HOW TO OVERCOME β€œI NEED TO THINK ABOUT IT πŸ˜±πŸ˜±πŸ˜±β€ EVERYTIME πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ Do not listen to this if you don’t want to help people... Ep 40

Summary Notes


In a tactical discussion about sales techniques, the host shares strategies for overcoming customer hesitations, particularly the common objection "I need to think about it." The host emphasizes the importance of directly addressing concerns by asking, "What's your main concern?" to re-engage the customer. They suggest demonstrating the fallacy that more time equals better decision-making by pointing out that all necessary information is already provided. The host also outlines how to alleviate fears of financial loss and not receiving value, including offering service guarantees. The episode wraps up with encouragement for gym owners to adopt these sales tactics and a call to action to join their gym launch program.

Summary Notes

Overcoming Objections in Sales

  • Speaker A discusses a tactical approach to handling the common sales objection "I need to think about it."
  • The strategy involves directly addressing the concern by asking "What's your main concern?"
  • This method aims to re-engage the potential customer and deal with their specific reservations.
  • Speaker A emphasizes repetition of the question until the customer's concerns are fully addressed.
  • An example provided involves a scheduling concern, where the solution is to work with the customer to find suitable class times.

"The first thing, the easiest thing to say is like, awesome, what's your main concern?"

This quote represents the initial response suggested by Speaker A when a customer expresses the need to think about a decision. It serves to refocus the conversation on the customer's specific issues.

"I use that a lot of times over and over again until you exhaust them."

Speaker A suggests persistence in asking about the main concern to ensure all the customer's issues are surfaced and discussed.

"Well, I'm not sure if I can make all the classes well, cool. Here's the schedule. Let's circle the times, and let's figure it out."

In this quote, Speaker A provides a practical example of how to address a customer's concern about scheduling by actively working with them to find a solution.

"No matter what you're going to do, right. And if it's the time thing, it's like, well, no matter. I've just done this so many times, no matter what you're going to do, you're going to have to pick a time to work out."

Speaker A explains that regardless of the customer's decision, they will need to allocate time for the activity in question, which in this context is working out. This statement is meant to help the customer realize that the objection of time can be overcome with proper scheduling.

Effective Communication in Sales

  • Speaker B's role in the conversation is to affirm and validate Speaker A's points, indicating agreement.
  • The use of simple affirmations like "Right" from Speaker B helps to maintain the flow of the conversation and shows support for the tactics discussed.


Speaker B acknowledges and agrees with Speaker A's method of handling objections, which reinforces the effectiveness of the approach discussed.

Decision-Making Process

  • Individuals often believe that delaying decisions allows for gathering more information.
  • The speaker suggests stepping into the customer's shoes to understand their hesitation.
  • They challenge the assumption that more time equals more information.
  • The speaker emphasizes that all necessary information is presented at the moment of discussion.
  • The goal is to identify and confront the main concern or fear behind the decision delay.

"I just don't make decisions on the spot. I like to sleep on it."

The speaker references a common hesitation people have about making immediate decisions, preferring to take time to think things over.

"I used to think that I needed time to make decisions because I assumed that with more time, I would have more information, right."

This quote captures the speaker's past belief that more time would lead to better decision-making due to the potential for additional information, which is a common misconception they aim to address.

"All of the information that you're going to get about our program is, for me right now, sitting in front of you."

The speaker is making it clear that they are providing all the necessary information at the present moment, challenging the belief that waiting will result in more information.

"So what's your main concern?"

By asking this question, the speaker is directing the conversation towards identifying the actual issue or fear that is causing the hesitation to make a decision.

Confronting Fears

  • The speaker encourages directly confronting fears associated with decision-making.
  • They use empathy to relate to the customer's hesitance, showing understanding of their mindset.
  • The goal is to make the customer articulate their specific fears, which may be the real obstacle to decision-making.

"You just make them confront the fear, and they're like, well, I don't know. Most time"

This quote illustrates the speaker's tactic of prompting the customer to face their fears, which often are not clearly defined, thus helping them to overcome the barriers to making a decision.

Addressing Customer Hesitations

  • Recognizing and vocalizing potential customer fears can help address hesitations.
  • Directly asking customers to confirm their fears can lead to a constructive conversation.
  • Offering solutions to the customer's fears can dismantle barriers to purchase.

"So you're afraid that you'd give me money and then you'd sign up, and then you'd never show up, right. And then you'd just lose money, and then you wouldn't lose weight. Is that fair to say?"

This quote shows the approach of directly stating a customer's potential fear to get confirmation and address it head-on.

"So here's how we can fix that."

This quote introduces the transition from identifying the problem to providing a solution.

Perceived Value of Money

  • The value of money is subjective and can be used to gauge a customer's commitment.
  • Comparing the customer's financial commitment to their personal valuation of money can help assess their likelihood of following through.

"You said that this amount of money means a lot to you, and then they're going to be like, they're going to jump on that."

