaron Day, a seasoned entrepreneur, investor, and liberty activist, delves into the pressing issues surrounding central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), the erosion of individual freedoms, and the urgent need to adopt alternative currencies like crypto, gold, and silver. Day warns of the imminent threat posed by CBDCs, which are designed for complete control and surveillance, aligning with the UN's Agenda 2030 and the push for a one-world government. He recounts his personal journey, from being impacted by government policies to advocating for the Free State Project and ultimately living off crypto and precious metals. Day emphasizes the importance of self-custody of assets, the pitfalls of the current banking system, and the potential of privacy coins like Monero and Zeno for secure transactions. Additionally, he addresses the misinformation spread by figures like Mike Gill, cautioning against amplifying defamatory content and the legal risks involved. Day's message is clear: individual action and education are crucial in resisting the encroaching technocracy and preserving free will.

Summary Notes

Theme: The Power of Individual Wisdom and Shared Knowledge

  • Everyone has unique insights and experiences, which can contribute to a collective understanding and improvement.
  • The Missing Link talk show, hosted by Jesse Hale, aims to unveil mysteries through the wisdom and stories of various individuals.
  • The show advocates for unity, transparency, and collaboration to create a better world.

"Everyone has something to share in either wisdom, story or logic. And it's clearly amazing to hear all the differing missing links discovered by people unique to their own journeys and in how they have come to discover them."

  • This quote emphasizes the value of individual experiences and the collective wisdom that can be gained from sharing these stories.

Theme: Entrepreneurship, Investment, and Political Activism

  • Aaron Day, a serial entrepreneur, investor, and advisor, has a background in various sectors and is a political activist.
  • He shares his journey of starting tech companies, investing, and his radicalization due to government actions.
  • Day moved to New Hampshire as part of the Free State Project, aiming to make it a beacon of liberty.
  • He has been involved in political organizations and super PACs and has helped elect numerous candidates at the state level.
  • Day has shifted focus to crypto and blockchain technology, living off crypto, gold, and silver since 2019.

"I started out as a serial entrepreneur. I dropped out of college when I was 19, started my first tech company, sold it, and then got involved in investing for a little while."

  • This quote outlines Aaron Day's early entrepreneurial journey and his initial success in the tech industry.

Theme: Impact of Government Policies on Businesses

  • Day's healthcare company was negatively impacted by government policies such as Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, and the Department of Justice.
  • He emphasizes that his experience was not due to being targeted, but rather collateral damage from these policies.

"Started a healthcare company, which was destroyed by the federal government, it was destroyed by Obamacare, it was destroyed by Dodd-Frank, and it was destroyed by the Department of Justice."

  • This quote highlights the detrimental effect that government policies can have on individual businesses, leading to Day's radicalization and increased activism.

Theme: The Free State Project and Political Involvement

  • Day was the chair of the Free State Project and has been involved in running political organizations to support liberty-focused candidates.
  • His political activism aimed to influence state-level politics and promote the values of liberty.

"I moved to New Hampshire as part of the Free State project, which is a movement to get 20,000 people to move to New Hampshire and to make New Hampshire the beacon of Liberty for the world."

  • This quote explains Day's involvement in the Free State Project and his goal of creating a hub for liberty in New Hampshire.

Theme: Disillusionment with Politics and Shift to Crypto

  • Day became disillusioned with politics and began exploring alternatives outside the traditional system.
  • His interest in crypto and blockchain led him to fully exit the dollar and rely on alternative currencies.
  • Day investigated the source of COVID tyranny and government targeting of the crypto community, concluding that it's part of a move towards a one-world government with central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) as the control system.

"Eventually gave up on politics in 2018 and decided to look for alternatives outside of the system. And so, in particular, was interested in crypto and blockchain technology I'd actually learned about and got my first bitcoin in 2012, and then I exited the dollar completely in 2019."

  • This quote details Day's transition from political activism to focusing on cryptocurrency as a means of operating outside of traditional government-controlled financial systems.

Theme: The Futility of Voting Out Tyranny

  • Day expresses skepticism about the possibility of voting out tyranny due to the captured nature of the federal government, apathetic voters, and deep state influences.
  • He argues that elections are controlled by political parties using big data and AI, rather than reflecting the will of an informed electorate.

