The discussion explores how to manage negativity by transcending illusions and understanding the concept of polarity. It emphasizes that negativity is a construct of the third-dimensional realm and encourages shifting perception to align with higher consciousness, or God-consciousness, which is beyond illusion. The speaker outlines steps to address negativity, highlighting the importance of internal emotional stability, recognizing that people are manifestations of frequencies, and understanding that separation is an illusion. The conversation also touches on the significance of altering internal disharmony to harmony and recognizing that everyone operates within their own programmed reality.
Dealing with Negative People and Consciousness Elevation
- Understanding how to deal with negative people is essential for maintaining elevated consciousness and manifesting desired realities.
- Negative influences can stem from various sources, including friends, family, coworkers, or strangers.
- Recognizing the difference between ego and higher consciousness is crucial for transcending negativity.
"How does God deal with negative people now you've been elevating your Consciousness for a while and unfortunately the desired reality that you seek to manifest unfortunately can be destroyed based upon your inability to be able to deal with negative people."
- The speaker emphasizes the importance of managing negative influences to protect one's path to manifesting a desired reality.
Transcending the Illusion of Negativity
- The concept of negativity is an illusion tied to the ego and the third-dimensional realm.
- Transcending negativity involves understanding and applying the universal law of polarity.
- Negative experiences persist due to misidentification with the ego rather than higher consciousness.
"Until you have the capability of transcending You by recognizing that this is a misidentification through you identifying with your ego which is nothing more than a physical vessel that's locked within this third dimensional realm constrained by the Illusions trapped."
- This quote explains the need to transcend the ego to overcome negativity, which is an illusion of the third-dimensional realm.
The Law of Polarity and Duality
- Polarity, also known as duality, represents separation that exists only in the third-dimensional realm.
- Understanding polarity is key to transcending the illusion of negativity and manifesting reality.
- Duality includes concepts like masculine/feminine, love/hate, and negative/positive, which are the same energy at different vibrations.
"Polarity is also characterized and known as Duality and what this is this law is simply a fancy way of saying separation but and I quote it is separation that only exists in this third dimensional realm which is what we call reality."
- The speaker describes polarity as an illusion of separation in the third-dimensional realm, essential for understanding and transcending negativity.
Quantum Entanglement and Oneness
- Quantum entanglement supports the idea of oneness beyond the third-dimensional realm.
- Separation is an illusion; everything and everyone is interconnected.
- Ancient spirituality aligns with modern quantum physics in explaining the mechanics of the universe.
"As we transcend this third dimensional realm and we go outside of it what you will come into an understanding is is that separation is an illusion everything and everyone is one."
- This quote highlights the concept of oneness and the illusion of separation, which aligns with both spiritual and scientific perspectives.
Manifestation and Frequency
- Manifestation requires transcending illusion and understanding the oneness of energy.
- Frequency is influenced by beliefs, identity, emotionally charged thoughts, attention, and emotional conviction.
- Manifestation is conceptualized as ordering from a universal warehouse, requiring alignment with desired energy.
"Your frequency can be seen as the output of a bunch of characteristics such as your beliefs your identity your emotionally charged thoughts your attention and your emotional conviction."
- The speaker explains that frequency, shaped by various personal characteristics, is crucial for effective manifestation.
Rate of Vibration and Energy
- Different energies, such as love/hate or negative/positive, are the same at different rates of vibration.
- Understanding the rate of vibration helps in recognizing the unity of energies and transcending duality.
- Manifestation involves aligning with the desired rate of vibration to transcend duality and illusion.
"If masculine and feminine is the same energy the only difference is their rate of vibration if love and hate is the same energy only differences their rate of vibration if negative and positive is the same energy only differences the rate of vibration."
- This quote emphasizes that energies are unified, with differences only in their rate of vibration, crucial for transcending duality.
Manifestation and Transcending Illusions
- Manifestation requires transcending the third-dimensional realm and its illusions.
- The perception of polarity (good vs. bad, negative vs. positive) traps individuals within the illusion of reality.
- Belief in the separation of energies indicates entrapment within the universe, hindering manifestation capabilities.
- To manifest desired realities, one must adopt "mindsight," seeing beyond the illusions of polarity.
"It's actually your belief in the existence of the separation of negativity and positivity that actually indicates to the universe that this is trapped in the universe."
- The belief in polarity confines individuals within the universe, preventing transcendence and manifestation.
"In order for you to materialize your desired reality, you need mindsight, and mindsight is the mind that sees beyond the illusions of reality."
- Mindsight is crucial for manifesting desired realities by transcending the illusions of polarity.
Transcending Negativity and Polarity
- Transcending negativity involves understanding that polarities are illusions within the third-dimensional realm.
- Energetic polarities like love and hate, masculine and feminine, are perceived as separate only in this realm.
- Transcending these illusions allows for the realization that all energies are one beyond the third-dimensional realm.
"As we transcend outside this third-dimensional realm, everything and everyone, these particular energetic polarities that are the same energy, are one."
- Transcendence reveals the unity of energies beyond the third-dimensional realm.
"If you no longer want to be trapped by the negative people around you, then you need to get rid of the idea and the belief in the existence of negativity."
- Eliminating the belief in negativity is essential to transcendence and avoiding entrapment by negative perceptions.
