I Followed an ANTIROUTINE that Made Me MILLIONS Ep396



Alex Rosi, a successful business investor and owner of acquisition.com, shares his transformative journey from near bankruptcy to earning over seven figures a month by age 27. He challenges conventional wisdom by advocating for an "anti-routine," emphasizing the power of saying no to create space for true priorities. By eliminating non-essential activities and distractions, such as unnecessary communication and social events, Rosi was able to focus on what truly mattered. His key strategies included changing his phone number to limit interruptions, maintaining consistent sleep schedules, and optimizing his work environment to maximize productivity. Rosi's narrative underscores the importance of prioritization, disciplined time management, and the elimination of excess to achieve outsized success.

Summary Notes

Introduction to the Game of Productivity and Success

  • Alex Rosi introduces the concept of productivity and success in the realm of business.
  • The focus is on the importance of saying no to non-essential tasks to free up time.

"Literally, when I looked at my schedule, half my day was like, one off calls that I was like, well, maybe this is an important thing, but you would be amazed at how much blank space appears in your calendar when you say no to everything."

This quote emphasizes the impact of being selective with commitments on one's schedule, suggesting that saying no can lead to more free time for important tasks.

The Podcast's Mission

  • The podcast aims to share strategies for acquiring customers, increasing customer value, and retaining them.
  • It also covers the hosts' experiences with failures and lessons learned in business.

"About how to get more customers, how to make more per customer, and how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons we have learned along the way."

The quote outlines the core topics of the podcast, focusing on customer acquisition, value maximization, and retention, as well as learning from mistakes.

Alex Rosi's Journey to Financial Success

  • Alex Rosi narrates his journey from financial struggle to earning over seven figures a month by age 28.
  • He challenges listeners to verify his claims and introduces his business, acquisition.com.

"I'm going to walk you through the exact antirutine that took me from broke to taking home over seven figures a month in income, not revenue and income, by the time I was 28 years old."

This quote summarizes Rosi's financial transformation and sets the stage for sharing the strategies that led to his success.

Acquisition.com and the Misconception of Million Dollar Routines

  • Rosi owns acquisition.com, a portfolio of companies with significant annual revenue.
  • He expresses skepticism about common perceptions of million-dollar routines and highlights that ultra-successful individuals often have unconventional approaches.

"I own acquisition.com, which a portfolio of companies does about $85 million a year. And the reason I'm making this is because I see stuff on the Internet all the time of people talking about their million dollar routines and all the stuff and all the guys that I know who are like me are, like, worth nine figures and up."

This quote introduces Rosi's business credentials and critiques the popular discourse on success routines, hinting at a more nuanced reality.

The Paradigm Shift and Anti-Routine Concept

  • Rosi plans to share a paradigm shift that greatly impacted his life.
  • He introduces the concept of the "anti-routine" as a more productive approach than traditional routines.

"And so I'm going to walk you through what people actually do and the things that I had to go through in those seasons of building that are not commonly talked about."

The quote promises to reveal lesser-known strategies and experiences that contributed to Rosi's success, challenging common assumptions.

Misguided Questions About Routines

  • Rosi argues that asking successful people about their routines is the wrong question.
  • He posits that success often comes from lacking certain common habits rather than possessing unique ones.

"But what I'm going to do is break down to you why the questions that people are asking are wrong, because they're asking them the wrong way."

This quote suggests that the typical questions about success routines are misguided and that a different approach is needed to understand the drivers of success.

The Anti-Routine as a Path to Success

  • Rosi emphasizes that champions may succeed due to the absence of certain habits rather than the presence of unique ones.
  • He introduces the anti-routine as a powerful tool for achieving outsized results.

"And so what I want to introduce to you is a concept of the anti routine as the most productive routine that is humanly possible for you to accomplish what you want."

The quote introduces the concept of the anti-routine, proposing it as a superior method for achieving personal and professional goals.

Mindset Shifts and Tactical Changes

  • Rosi promises to share the mindset shifts and tactical changes that led to his financial success.
  • He emphasizes the importance of stopping certain actions rather than starting new ones.

"I'll walk through the mindset shifts, and then I'll walk through the tactics that actually changed my life in a real way. The things that I stopped doing rather than things that I started doing that ended up yielding the results that were outsized."

This quote sets the stage for a discussion on the specific changes in mindset and behavior that were pivotal in Rosi's journey to success.