"I've seen politics up close have no belief, excuse me, that anything can be done at the federal government level for a variety of reasons. It's captured by big financial interests, for one."

  • This quote conveys Day's belief that the federal government is beyond reform due to the influence of big financial interests and the entrenched deep state.

Theme: Democracy vs. Constitutional Republic

  • Day discusses the shift from a constitutional republic to a mob rule democracy in the United States.
  • He criticizes the overreach of unelected officials using administrative rules to enforce policies without voter consent.

"The United States was supposed to be a constitutional republic where the role of the government was explicitly defined and limited, but it has become more of a mob rule democracy."

  • This quote emphasizes the deviation from the original intent of the U.S. government structure, leading to increased tyranny through administrative overreach.

Theme: Global Governance and Public Health

  • Day outlines the push towards global governance through organizations like the World Health Organization and the pandemic treaty.
  • He warns of the erosion of national sovereignty and individual rights under the guise of public health.

"You have public health basically as the conduit for the erosion of rights and the erosion of national sovereignty, even above and beyond what people may or may not vote for."

  • This quote highlights the use of public health as a tool for centralizing power and eroding national sovereignty, posing a threat to individual freedoms.

Theme: The Role of Experts and Organized Incompetence

  • Day criticizes the rise of experts in society, suggesting that expertise often represents compliance with indoctrination rather than true knowledge.
  • He describes the system as "organized incompetence," where those at the top push agendas through a hierarchy of indoctrinated individuals.

"Being an expert just means, basically, that you have complied with. Excuse me. You have. You've complied with training and indoctrination."

  • This quote suggests that the designation of "expert" often reflects adherence to a prescribed set of beliefs, rather than independent thought or genuine expertise.

Theme: The Inherent Goodness of People and the Difficulty of Breaking Free from Indoctrination

  • Day ponders whether people are inherently good or evil and the role of indoctrination in shaping beliefs and behaviors.
  • He discusses the challenge of becoming aware of one's programming, especially from the first seven years of life, which is highly influential.

"So what that also means is for the first seven years of your life, you're highly programmable. And so what goes in the first seven years will largely determine what the outcome is unless you become aware of the fact that that programming happens at a very fundamental and deep level those first seven years."

  • This quote underscores the significance of early childhood in shaping an individual's worldview and the difficulty in overcoming ingrained beliefs and societal programming.

Theme: The Boiling Frog Theory and Societal Complacency

  • Day questions whether society will reach a tipping point where people wake up to the encroaching control and take action.
  • He observes that people are often distracted by manufactured conflicts and fail to notice the expansion of surveillance and moves towards global governance.

"So I think for as long as people are detracted and distracted into thinking that they have to pick one of these lesser of two evils choices, we're not going to have that boiling frog situation or that situation where people wake up."

  • This quote expresses doubt that people will collectively awaken to the threats facing them as long as they remain preoccupied with choosing between flawed options presented by the system.

Theme: The Need to Stop the New World Order

  • Day believes it is essential to stop the New World Order, as its vision does not allow for coexistence with alternative systems.
  • He argues that a small, committed percentage of the population can resist and prevent the implementation of the New World Order through non-compliance and civil disobedience.

"So we actually have to stop the new world order, because their design on this is to control, regulate and manage every asset on earth."

  • This quote conveys Day's urgency in resisting the New World Order, which he sees as an existential threat to freedom and self-determination.

Theme: Exiting the Monetary System and Embracing Alternatives

  • Day advocates for exiting the fiat currency system and adopting alternatives like crypto, gold, and silver.
  • He emphasizes the need for innovation in crypto to counteract the central banks' advancements with CBDCs.
  • Day is working on a point of sale system for merchants to accept alternative currencies and is educating people on how to use them.

"So if we're going to have a shot, we need to start exiting these systems, starting with fiat currency immediately."

  • This quote highlights Day's strategy to undermine the control of central banks and the impending CBDCs by encouraging people to adopt alternative currencies and payment systems.

