How To BUILD “Manifestation Muscle”

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Summary Notes


The video discusses the concept of "manifestation muscle," emphasizing the importance of gradually building one's ability to manifest desired realities, akin to progressively increasing weights in physical training. The speaker shares a personal story about nearly injuring himself by attempting to lift more than he could handle, drawing a parallel to overreaching in manifestation efforts. The key takeaway is to align one's subconscious mind with achievable goals to build confidence, which is crucial for successful manifestation. The speaker introduces the idea of "reality experiments" to consciously strengthen belief in one's manifesting abilities by visualizing and recognizing synchronicities in daily life.

Summary Notes

Manifestation Muscle Concept

  • The idea of "manifestation muscle" is introduced as a metaphor for the strength needed to bring one's desired reality into existence.
  • Emphasizes the need to build this "muscle" to make manifesting desires easier, likening it to physical strength needed to lift weights.

"Manifestation muscle is probably a concept you've never even heard of because this is some I came off with off top again and it's just from the experience of understanding that more often than not we're lacking what our good bro has right here which is muscles."

  • The speaker introduces a new concept called "manifestation muscle," suggesting it is crucial for manifesting desires effectively.

Personal Story and Its Lesson

  • Shares a personal gym anecdote to illustrate the dangers of overextending oneself without proper preparation or support.
  • The story serves as a metaphor for attempting to manifest desires that are beyond one's current capabilities.

"I try to bite off more than I could chew I try to lift more than I could and I nearly lost my life."

  • The speaker uses a near-accident in the gym as a metaphor for the risks of attempting to manifest desires without adequate preparation or capacity.

Mistake in Manifestation

  • Highlights the common mistake of trying to manifest desires that are too grandiose compared to current reality.
  • Stresses that attempting to manifest desires beyond one's subconscious conditioning leads to struggle and failure.

"You're trying to bite off more than you can chew and because you're trying to bite off more than you can chew you're resulting in struggle."

  • The speaker points out that attempting to manifest desires that are too large compared to one's current state leads to struggle and potential failure.

Understanding Manifestation

  • Explains that manifestation involves becoming a vibrational match to one's desires rather than creating something new.
  • Discusses the importance of being emotionally independent from the outcome of the manifestation process.

"Manifestation isn't creating your reality or bending reality it is simply internally shifting to a degree where you're no longer emotionally dependent upon seeing reality change."

  • The speaker clarifies that manifestation is about internal shifts and emotional independence from outcomes, rather than altering reality.

Role of the Subconscious Mind

  • Emphasizes the critical role of the subconscious mind in shaping one's reality.
  • Warns against trying to operate outside the confines of the subconscious mind's conditioning.

"Your subconscious mind is the womb of your reality and what often people fail to take into consideration when they're excited by the possibilities of what they can materialize is this one thing."

  • The speaker stresses the importance of understanding the subconscious mind's role in manifestation and the limitations it imposes.

Working with the Subconscious

  • Advises aligning with the subconscious mind's current conditioning to gradually expand its capacity.
  • Suggests that attempting to manifest desires too far removed from current subconscious conditioning will lead to failure.

"Anytime that you try go beyond the means from which your subconscious mind has been accustomed to seeing reality through condition you're always going to end up being in a position where you're trying to bite off more than you can chew."

  • The speaker advises working within the subconscious mind's current framework to avoid overreaching and potential failure in manifestation efforts.

The Subconscious Mind and Manifestation

  • The subconscious mind is crucial in the manifestation process and is described as the "dwelling place of God."
  • Manifestation efforts that go against the subconscious mind are likely to fail.
  • God is defined as an impersonal energy, or "most high frequency," which is the substance of reality.
  • Harnessing this energy is akin to how electricity was harnessed for human benefit.
  • The concept of God is likened to historical figures who harnessed this energy, referred to as "the christs."

"Anytime you try to go against the subconscious mind, you will ultimately lose because whether you realize this or not, your subconscious mind is the dwelling place of God."

  • The subconscious mind is portrayed as a powerful force that must be aligned with for successful manifestation.

