How to Work Ep 145

Summary Notes


In a discussion with Layla, Speaker A delves into the concept of work ethic, particularly in the context of gym ownership and the gym launch business model. They explore the idea of a single predictor of success and introduce a framework of four work stages, ranging from not understanding hard work to mastering efficiency and effectiveness. Speaker A shares anecdotes, including Layla's experience with the rigorous demands of gym launches, to illustrate the progression through these work stages. They emphasize that work is a skill that can be developed rather than an innate trait, and that moving through these stages can lead to outsized returns on effort. Speaker A encourages business owners to guide their teams through these levels to maximize productivity and effectiveness.

Summary Notes

Introduction to the Discussion on Work

  • Speaker A begins with a greeting and sets the stage for a conversation about the concept of work, specifically in the context of gym launch.
  • The aim is to identify a single predictor or stat that could indicate someone's likelihood of success over time with gym launch.
  • Speaker A references a conversation with Layla about this topic.

"Good morning, everyone. Happy Tuesday. Hope you have a terrific start to your Tuesday. I wanted to make this video because I had a conversation with Layla, the lovely Layla, about work today."

The quote is an introduction to the discussion, mentioning Layla and the focus on the concept of work as it relates to success in a specific business venture.

The Financial Planning Industry as an Analogy

  • Speaker A uses the financial planning industry as an analogy to explain the concept of a success predictor.
  • A successful financial planner has clear metrics: $200 a day and a three-year growth period.
  • There is a high failure rate in the industry, raising the question of whether the issue lies in the industry or the individuals.

"If you look at, let's say, the financial planning industry, like, if you want to become a financial planner, to become a successful financial planner, they know the math. It takes $200 a day, and that's what you need to do."

This quote outlines the specific goals and metrics used in the financial planning industry to gauge success, suggesting a parallel to finding similar metrics in other industries.

Success and Failure in Financial Planning

  • Speaker A discusses the high failure rate in financial planning and questions whether the industry is a scam or if individuals lack what it takes to succeed.
  • The concept of "having what it takes" is critical to understanding success in any business.

"Most people fail. It's like an 80% plus failure rate before the three year mark. Now, is being a financial planner a scam? 80% of people plus don't make it. Is it a scam or do some people just not have what it takes to be successful?"

The quote addresses the high failure rate in financial planning, prompting a discussion about the nature of success and the factors contributing to failure.

Gym Launch Success Path

  • Gym launch presents a well-defined path to success, unlike other systems that may seem mysterious.
  • The process forces individuals to confront whether they truly want to succeed in the gym business.
  • Success becomes a matter of choice rather than a lack of knowledge.

"But with gym launch, the success path is extremely well defined. Like, this is what you need to do, and this is what you need to do consistently in order to achieve x, right."

This quote emphasizes the clarity and definition of the success path provided by gym launch, contrasting it with less structured approaches.

Confrontation with Desire to Succeed

  • Individuals working with gym launch eventually confront the reality of whether they want to continue in the gym business.
  • Success is no longer mysterious, and the decision to proceed is based on personal desire and commitment.
  • Speaker A assures that anyone working with them will know what it takes to be successful.

"Or it's a no, and then they realize that, oh, my gosh. It's not that I don't know what to do anymore. I do know what to do. I'm not sure if I want to do it, and that's a totally different question."

The quote captures the moment of realization individuals face when they understand what is required for success and must decide if they are willing to commit.

The Single Predictor of Success

  • Speaker A circles back to the initial topic about finding a single predictor of success.
  • Layla's experience is mentioned as she started working with Speaker A without fully understanding what it took to be successful.

"And so to circle back to the original thing that I was starting with Was, how do people work?"

This quote reconnects the conversation to the search for a single predictor or stat that could indicate the likelihood of success in a given field, which is the core discussion point of the transcript.

Understanding Hard Work

  • Layla shares a story about her first gym launch with a colleague who was new to the concept of hard work.
  • The colleague was initially proud of completing calls to leads but was surprised when asked to start over, highlighting the repetitive nature of hard work.
  • Layla explains the levels of work ethic, starting from not understanding hard work to becoming efficient in it.
  • The story illustrates the difference between merely being present at a job and actively engaging in repeated, sometimes unpleasant tasks necessary for success.