Theme: Challenges and Solutions for Using Crypto in Everyday Transactions

  • Day acknowledges the difficulty in using crypto for everyday transactions like buying groceries.
  • He is actively involved in creating a system that allows merchants to accept crypto and other alternative currencies.

"One of the benefits of being in New Hampshire is that we have a huge community. So I can buy groceries from a local farmers market and in fact, I can use these things, goldbacks, which are bills."

  • This quote illustrates the practical use of alternative currencies in local communities and Day's efforts to expand this practice through his initiatives.

Theme: The Great Taking and Asset Ownership

  • Day discusses the concept of the "Great Taking," where individuals do not truly own their assets, such as stocks and retirement funds.
  • He warns of the potential for a sweeping confiscation of assets linked to CBDCs and the importance of self-custody of tokens.

"So in addition to crypto, gold and silver as an alternative to cash, you know, I'm, I'm not allowed to say this because, because of, you know, the law in the United States, you're not allowed to give financial advice unless you're part of this registered cartel that has the power of the state behind it."

  • This quote sheds light on the precarious nature of asset ownership under the current financial system and the need for individuals to take control of their assets to avoid potential confiscation.

Theme: Strategies for Those Living Paycheck to Paycheck

  • Day offers advice for those with limited means, emphasizing the importance of reducing dependency on the system, lowering expenses, and considering non-compliance with financial institutions.

"But then a lot of it is at some point, there's going to be a decision about, am I paying these bills or not? Am I paying my credit card? Am I going to continue to comply with these banks that print money out of thin air and then charge me extortionate interest rates?"

  • This quote suggests that individuals may need to make difficult choices regarding their financial obligations to break free from the control of the monetary system.

One World Government and Digital Tyranny

  • The speaker assumes a future of one world government and digital tyranny is the default scenario.
  • There's a belief that we're not going back to the pre-COVID world; systems of control have been in development for decades.
  • The speaker suggests that recognizing digital slavery as the default increases willingness to exit the current system.
  • Emphasis on the need to build alternatives to the guaranteed technocracy and tyranny being rolled out.

"The default is a one world government and complete digital tyranny. I assume that that is the base case scenario."

  • This quote highlights the speaker's belief that a global government and digital oppression are the inevitable outcomes if current trends continue.

Technocracy, Tyranny, and Bio-Digital Convergence

  • Discussion of technocracy involves merging humans with technology, potentially leading to digital slavery.
  • Concerns about an AI-based reality and the loss of connection to natural elements and spiritual beliefs.
  • Questions raised about the possibility of living off-grid and the risks of non-compliance with the digital system.

"This technocracy and tyranny and digital slavery that you talk about is the mergence of bio-digital convergence."

  • The quote summarizes the concept of technocracy and its potential impact on human autonomy and natural living.

Resistance to the Technocratic Model

  • The technocratic model is seen as incompatible with individual and property rights.
  • Those in power believe their knowledge and status justify overriding individual rights.
  • The speaker suggests that there is no coexistence with this model and emphasizes the need for resistance.

"There is no, you know, there's no coexistence with this model."

  • The quote expresses the speaker's view that the technocratic model cannot be allowed to coexist with traditional human values and rights.

Manufactured Scarcity and Control

  • Belief that scarcity, particularly regarding climate and resources, is being manufactured as a means of control.
  • The speaker discusses the centralization of economic systems through carbon credits and the role of large corporations.
  • The Dokonomy Mastercard is cited as an example of how financial transactions could be tied to carbon output.

"I think they're absolutely manufacturing it, and they're manufacturing it in a very specific and provable way."

  • This quote emphasizes the speaker's belief that scarcity is deliberately created to control and manipulate populations.

Technological Suppression and Abundance

  • The speaker believes that there is no true scarcity and that suppressed technologies could provide abundant energy.
  • The Invention Secrecy Act is mentioned as a tool for suppressing patents that could threaten existing economic interests.
  • The speaker advocates for the release of suppressed technologies to achieve true potential and abundance.

"I believe that we have no scarcity. I believe that even at a fundamental level, we're more energy than material."

  • The quote reveals the speaker's perspective that scarcity is a manufactured concept and that humanity has untapped potential.

