How to 2x your show up rates using only your voice🎤, And how my sales team always DOUBLED sales in every market they were in on these 5 days. Ep 64

Summary Notes


In a discussion about increasing client show-up rates and sales in the fitness industry, the host of the high ticket secrets group shares insights from his experience with Gym Launch. He recounts how flying to 28 different markets and selling gym memberships at a high price point demonstrated the power of belief and the effectiveness of real scarcity and urgency. The host reveals that sales teams doubled their sales in the last five days of 21-day campaigns simply by believing they wouldn't have another chance to make the sale, which changed their communication approach. He emphasizes the importance of same-day or next-day appointments and the psychological impact of creating a sense of urgency to improve show-up rates and ultimately help more clients. Success stories from his own sales team and clients like Chris and Robin Barnett, who achieved 171 sign-ups in 19 days, underscore the strategy's effectiveness.

Summary Notes

Introduction to High Ticket Secrets

  • Speaker A introduces the topic of improving show-up rates and doubling sales.
  • The context is set within the "high ticket secrets" group, presumably a community focused on high-value sales strategies.
  • Speaker A mentions their experience with sales coaching for gym launch.

"Welcome to the high ticket secrets group. And today I want to be talking about, or I'm going to talk to you about how to two x your show up rates and how my sales team always doubled sales in every market they were in on these five days."

The quote sets the stage for the discussion, indicating that the speaker will share insights on increasing attendance rates for sales appointments and doubling sales.

Speaker A's Background in Gym Launch

  • Speaker A recounts the origins of their business, which involved filling up gyms.
  • They filled six gyms before deciding to replicate their success in other markets.
  • The speaker traveled to 28 markets with their wife, setting up campaigns to sell gym memberships at a high price point compared to the competition.
  • The process demonstrated the power of belief in sales success.

"Before we created the business that we have now where we show gym owners exactly how we filled up gyms, I actually started filling up gyms first, right? So it's a crazy concept. I actually filled my gyms, right? We had six of them."

This quote explains the speaker's hands-on experience in successfully filling up gyms before teaching others to do the same.

Scaling the Business Model

  • After proving the business model, Speaker A began hiring a sales team to expand operations.
  • The sales team was deployed to different gyms, with all expenses paid by the company, to replicate the success in various markets.
  • This aggressive expansion strategy was profitable even with significant upfront costs.
  • The speaker briefly touches on the opportunity cost of revenue-sharing models.

"After we had done that, we started to hire a sales team. So in the first month, we hired the sales team. I went right out the gate swinging, and we hired six guys right off the bat."

The quote highlights the transition from a solo operation to hiring a sales team to scale the business model.

Sales Team Deployment and Challenges

  • Salespeople were sent to gyms for 21-day campaigns, with a schedule of three weeks on and one week off.
  • The initial show-up rates for sales appointments were around 50%, but Speaker A had previously achieved a 70% rate.
  • The discrepancy led to an investigation to isolate and replicate the factors behind the higher show-up rates.

"And so they would stay there for 21 days. Usually they're younger guys, but some of them were married, which is why we ended up switching away from that model, because it was really hard on them."

This quote discusses the operational challenges faced by the sales team, particularly the impact on their personal lives.

Doubling Sales in the Final Week

  • Speaker A observed that sales would consistently double in the last five days of the 21-day campaign.
  • This pattern prompted a deeper analysis to understand the reasons behind the surge in sales.

"And so the last week, invariably, sales would always double. All right, so that's the last five days to answer the headline."

The quote reveals a key finding that sales would double in the last five days of the campaign, which is a significant point for the discussion on improving sales strategies.

Sales Strategies: Scarcity and Urgency

  • Sales significantly increase in the last five days at the gym.
  • Salespeople did not change their script but their delivery and tone.
  • Real scarcity and urgency are more effective than feigned ones.
  • The speaker suggests using same day or next day appointments to increase show-up rates.
  • Confronting scheduling obstacles on the phone call can lead to successful appointments.
  • Changing the approach when asking for appointment times can yield better results.
  • Using tonality shifts to show willingness to accommodate can persuade prospects.

"So for those of you keeping score at home, that means they're doing $25,000 in upfront sales in their last five days at these gyms."

This quote highlights the significant increase in sales that occurs in the last five days, suggesting a successful strategy is in place.

"The only difference was that they knew that they were going to leave, because if they could not get that person in the door by the time that they left, they would not get the sale."