"I worked a lot of hours, but I didn't understand what hard work looks like."

This quote from Layla emphasizes that there is a distinction between the quantity of work and the quality or intensity of work, which she learned over time.

"And she was supposed to be working the leads at that time, and so she spent 2 hours straight calling all the leads... And she was like, what? I was like, start at the top. Start over."

Layla's colleague's reaction to being asked to repeat the task of calling leads shows the realization of what hard work entails, which is often repetitive and demanding.

"The reason that we were averaging, like, the launches that she and I would do, we'd average 200 plus sales in 21 days, right. Was because the level of effort that went into doing the repeatable, like, the repeated tasks, we just maxed out, right."

This quote highlights the outcome of their hard work and the importance of repetition and sustained effort in achieving significant sales figures.

Levels of Work Ethic

  • Layla outlines four levels of work ethic, from not knowing how to work to becoming efficient.
  • Level 0 is the inability to show up on time and the lack of responsibility.
  • Level 1 is showing up on time and exerting a reasonable level of effort.
  • Level 2 involves learning to perform repeatable tasks that aren't always mentally stimulating to achieve long-term goals.
  • At higher levels, individuals learn to optimize their work by finding the most efficient times and methods to complete tasks.

"What's hard work is where you don't have someone looking at you and you have shit that needs to get done. That is not pleasant and sometimes is repeatable effort that you have to keep doing."

This quote defines hard work as the self-driven ability to complete necessary tasks without supervision, especially when they are monotonous or difficult.

"That is where it becomes harder. That is where most people can't go from step one to step two."

Layla points out the challenge in transitioning from merely showing up to actively engaging in the hard, repetitive work required for success.

"You learn that you work better at certain times, and you can chunk your work out so that you can work those hard repeatable tasks in chunked out windows."

The quote explains the process of becoming more efficient by understanding one's own productivity patterns and organizing work accordingly.

The Importance of Visuals in Learning

  • Speaker C introduces the concept of using visuals to enhance the learning experience.
  • They mention that the video version of the podcast includes effects, graphs, and visuals that can stimulate different brain centers.

"If you ever want to have the video version of this, which usually has more effects, more visuals, more graphs, drawn out stuff, sometimes it can help hit the brain centers in different ways."

This quote from Speaker C suggests that visual elements can aid in understanding and retention of information by engaging different cognitive processes.

YouTube Channel Promotion

  • Promotion of a YouTube channel is mentioned.
  • It is suggested as an option for those interested.
  • Continuation of the show is encouraged for those not interested in the YouTube channel.

You can check out my YouTube channel. It's absolutely free. Go check that out if that's what you are into. And if not, keep enjoying the show.

The speakers are suggesting that the audience visit a YouTube channel that is free of charge, but also maintaining that the current content will continue to be available for those who prefer it.

Levels of Work Competency

  • The concept of different levels of work competency is introduced.
  • Level zero indicates a lack of any skill or ability to work.
  • Level one represents a basic contributing member of society who can hold a job.
  • Level two involves understanding how to work hard but not consistently.
  • Level three is about efficient time management and working in bursts throughout the day.
  • The transition from level three involves reassessing and focusing efforts on tasks with the highest return.

And so it's like level zero. You don't know how to do anything. Level one, you're a know contributing member of society who can hold down a job level. Can you understand how to work hard? But you can do it in spurts, but you can't do it consistently. Level three. You know how to chunk your time and work efficiently so that you can have these bursts multiple times per day so that you can get a lot more done. Once you reach level three, there's no longer a more is better trade off.

These quotes outline the progression of work competency from having no skills to becoming efficient and effective in work by managing time and effort.

Work as a Skill

  • The idea that work ethic is a skill rather than a character trait is proposed.
  • Work is seen as something that can be improved upon with practice.
  • The goal is to become results-oriented rather than just focused on working hard.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of output and the final results of work efforts.

And so working is a skill. Like, a lot of people talk about work ethic like it's a character trait. When I think that almost everything is skills that are acquired, because then it's something that's under your control, right? I mean, it is. And the more you work, the better you get at working.