Climate Change and Propaganda

  • Climate change is viewed as a scam used for control, with the actual impact of human carbon emissions considered negligible.
  • The speaker criticizes the use of climate change as a justification for taxation and control, despite natural processes like forest fires contributing significantly to carbon emissions.

"So this thing is a total scam that they're perpetrating on humanity as a control mechanism structure."

  • The quote expresses the speaker's view that the narrative around climate change is used as a pretext for exerting control over people.

Energy and Human Experience

  • The speaker believes that manufactured energy scarcity has profoundly limited human experience.
  • The poisoning of various aspects of life with oil-based products is criticized.
  • The speaker suggests that alternative energy sources could lead to a more abundant and less restricted existence.

"So much of our life is tied down to manufactured energy scarcity that we don't even conceive of all of the ways in which our decisions and choices on a day to day basis."

  • This quote indicates the speaker's belief that scarcity, especially in energy, has been artificially created and has deeply affected human life choices.
  • The use of legal names and participation in the financial system is seen as compliance with the control system.
  • The speaker encourages the use of alternative currencies and private trading to become ungovernable and resist centralized control.

"Exit the systems, exit, exit the dollar, exit public health, exit public school, stop buying from big food, exit the stock market."

  • The quote is a call to action to withdraw from systems that the speaker believes perpetuate control and tyranny.

Cryptocurrency and Freedom

  • Cryptocurrency is discussed as a tool for freedom, but with caution due to the prevalence of fraudulent or hijacked cryptos like Bitcoin.
  • The speaker advocates for privacy coins like Monero and Zeno as better alternatives for maintaining privacy and autonomy.

"I happen to take the view that technology isn't inherently good or bad. It's what you make of it."

  • This quote reflects the speaker's stance that technology, including cryptocurrency, can be used for good or bad, depending on how it is utilized.

Historical Precedent of Government and Money

  • Governments historically have debased currency, including precious metals.
  • Rome debased silver currency to 0.05% silver content by the end of the empire.
  • Separation of money and state is advocated to prevent government corruption in monetary systems.
  • Voluntary trade should be free from government influence.

"Even gold and silver in the hands of government will be debased. We saw that with Rome, where by the end of the roman empire, I think silver, there was only 0.05% silver in a silver round."

  • This quote highlights the historical precedent of government debasement of currency, using the example of the Roman Empire's silver coins.

Market Dynamics of Gold and Silver

  • The speaker believes that gold and silver prices are suppressed.
  • The ratio of paper silver and gold to physical is extremely high.
  • Central banks and countries like China and India are accumulating gold.
  • Precious metals are used in technology, leading to a dwindling supply.
  • The concept of a "gold back" is discussed as a practical currency.
  • There is a potential for future supply shocks in precious metals, such as asteroid mining.
  • Historical examples include the gold rush in the 1840s in the United States.

"There's more silver used every year in commercial applications like technology and all the other places that silver's used than is mined. So there's actually a dwindling supply of silver."

  • This quote explains the current market situation for silver, with demand outstripping supply due to its industrial uses.

Government Confiscation and Regulation

  • Historical instances of government confiscation of gold, such as during the 1930s in the US.
  • The importance of self-custody of assets, including gold and cryptocurrency.
  • The SEC's approval of Bitcoin ETFs is seen as a way to make Bitcoin easier to confiscate.
  • The Canadian government's freezing of bank accounts and crypto during the trucker convoy protest is discussed.
  • The concept of "Operation Choke Point" in the US, where banks can shut off access to funds.
  • Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are viewed as a threat due to their programmable and potentially surveillant nature.

"In the United States, gold has been confiscated before FDR did this in the 1930s. And if you had your gold in a vault or a safety deposit box, they literally just took it."

  • This quote references the historical example of government confiscation of gold to emphasize the importance of self-custody.

Cryptocurrency and Privacy

  • Bitcoin's public ledger and the use of chain analysis for tracking transactions.
  • The distinction between the original purpose of Bitcoin and its current speculative nature.
  • The recommendation to use privacy coins like Monero for transactions.
  • The speaker's support for using encrypted, private forms of digital cash and tokens to counteract the surveillance and control of CBDCs.