Prioritization and the Power of Saying "No"

  • Recognizing that not all tasks can have equal importance.
  • The act of spending equal time on different tasks mistakenly equates their importance.
  • The necessity of saying "no" to certain tasks to establish true priorities.
  • Emphasizing the importance of an anti-routine, which involves rejecting additional tasks.
  • The concept of a "season of no" to enhance productivity by focusing only on what's truly important.

"So number one is that priorities mean two things cannot be equally important."

This quote underscores the fundamental principle of prioritization: only one thing can be the most important at any given time.

"And so the theme of this entire video is the word no, all right?"

Alex Rosi highlights the central theme of the discussion, which is the power and necessity of saying "no" to achieve effective prioritization and productivity.

"So you can't say yes to everything. And therefore, it means that you can't do two things with different levels of importance."

Alex Rosi explains that by saying "yes" to everything, you fail to prioritize, which is essential for productivity and achieving goals.

Communication and Implied Requests

  • Understanding that most communications from others contain an implicit request for a response.
  • Recognizing that responding to every message or request is not scalable or obligatory.
  • Differentiating between having the time to reply and being obligated to reply.
  • The example of 500,000 texts illustrates the impracticality of feeling obligated to respond to every communication.

"And what that take says is that there's a request to reply, all right? They're asking you to do something, which is to reply to the message."

Alex Rosi points out that when people communicate with you, they often expect a response, which can become a demand on your time.

"Most people have the time to reply and conflate the fact that they have time with the fact that they are obliged, they are obligated to reply."

This quote from Alex Rosi indicates a common misconception: having the time to do something does not necessarily mean one is obligated to do it.

Establishing an Anti-Routine

  • The practice of not replying to messages as part of an anti-routine.
  • The personal challenge faced by Alex Rosi in not responding to people during an 18-month period.
  • The idea that personal growth and productivity can come from a disciplined approach to communication.

"And so during this season of no, during this anti routine period of time, what I did during that 18 months was I stopped replying to people."

Alex Rosi describes his personal experience of not replying to people as a way to focus on his priorities and maintain productivity.

Growth Through Word of Mouth

  • Acknowledging the importance of word of mouth for the growth of the podcast.
  • The decision not to use ads or sponsorships for promotion.

"The only way this grows is through word of mouth."

Alex Rosi emphasizes that the podcast’s growth depends solely on listeners sharing it with others, highlighting the value of organic growth.

Theme: The Importance of Paying it Forward

  • Alex Rosi emphasizes the significance of sharing the podcast with others as a form of gratitude and spreading good karma.
  • He suggests that if someone learned about the podcast through a recommendation, they should continue the cycle of sharing.
  • This act of sharing is seen as a way to support other entrepreneurs.

"I don't sell anything. My only ask is that you continue to pay it forward to whoever showed you or however you found out about."

The quote underlines the speaker's request for listeners to share the podcast as a way of paying it forward, without any commercial intent.

Theme: The Role of Social Needs in Business Events

  • Alex Rosi observes that many business events and masterminds are attended for social reasons rather than to address specific problems.
  • He shares a personal experience of attending a mastermind, extracting value, and then not returning for 18 months.
  • His success in the mastermind was attributed to executing on what he learned rather than continuously seeking new information.

"The next thing is that I realized that all of the events and masterminds and coaching programs, they were mostly for social needs."

This quote reflects the speaker's realization that networking events often serve social purposes rather than solving business problems.

Theme: Focusing on Execution Over Information

  • Alex Rosi states that knowing what needs to be done is more important than continuously seeking new information.
  • He advises that once you have the necessary knowledge, further information can be a distraction from execution.
  • Rosi's personal strategy involved eliminating distractions to focus on the essential work.

"So I didn't need more information, I needed more execution, right?"

The quote stresses the importance of executing known tasks over seeking additional information once you understand what is required for success.

Theme: Strategic Communication and Time Management

  • Alex Rosi changed his phone number to control who could contact him directly, reducing unnecessary communication.
  • He delegated his old number to his executive assistant and only reached out proactively to essential contacts.
  • This change led to a significant increase in available time on his calendar.

"You would be amazed at how much blank space shows up on your calendar when you say no to everything."

The quote highlights the effectiveness of being selective with commitments in creating more time for focused work.