This quote presents the perspective that work ethic is a skill that can be developed, implying that individuals have control over their ability to work effectively.

Work Intensity and Intention

  • The differentiation between merely being present at work and working with intensity and intention is highlighted.
  • The speaker stresses that work requires doing unpleasant tasks consistently.
  • The importance of not just efficiency but also effectiveness in work is emphasized.

But for you to actually stay here, you need to go from level one to level two and understand that you need to be able to do things repeatedly that suck. Being there is easy. Being there with intensity and intention is not right. That's the difference. So it goes from efficiency to effectiveness.

These quotes stress the importance of not only showing up to work but doing so with purpose and determination, and the progression from simply being efficient to being truly effective in one's work.

Progression of Work Levels

  • Discusses the transition from level three to level four in the context of work and learning.
  • Emphasizes the importance of focusing on interests and excluding extraneous tasks to achieve significant, disproportionate returns on effort.
  • Suggests that recognizing the actual work level of an individual can help address any underlying issues that may cause frustration.

"Going from level three to level four, and that's way more learning what not to do, choosing what you're most interested in, and excluding everything else from that so that you can knock the big dominoes down that give you disproportionate, outsized returns on your effort."

This quote highlights the process of advancing from a competent level of work (level three) to a more focused and strategic level (level four), where one learns to prioritize effectively to maximize returns on effort.

Realizing the Effort Required for Success

  • Reflects on the moment of realization that different levels of effort are required to succeed in different environments.
  • The speaker shares a personal anecdote from college, where a structured study routine led to an epiphany about the potential of disciplined work ethic.

"There was probably a moment where you realized that. And I think for me, it was when I was in college, I ended up having to pledge a fraternity, and what they made me do was I had to do 3 hours of studying every day, and I hadn't done that in high school."

The speaker recalls a pivotal personal experience that taught them the value of consistent, dedicated effort, which was a departure from their previous less structured approach to work.

The Impact of Structured Work on Academic Performance

  • Describes the transformative effect of being required to study for three hours daily during the fraternity pledging process.
  • Highlights the benefits of getting ahead on work and the realization of how much can be accomplished with disciplined time management.

"But when I actually had to work for 3 hours, like, it was timed, I had to be there for 3 hours, and I had to work. They wouldn't let you not work. I was like, holy crap. And I started learning. I could get ahead on my work. I could read chapters ahead. I could take notes ahead, I could look at the next assignments that were coming up and get on top of things."

This quote conveys the speaker's surprise at discovering the effectiveness of a disciplined study schedule, which allowed them to excel academically and manage their time more efficiently.

Time Management and Productivity

  • The speaker's realization of having additional hours in the day for productive work led to a significant shift in their approach to time management.
  • The personal transformation from a level one to a level two worker involved learning to batch tasks and work more efficiently.

"And after I stopped the whole pledging process, I realized how much time I had in my day because I only had to work 3 hours a day for pledging. And I got the best grade that ever gotten at that point in college. And so then I realized I was like, oh, my God. There's nine other hours during the day that I wasn't doing anything with before."

This quote reflects the speaker's realization that disciplined work habits during the pledging process freed up additional time, leading to improved academic performance and a new perspective on productivity.

Sharing Personal Growth Stories

  • Suggests that sharing personal stories of learning to work hard can inspire others to have their own "aha" moments.
  • Encourages creating environments for others to experience the realization of what hard work entails.

"And so you may need to tell your story to the person who you are talking to or create an environment for them to have that kind of aha. Moment where they learn what hard work looks like."

The speaker advises that sharing personal experiences of discovering the true nature of hard work can guide others on their paths to becoming more effective workers.

Conclusion and Acknowledgments

  • The speaker concludes the discussion with well-wishes and acknowledges the audience by name.
  • Expresses hope that the audience is doing well and sends love.

"So anyways, I hope you guys have an amazing day. Perfect Tuesday. Thanks for all the love. I see Nicole, I see Sean, see Matt, Joey, Rico, Krista. Have an amazing day, guys. Hope you guys are doing fantastic. Lots of love. All right, bye."

The speaker ends the conversation on a positive note, expressing appreciation for the audience's support and wishing them well.

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