This quote explains the mindset shift that occurs when salespeople are aware of their limited time, which creates natural scarcity and urgency.

"Which is why the best type of scarcity and urgency is real scarcity and urgency."

The speaker emphasizes the effectiveness of genuine scarcity and urgency over artificial tactics in sales.

"If they don't do same day next day, don't schedule the appointment because if it's not same day next day, the likelihood that they show up on that third day is way lower."

This quote suggests a practical tip for increasing the likelihood of prospects showing up: scheduling them for the same or next day.

"Well, then which of these two days works? Here's where the tonality shifts. Like, I'll stay late for you, all right. I end my shift at six. I was like, but I'll stay at seven. Can you make it a seven?"

The speaker illustrates how a change in tone and showing a willingness to accommodate can persuade a prospect to commit to an appointment.

Communication Techniques: Voice, Intonation, and Tonality

  • The delivery of the script is critical for effectiveness, not just the words.
  • Voice, intonation, and pauses can impact the perceived urgency and importance.
  • Changing the way questions are asked can lead to different outcomes.

"The only thing that changed was how they said it was their voice, was their intonation, was their tonality, was the pauses that they had and then the eventual conclusions and how they talked about how they were going to get someone in the door."

This quote indicates that the salespeople's success was due to their delivery method rather than any changes to the script they were using.

"And a lot of times you can get someone scheduled that way because you're asking through a different vehicle."

The speaker suggests that by altering the approach to scheduling, one can successfully navigate around a prospect's objections.

"If you can't make it two days, how many times a week you plan on working out?"

By reframing the question, the salesperson can guide the prospect to realize the urgency and make a commitment.

Overcoming Objections: Scheduling Tactics

  • Scheduling same day or next day appointments is crucial for commitment.
  • Directly addressing scheduling conflicts during the call can resolve hesitation.
  • Persuasive questioning can lead to securing an appointment.

"Same day next day appointments. That's it. Same day next day."

The speaker is emphasizing the importance of limiting appointment options to increase the likelihood of a prospect showing up.

"You might as well not schedule them and then confront it as an obstacle on the phone call to get them to do same day next day."

This quote suggests that it's better to address potential scheduling issues immediately rather than allowing the prospect to delay.

Business Growth and Marketing Strategies

  • Emphasis on the importance of urgency and belief in sales.
  • The speaker discusses the scenario of business owners wanting to scale their business significantly.
  • is mentioned as a resource for business owners to seek help in growing their businesses.
  • The speaker highlights the psychology of sales and the impact of a salesperson’s belief on their ability to close deals.
  • The concept of scarcity and urgency as tools to increase the likelihood of a sale is introduced.
  • There is a discussion about the low probability of closing a sale if an appointment is scheduled too far in the future.
  • The speaker notes the psychological journey a customer goes through from showing initial interest to actually becoming a customer.
  • Importance of reminding customers why they showed interest in the first place to increase the chances of them following through.

If you are a business owner that has a big old business and wants to get to a much bigger business, going to 5100 million dollars plus, we would love to talk to you, and if you like that or would like to hear more about it, go to

This quote introduces the service offered by, which is to help large businesses scale up even further.

And so it's the way they would talk about it because they knew that if they could not get them to come in, they wouldn't get the sale, because after that Friday, that last Friday, they were on a plane home. They weren't going to get the commission.

The speaker is explaining the mindset of salespeople who are motivated by the urgency to close deals before they leave town, which increases their commitment to getting clients to come in.

So you should do that now. Here's a belief that I would give you that is valuable for you. If you struggle with this one. The likelihood that someone actually shows up, let's say they schedule four days out, okay? The likelihood that they show up is 25% or less.

This quote presents a belief or principle regarding the likelihood of a customer showing up for an appointment, highlighting the importance of scheduling appointments as soon as possible.

And so what we need to do is take them through this huge journey to get them actually show up the gym, right? So you need to awaken that in them by providing, what, scarcity and urgency and actually reminding them of why they even signed up in the first place.

The speaker is discussing the need to guide customers through the process of commitment, using scarcity and urgency as motivators, and reinforcing the initial reasons for their interest.

Because if they don't show up tonight and they can't schedule an appointment tonight or tomorrow night, the likelihood that you will help them is 12%.

Here, the speaker is emphasizing the drastically reduced chance of closing a sale if the appointment is not scheduled immediately, reinforcing the theme of urgency in sales.