"I'm referring to an impersonal energy also known as the most high, specifically most high frequency, which is also the substance of reality."

  • This quote defines God as an impersonal energy that forms the core of reality, emphasizing the importance of understanding this energy in manifestation.

The Importance of Incremental Progress

  • Manifestation should be approached with incremental progress, similar to building muscles through progressive overload.
  • Attempting to manifest large goals without understanding the subconscious framework results in failure.
  • Incremental progress allows for a systematic and spiritually scientific approach to manifestation.

"In order to grow muscles, something called Progressive overload is done... it's the incremental increase in the weight that you're using to strain your muscles."

  • This analogy highlights the necessity of gradual progress in both physical training and manifestation efforts.

"What you're not taking into consideration is how your mind has been accustomed to be molded."

  • Understanding the current programming of the subconscious is essential before attempting to reprogram it for manifestation.

The Role of Emotional Frequency in Manifestation

  • Emotional states such as silliness can emit frequencies that hinder manifestation efforts.
  • Feeling inauthentic or silly while manifesting can reinforce the current state rather than change it.
  • Authenticity and alignment with the subconscious are key to successful manifestation.

"When you feel silly, that silliness emits a particular frequency which lets you know that you are being silly."

  • This quote explains how emotions like silliness can emit frequencies that counteract manifestation efforts.

"It's because you're trying to go dramatic Overlord instead of progressive Overlord."

  • The mistake of attempting dramatic changes instead of gradual progress is highlighted as a common barrier in manifestation.

Achieving a State of Peace for Manifestation

  • Entering a state of peace is a prerequisite for successful manifestation, not a result of it.
  • This state of peace aligns with the calmness needed for effective manifestation.
  • Achieving peace simplifies the manifestation process by providing a stable emotional foundation.

"Once you're able to enter that state, everything becomes easier because the state from which you're operating out of is a state of peace."

  • The importance of achieving a state of peace as a foundation for manifestation is emphasized.

"In order for a ship to reach its destination, the waters need to be calm."

  • This metaphor illustrates the necessity of calmness and peace in the process of reaching one's desired reality.

Progressive Overload in Manifestation

  • Progressive overload involves gradually increasing the challenge to achieve a goal, similar to how one might approach physical training.
  • The process of setting realistic goals involves identifying a target that feels achievable without hesitation.
  • Confidence in one's ability to achieve a goal is crucial for successful manifestation.

"Do you think you could make 30k a month? They're like, yeah, easy, easy."

  • The quote illustrates the moment when a goal feels easily attainable, indicating a suitable target for manifestation.

"When you get that instant yes, that is the target for you to materialize."

  • This quote emphasizes the importance of identifying a goal that feels immediately achievable to ensure effective manifestation.

The Role of Confidence in Manifestation

  • Confidence is described as the "elixir of manifestation," essential for achieving desired outcomes.
  • A lack of confidence indicates a disconnect between one's subconscious view of reality and the goal.
  • Building confidence is key to enhancing one's ability to manifest goals.

"Confidence is the elixir of manifestation. There is no manifestation without confidence."

  • This quote underscores the critical role of confidence in the process of manifestation, suggesting that it is fundamental to success.

"The more confidence you have, the easier your manifestation will be."

  • The quote highlights the direct correlation between confidence and the ease of manifestation, suggesting that increased confidence simplifies the process.

The Esoteric Definition of Faith

  • Faith is linked to confidence and conviction, originating from the Latin word "fidere," meaning trust or confidence.
  • True faith involves a deep conviction in one's ability to achieve a goal, akin to the certainty of everyday actions like flicking a light switch.
  • Faith in one's ability to manifest is necessary for overcoming significant challenges.

"Faith comes from the Latin word 'fidere.' Fidere meant confidence."

  • This quote provides the etymological background of faith, connecting it to confidence and conviction, crucial for manifestation.

"When you pray, believe that you already received it, and you will."

  • The quote reflects the concept of faith as a state of conviction, essential for successful manifestation.