"So bitcoin is a surveillance coin that has been hijacked by the same people in the United States that have developed all three US CBDCs."

  • This quote criticizes Bitcoin's lack of privacy and suggests that the development of CBDCs in the US is part of a larger surveillance agenda.

The Role of Individuals in Resisting Financial Tyranny

  • The speaker encourages taking ownership of assets and engaging in voluntary trade.
  • A small percentage of people embracing freedom and self-custody can lead to significant change.
  • The speaker references historical examples of resistance, such as the American Revolution over a tax on tea.

"Are we going to take ownership of our assets and engage in voluntary trade or not? If we accept that we don't own our assets because some elites manipulate a system and decide that by law we're not allowed to engage in voluntary trade and we're not allowed to exit free will, are we going to tolerate that? I say no."

  • This quote emphasizes the speaker's belief in the power of individual action and ownership as a form of resistance against financial control and tyranny.
  • The case of Ian Freeman, imprisoned for selling Bitcoin without a license, is discussed.
  • The speaker criticizes the legal system for holding individuals accountable for the actions of their customers.
  • The potential impact of the Supreme Court's Chevron case on cryptocurrency regulation is mentioned.

"Ian literally didn't even know what was going on. And now he's sitting in this prison, and they've. And they've taken his money, and they've tried to destroy his character."

  • This quote describes the plight of Ian Freeman as an example of the legal challenges faced by cryptocurrency advocates.

Accessibility of Alternative Currencies for Seniors and Non-Tech-Savvy Individuals

  • The speaker has written a book to educate people about CBDCs and alternative currencies.
  • Workshops are conducted to provide practical advice on using cryptocurrencies and precious metals.
  • The speaker is developing a point-of-sale system to make transactions with alternative currencies easier.
  • The use of goldbacks, a physical form of gold currency, is promoted for those who prefer not to use digital currencies.

"People should not have to be technologically sophisticated to use money. Money is for everyone."

  • This quote underscores the need for alternative currencies to be accessible and easy to use for all individuals, regardless of their technical expertise.

Potential Scams and the Importance of Vigilance

  • The speaker warns of scams in the cryptocurrency and precious metals markets.
  • The importance of verifying transactions and sources before engaging in financial activities is stressed.
  • The speaker shares personal experiences and ongoing efforts to navigate and educate others on the use of alternative currencies.

"You have to be vigilant on literally all of this stuff, because there are scams. There are scams everywhere."

  • This quote highlights the need for caution and due diligence when dealing with alternative currencies to avoid falling victim to scams.

Political Influence and Corruption

  • Discussions about significant political donations and their potential to act as a money laundering scheme.
  • The bipartisan nature of corruption in Washington, D.C., with both Democrats and Republicans being implicated.
  • The system operates on mutual blackmail, which prevents politicians from being held accountable.
  • The congressional slush fund for settling sexual harassment cases is an example of behind-the-scenes corruption.

"Well, I mean, it was mostly democratic Democrats, but it was also Republicans. And that's the thing that people need to understand, and this is a common situation in Washington, DC, is it's basically a system that operates on mutual blackmail."

The quote explains the pervasive nature of corruption in Washington, D.C., highlighting that it is not limited to one party and involves a system of mutual blackmail that keeps politicians from holding each other accountable.

Sam Bankman-Fried and Effective Altruism

  • Sam Bankman-Fried's family's political and ideological background, with significant ties to the Democratic party.
  • His parents' involvement in healthcare policy and tax automation.
  • The concept of effective altruism, which justifies actions based on the greater good, regardless of collateral damage.
  • Bankman-Fried's belief in his own ideology as a member of the elite and his lack of remorse for the consequences of his actions.

"And Bankman Fried learned this from his parents. And so literally, he was instilled with this idea. He probably still doesn't think he's guilty. He thinks that he's one of the elite. He went to MIT. He's one of the people that's supposed to save the world."

This quote summarizes Bankman-Fried's mindset and the ideology of effective altruism that he was taught, suggesting that he likely does not feel guilty for his actions because he believes he is working towards a greater good.