Psychology Behind Customer Engagement

  • Discusses the low engagement and commitment level of customers who show initial interest.
  • The speaker mentions common scenarios where customers might express interest, such as while being distracted or engaging in other activities.
  • There is an acknowledgment that signing up for something can feel like an accomplishment to the customer, but it’s only the beginning of the journey from the business’s perspective.
  • The speaker emphasizes the need to help customers realize the value of what they signed up for to increase the likelihood of them taking further action.
  • The concept of psychological barriers that prevent customers from following through on their initial interest is explored.

They were taking a poop. They swiped right. Whatever. You know what I mean? They opted in for a challenge or whatever. It is your Facebook ad, and they just put this much effort into it.

This quote illustrates the casual and often distracted manner in which customers may express initial interest in a product or service.

But the reality is that for us, that's where the story begins for them, a lot of time, that's where the story ends.

The speaker is drawing a contrast between the customer’s perception of completing an action (like signing up) and the business’s perspective, where the real work starts after the sign-up.

And so, man, I totally lost my train of thought. But the point of this is that the belief that you need to have there, it is the belief that you need to have for yourself and for your salespeople and for your appointment setters or for your front desk, for them to get people to show up and be able to exhibit that kind of scarcity is that it really is scarce.

In this quote, the speaker emphasizes the importance of instilling a belief in the sales team that opportunities are scarce, which in turn, can help convey urgency and scarcity to potential customers to motivate them to act promptly.

Importance of Show Up Rates

  • Encouraging people to commit to appointments is crucial for helping them.
  • Artificial scarcity can increase the likelihood of people taking action.
  • A strict no-reschedule policy can double show up rates, reducing work and allowing the opportunity to help more people.
  • Belief in the urgency of scheduling within a tight window changes communication and increases commitment.
  • High show up rates are essential across various industries, not just sales.

"And so if I need to create artificial scarcity in order for them to take action, in order for me to help them, I'm willing to do that, because I know that for them, removing the option of saying, hey, we don't do reschedules, if I can double show up rates by saying that we don't do reschedules and then not doing them well, great, that cuts down my work."

The quote emphasizes the strategy of using artificial scarcity and a firm no-reschedule policy to improve the rate at which people show up for appointments, thereby enabling the speaker to assist more individuals effectively.

"And the only reason we don't do is because we want people who are very serious."

This quote explains the rationale behind the no-reschedule policy, which is to ensure that those who book appointments are serious and committed, thereby increasing efficiency and effectiveness.

Impact of Conviction and Urgency

  • Conveying a sense of urgency and conviction can significantly affect customer behavior.
  • The belief that rescheduling is not an option leads to more assertive communication and higher commitment from customers.
  • This approach can dramatically increase the impact on customers' lives by ensuring they take the necessary actions.

"And so if you actually can slam the door and do that with confidence and conviction, because you're actually helping them by saying, we don't do reschedules, please confirm your appointment."

The quote highlights the importance of communicating with confidence and conviction when enforcing a no-reschedule policy, as it ultimately serves the customer's best interest by encouraging them to commit.

Case Studies of Increased Show Up Rates

  • Chris and Robin Barnett's experience with a gym launch in Boise, Idaho, serves as a case study.
  • They achieved a significant increase in show up rates by enforcing a no-reschedule policy.
  • The change in policy led to a more productive sales funnel and increased sign-ups.

"They did 171 sign ups in 19 days, if anyone would like that, right? If anyone's curious, I spent nine grand on the campaign to get 171 sign ups. Do the math. Still worked out well."

This quote provides concrete results from the case study of Chris and Robin Barnett, demonstrating the effectiveness of the no-reschedule policy in terms of sign-up numbers and the cost-effectiveness of the campaign.

"Their show up rate doubled. They went from 45% to 70% show up rate. And the only thing that happened is they said, we can't do rescheduling."

The quote details the specific improvement in show up rates as a direct result of the no-reschedule policy, illustrating the policy's impact on customer commitment and business productivity.

Encouraging Commitment Through Scheduling

  • Asking customers about their own schedules can provide an opportunity to secure a commitment.
  • By understanding when customers plan to take action, it is possible to work around their schedule and increase the likelihood of them showing up.

"If you can confine yourself to that window, you will ultimately help more people by making them confront the fact that it will take time and that they do have to find a time that works well for them and just ask them, when were you planning on working out anyways?"

This quote suggests a strategy for securing customer commitment by asking about their existing plans and fitting the appointment into their schedule, thus making it more likely for them to show up.

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