This quote emphasizes the importance of understanding the customer's perception of the amount of money in question.

"A billionaire, and he gave me $1,000. I'd probably say, yeah, if he struggles with accountability, this money doesn't mean anything to him. But this money means something to you, right?"

This quote contrasts different people's valuation of the same amount of money to highlight the relevance of the money's value to the customer.

Service Guarantee as a Solution

  • Providing a service guarantee can alleviate fears of not receiving value for money spent.
  • A guarantee can act as a safety net for customers, increasing their confidence in the service.

"Well, that's why we have a service guarantee. Meaning if you don't feel like you got the value that you paid for, I was like, I'll give you the money back."

This quote introduces the concept of a service guarantee as a reassurance to the customer that they will not lose out if the service does not meet their expectations.

Overcoming Indecision

  • Addressing both sides of a customer's indecision can help overcome the "I need to think about it" objection.
  • By providing clear solutions to each potential worry, the customer is left with fewer reasons to hesitate.

"And so just like that, you can basically destruct or destroy anyone's like, I need to think about it. Excu"

This quote suggests that by methodically addressing each concern, the speaker can effectively eliminate a customer's indecision.

Handling Objections in Sales

  • The initial strategy in sales is to identify and address the main concerns of the potential customer.
  • Confronting concerns directly can help break down barriers to a sale.
  • Using targeted questions to understand objections allows for tailored responses.
  • The goal is to provide enough information to the customer to facilitate a well-informed decision.

"Because the first thing is, you always push back with, what's your main concern?"

This quote emphasizes the importance of directly addressing the customer's primary concern in order to progress the conversation towards a sale.

"Then you can confront the concern if you keep going through those, and then you hit this brick wall of like, listen, I don't make decisions on the spot."

This statement reflects a common objection in sales where a customer is hesitant to make immediate decisions, highlighting the need for a strategy to navigate this resistance.

"You're mistaking the fact that you need time in order to make better decisions. But better decisions come with more information, and the only source of information is me right now."

Here, the speaker suggests reframing the customer's perception of needing time to decide, by asserting that informed decisions are made with more information, which the salesperson can provide.

"So let me answer any other questions you got."

This is an invitation to the customer to ask more questions, indicating a willingness to provide further information to help the customer make an informed decision.

"Okay, well, let's just confront what the main issue is, is a lot of times we don't want to make mistakes with decisions."

The speaker acknowledges a common fear of making the wrong decision, which is a significant psychological barrier in sales that needs to be addressed.

Overcoming Worst-Case Scenarios

  • Addressing the worst-case scenario can alleviate fears and objections related to risk.
  • Overcoming the fear of monetary risk and the risk of service non-delivery is crucial.
  • Reassuring the customer about overcoming these risks can be a decisive factor in closing the sale.

"Then you go, worst case. Worst case scenario, you overcome the risk of money, of them not adhering, and then you overcome the risk of you not delivering the service."

This quote outlines a strategy of discussing the worst-case scenario with the customer, specifically the financial risk and the risk of the service not meeting expectations, to preemptively tackle objections.

Sales Tactics and Promotions

  • The speaker offers sales tactics which could benefit both newcomers and veterans in the sales industry.
  • Promotional content and offers are encouraged to engage the audience.
  • The speaker promotes a specific offer related to gym ownership and hints at an impending price increase to create urgency.

"Little sales, little sales. I don't know. Lightsaber tactics for you guys who are new to the game or older the game."

This phrase introduces the idea that the sales tactics discussed can be useful for individuals at any stage of their sales career.

"And if you're a gym owner who doesn't know what to do, go to"

By directing gym owners to a specific website, the speaker provides a resource that is presumably tailored to their needs, suggesting a targeted approach to sales and marketing.

"You can check out 200 other gyms. And if you are in this group right now and you have not signed up for gym launch, you are crazy and you hate money."

This statement creates a sense of community and urgency by implying that those who have not taken advantage of the gym launch are missing out on a beneficial opportunity.

"And I'm about to increase the price. So you all better sign up."

The speaker announces an impending price increase to encourage immediate action, utilizing a common sales tactic of creating urgency.

Closing Remarks

  • The speaker expresses affection for the audience and encourages them to have a great day.
  • There is an acknowledgment of background noise, apologizing for any inconvenience to podcast listeners.
  • A farewell is given, suggesting regular interaction and a forthcoming continuation of content.

"Love you guys. And if you're listen on the podcast. Sorry, there's wind in the background."

The speaker expresses care for the audience and apologizes for any audio quality issues, showing attentiveness to the listener's experience.

"Have an amazing day, lots of love, and I'll catch you soon."

This is a positive and warm sign-off, which fosters a friendly relationship with the audience and suggests ongoing engagement.

"Bye. Our channel."

The final words serve as a closure for the session and a reminder of the platform where the audience can continue to engage with the content.

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