Technocracy and Its Impact on Individual Rights

  • Technocracy aligns with the idea that the end justifies the means.
  • The disregard for individual rights and natural law by those in power.
  • The difficulty for those who believe in free will and individual rights to internalize the mindset of technocrats.

"This fits in perfectly with technocracy. When you read the books and the works of his parents, these people don't have any remorse for what happened. They feel like this was perfectly justified."

The quote emphasizes the alignment of Bankman-Fried's actions with the principles of technocracy and the lack of remorse shown by those who subscribe to this ideology, highlighting their belief in the justification of their actions.

Cryptocurrency Regulation and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)

  • The crackdown on cryptocurrency by various regulatory bodies, including the SEC and CFTC.
  • Recent legal actions against crypto-related individuals and companies.
  • The FBI's position on cryptocurrencies involved in illegal activities.
  • The push for CBDCs and the potential elimination of alternatives to government-controlled currencies.

"And so I say it's Defcon one because the reason they're doing all of this is because they're rolling out cbdcs."

This quote points out the urgency of the situation regarding cryptocurrency regulation and the government's efforts to pave the way for CBDCs by eliminating alternatives.

Communitarian Model and Individual Rights

  • The conflict between the communitarian model, which prioritizes the collective good over individual rights, and the ideology of individual freedom.

"Now, when you mentioned the end justifies the means. That's almost like their communitarian model about the needs of the many outweigh the individual rights."

This quote draws a parallel between the justification of actions for the greater good and the communitarian model that may disregard individual rights for the sake of the collective.

Use of Alternative Currencies and Taxation

  • The state-by-state variance in the use and taxation of alternative currencies like goldbacks.
  • The importance of grassroots movements in promoting the use of alternative currencies.
  • The speaker's advocacy for taking small steps towards using alternative currencies to prepare for potential emergencies.

"So this is a state by state issue. The way that I look at it is this, and I'm not, you know, don't hold me to this, as I'm not a lawyer, but if, if you can find someone who's willing to accept it, then, then you can use it."

This quote addresses the practical considerations of using alternative currencies and the varying regulations that apply from one state to another.

Zimbabwe Zim Bonds and Currency Backing

  • Skepticism about the long-term viability of currencies claimed to be backed by gold, including the Zimbabwe Zim bonds.
  • Historical patterns of government-backed currencies failing or disconnecting from their gold backing.

"Every fiat currency and every government controlled currency, even gold and silver backed, has failed in human history. It has a 0% success rate."

The quote provides a historical perspective on the failure rate of fiat and government-controlled currencies, casting doubt on the reliability of currencies like the Zimbabwe Zim bonds.

Defamation Lawsuits and the Spread of Misinformation

  • The speaker's personal experience with defamation lawsuits and the spreading of misinformation.
  • The dangers of amplifying defamatory statements and the legal risks associated with doing so.
  • The challenges of combating falsehoods and the responsibility of independent media to fact-check and verify claims.

"And the challenge that I have with it is he already owes $400 million in these judgments. And so I actually literally can't sue him. There's nothing to sue."

This quote highlights the speaker's predicament in dealing with defamation and the futility of pursuing legal action against someone who has already accumulated massive judgments.

Misinformation and the Role of Independent Media

  • The proliferation of misinformation and the lack of fact-checking in independent media.
  • The potential for independent media to be hijacked for propaganda purposes.
  • The importance of verifying information and not relying on unnamed sources or unverified insider claims.

"To the extent that the mainstream media is pure propaganda, independent media has no standards for actually doing any fact checking whatsoever."

The quote criticizes the lack of standards in independent media for verifying information, which contributes to the spread of misinformation.

Personal Reflections and Advocacy for Change

  • The speaker's focus on helping people understand and use alternative currencies.
  • The emphasis on changing one's own thoughts, actions, and emotions rather than trying to change rigged systems.
  • The call for voluntary exchange and collaboration to lead the way out of current challenges.

"The only thing that we can actually change is our own thoughts, our own actions and our own emotions."

This quote reflects the speaker's belief in personal empowerment and the ability of individuals to effect change through their own choices and actions.

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