Theme: Prioritizing Uninterrupted Work Periods

  • Alex Rosi stopped taking meetings from 4 AM to noon to ensure he had 8 hours of uninterrupted work.
  • He acknowledges that in the early stages of business growth, hands-on work is often necessary due to limited team leverage or talent.
  • The speaker implies that routines may evolve as teams grow and can take on more responsibilities.

"I stopped taking meetings from 04:00 a.m. To noon every day. I worked for the first 8 hours completely uninterrupted."

This quote explains the speaker's approach to dedicating the first half of the day to focused, undisturbed work, reflecting the value of a solid routine in productivity.

Leveraging Time and Prioritization

  • Alex Rosi emphasizes the importance of leverage and using time effectively to achieve more work than one could do alone.
  • Prioritizing tasks and saying no to non-essential activities is crucial for success.
  • Alex adopted a strict schedule with no meetings from 4:00 AM to noon, focusing solely on the priority task.

"And that's because I have leverage. But until you have leverage, leveraging your time appropriately is what is going to move the needle the most."

Alex Rosi discusses the significance of having leverage—being able to accomplish more through others than one could individually—and how proper time management is key before one has leverage.

Consistent Daily Routine

  • Alex Rosi stopped differentiating between weekends and weekdays, maintaining the same bedtime and wake-up time.
  • Consistency in daily routine allowed him to focus on priorities during his designated work hours from 4:00 AM to noon.

"I stopped treating weekends different than I treated weekdays. And I had the same bedtime, so I had the same wake up time, so that every single day I could say no to everything during four to twelve."

This quote explains Alex Rosi's strategy of maintaining a consistent daily routine, including identical bedtimes for weekdays and weekends, to ensure he could focus on his priorities without deviation.

Minimum Effective Dose for Exercise

  • Alex Rosi limited his workout routine to twice a week, which was his minimum effective dose to maintain his health.
  • He focused on not trying to progress in multiple areas simultaneously but rather on prioritizing certain goals.

"I only worked out about twice a week. And that was because that was my minimum effective dose for working out, right? Because that was all I needed just to maintain."

The quote reflects Alex Rosi's approach to fitness during a period where his priority was not making progress in exercise but maintaining his health with the least amount of time spent working out.

Diet and Productivity

  • To increase productivity, Alex Rosi practiced fasting one or two days a week.
  • Fasting allowed him to avoid interruptions from eating and food-related activities, and he consumed only caffeine and bone broth on those days.

"So for me, it was actually more productive for me to fast one or two days a week because then I could work and not be interrupted by the eating, preparation, thinking, cleaning of food."

Alex Rosi explains that fasting improved his productivity by eliminating the time and mental energy associated with food consumption and preparation.

Social Media Management

  • Alex Rosi deleted all social media apps from his phone to avoid distractions.
  • He scheduled specific times for social media interaction via his computer, focusing on posting rather than consuming content.

"So I deleted all that stuff from my phone. And you'd be amazed at your, like, ghost thumb of how addicted you are."

Alex Rosi discusses his decision to delete social media apps to combat addiction and reclaim time, suggesting that managing social media usage is a key factor in improving productivity.

The Impact of Reducing Social Media Consumption

  • Alex Rosi points out that excessive time spent on social media can prevent people from accomplishing their tasks.
  • He suggests that by reducing social media consumption, individuals can regain significant amounts of time.

"5 hours a day on their phone consuming social media. It's literally the new age of watching television."

This quote highlights the issue of social media overuse, comparing it to the time-consuming nature of watching television, and implies that reducing this can lead to more productivity.

Embracing a 'Season of No'

  • Alex Rosi advocates for a period where one says no to non-essential activities to focus on priorities.
  • He believes that stopping certain activities can be more beneficial than searching for a "magic routine" to achieve success.

"It's not like there's some secret magic routine that's going to get you there. It's just that most of the stuff you are doing, you need to stop, and you need to enter into a season of no."

The quote encapsulates Alex Rosi's philosophy that saying no to certain activities can be more effective than trying to find a perfect routine, stressing the importance of elimination over addition for productivity.

Summary of Tactics for Success

  • Alex Rosi summarizes the primary tactics that contributed to his success during an 18-month period of transformation.
  • These tactics included strict time management, consistent routines, minimal exercise, fasting, and social media management.

"And so those were the primary tactics that I changed during the 18 months."

This quote provides a brief summary of the tactics Alex Rosi implemented in his life over an 18-month period, which he attributes to his financial and personal success.

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