Building Self-Trust

  • Self-trust is described as a foundational element for building confidence and is necessary for manifestation.
  • Self-mastery, or the ability to control one's actions and mind, is key to developing self-trust.
  • Daily practices that promote self-mastery, such as completing tasks or maintaining commitments, enhance self-trust.

"Self-trust is a currency that is forever being exchanged for confidence."

  • This quote explains the relationship between self-trust and confidence, emphasizing that self-trust is essential for building confidence.

"How the hell are you going to direct reality when you don't even have the ability or the belief that you can direct yourself?"

  • The quote challenges the listener to focus on self-mastery as a precursor to influencing external reality, highlighting the importance of self-control.

Self-Trust and Confidence

  • Self-trust is foundational for confidence, which in turn is crucial for manifesting one's desired reality.
  • Building self-trust through discipline and self-mastery can influence reality, as it acts as a domino effect.
  • Manifestation is impossible without self-trust, which is developed by consistently building one's "manifestation muscle."

"Once you push the Domino of self down, reality will bend before you because you are the universe."

  • This quote emphasizes the power of self-mastery in shaping one's reality, suggesting that internal change leads to external transformation.

"There is no manifestation without self trust which means there is no manifestation without discipline."

  • Highlights the necessity of self-trust and discipline as prerequisites for effective manifestation.

Building Manifestation Muscle

  • The concept of "manifestation muscle" refers to the strengthening of one's ability to manifest desires through practice and repetition.
  • Confidence in one's ability to materialize desires strengthens the metaphysical signal or frequency, making it easier to achieve desired outcomes.
  • A weak frequency results from insufficient manifestation muscle, hindering the ability to attract desired realities.

"The more confidence behind your ability to materialize your desired reality, the stronger the signal or frequency."

  • This quote explains the relationship between confidence and the strength of one's metaphysical signal, crucial for effective manifestation.

"The issue is right now your frequency is weak and it's weak because you haven't built enough manifestation muscle."

  • Points out the current problem of weak manifestation ability due to lack of practice and confidence.

Reality Experiments

  • Reality experiments are exercises designed to consciously engage with and strengthen one's manifestation abilities.
  • By focusing on visualizing specific objects or scenarios, individuals can enhance their perception of synchronicities and coincidences.
  • The Reticular Activating System (RAS) in the brain helps filter focus, leading to increased awareness of visualized items in reality.

"A reality experiment is training... when you've looked online for a particular car, you start seeing it in real life."

  • Illustrates how focused attention and visualization can lead to real-world synchronicities, reinforcing the connection between mind and reality.

"The more you can strengthen the vision of seeing the invisible string that connects your mind and your reality, the more confidence you're going to have."

  • Suggests that recognizing and understanding the link between thoughts and reality boosts confidence in manifestation abilities.

Synchronicity and Visualization

  • Synchronicity is described as an advanced form of coincidence, where visualized objects or scenarios appear in reality.
  • By making the process of synchronicity conscious, individuals can actively work towards manifesting their desired realities.
  • Visualization practices involve focusing on specific items, such as cars or clothing, to create a "light bulb moment" of realization.

"All a synchronicity is... strengthening your vision for the invisible string that connects your mind and reality."

  • Defines synchronicity as a tool for enhancing one's ability to perceive and influence the connection between thoughts and reality.

"I want you to visualize that thing every single day until you see it."

  • Encourages consistent visualization as a method to manifest specific desires and boost confidence in one's manifestation capabilities.

Confidence and Materialization

  • Repeated successful visualization and manifestation of small items build confidence in one's ability to materialize larger desires.
  • The process of visualizing and seeing desired objects in reality serves as a confidence boost, reinforcing belief in one's manifestation power.
  • As confidence grows, the perceived difficulty of manifesting larger desires decreases, leading to a stronger manifestation muscle.

"The more that we're able to raise this energy of confidence... when it comes to materializing your desired reality."

  • Highlights the role of confidence in making manifestation a standard procedure, akin to a "21st century Alchemist."

"At that point, you've built manifestation muscle."

  • Concludes that consistent practice and confidence-building exercises lead to a strengthened ability to manifest desired realities.

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