Understanding God and Consciousness
- God is characterized as an impersonal yet simultaneously personal energy, transcending third-dimensional constraints.
- God is above illusions, including the illusion of polarity and the depiction of God with human characteristics.
- Understanding God involves recognizing that God is above the labels of negativity and positivity.
"God is above illusion. So when we get to the religious concepts such as God being depicted as a man who sat in the sky... God is an impersonal energy that is above our third-dimensional realm constraints."
- God transcends human characteristics and illusions, existing beyond the third-dimensional realm.
"You can't deal with the negative people in your reality until you no longer use the word negative."
- Transcending the concept of negativity is essential to align with God consciousness, which is above illusions.
The Middle Path and Consciousness
- The middle path, a concept in Buddhism, involves transcending the duality of choices and understanding unity.
- Yin-yang, though appearing separate, is one unified concept, illustrating the transcendence of polarity.
- Esoteric knowledge requires a mind capable of decoding it, reflecting one's level of consciousness.
"The middle path is that equilibrium, it's that balance, it's actually the transcending of the two decisions and understanding that there's a particular unity."
- The middle path represents the transcendence of duality and the realization of unity.
"You're not listening to a video, you're not listening to a TED talk, you're listening to your level of consciousness."
- Perception and understanding are influenced by one's level of consciousness, highlighting the subjective nature of experience.
Harnessing God Consciousness
- God consciousness is the highest level of consciousness, accessible to individuals who transcend illusions.
- Spiritual teachers and masters have historically harnessed this consciousness, guiding others towards enlightenment.
- To harness God consciousness, one must align with the universal flow and transcend the illusion of polarity.
"When I say God, I'm simply referring to the highest level of consciousness which you have the capability of harnessing within you."
- God consciousness is an attainable state of awareness, representing the highest level of consciousness beyond illusions.
"Any single individual that has the ability throughout history to have harnessed the universal flow of God or the consciousness of God is what we've regarded as spiritual teachers or Christ or Masters."
- Spiritual leaders are those who have harnessed God consciousness, transcending the limitations of the third-dimensional realm.
Perception and Reality
- The concept of perception is central, emphasizing that individuals do not see the world as it is but as they are, influenced by their own frequencies and vibrations.
- Reality is perceived through a personal lens, which can be tinted or altered based on one's mental and emotional state.
- The idea of frequencies suggests that individuals resonate with specific states of being, which in turn shapes their experience of reality.
"You don't see the world as it is; you see the world as you are."
- This quote underscores the subjective nature of perception, highlighting that one's internal state shapes their view of reality.
"You cannot perceive anything that you are not vibrating or resonating with at that particular moment in time."
- This statement explains the concept that perception is limited to one's current vibrational state, suggesting that understanding and experiences are aligned with one's frequency.
Illusions and Polarity
- The discussion challenges the notion of polarity, suggesting that terms like "negative" are illusions that trap individuals in a limited understanding of reality.
- The focus is on transcending these illusions to align with a higher consciousness or divine understanding.
- The importance of defending one's desired reality against external influences that can alter internal states and manifestations is emphasized.
"Negative is to play into polarity; polarity is an illusion."
- This quote highlights the idea that labeling experiences or people as negative reinforces a dualistic worldview, which is seen as illusory.
"So long as you're trapped within the illusions of reality, you don't have the capability of tapping into God which is above illusions."
- This statement suggests that transcending illusions is necessary to connect with a higher spiritual reality.
Frequencies and Interpersonal Dynamics
- Interactions with others are framed as exchanges of frequencies rather than engagements with distinct individuals.
- The frequency a person is on determines their reality and experience, which can lead to misunderstandings if different frequencies clash.
- The concept of multiple realities is introduced, with each person living in their own world shaped by their frequency.
"There are no people; there are only frequencies."
- This quote conveys the idea that interpersonal interactions are essentially exchanges of energy or frequency rather than interactions with separate entities.
"When you come and argue with're not dealing with a person; you're dealing with a frequency."
- This statement emphasizes that disagreements arise from differing vibrational states rather than objective truths.
Personal Growth and Awareness
- The importance of self-awareness in recognizing one's frequency and its impact on personal reality is discussed.
- Engaging with others' frequencies can lead to unwanted influences on one's own state, suggesting caution in interactions.
- The narrative encourages focusing on personal growth and maintaining high frequencies rather than attempting to change others.
"The more that you begin to go back and forth and argue with these people, what you're actually doing is mixing frequencies."
- This quote warns against engaging in conflicts that can lower one's vibrational state by mixing with others' frequencies.
"Do you want to live in their world?"
- This rhetorical question urges reflection on whether engaging with others' negative frequencies is desirable or beneficial.
Consciousness and Programming
- The discussion touches on the concept of programming, suggesting that individuals operate within the confines of their consciousness or frequency.
- Not everyone is capable of or meant to awaken to higher states of consciousness, with some serving as examples of unawakened states.
- The idea that esoteric knowledge chooses individuals rather than being a conscious choice is presented.
"Nobody can be more than their program."
- This quote suggests that individuals are limited by their current state of consciousness or programming, which defines their potential experiences.
"Not everybody's meant to wake up; some people are meant to be examples of what your life is going to be like if you don't."
- This statement implies that some individuals serve as cautionary examples of remaining in lower states of consciousness.
Understanding Personal Awakening and Program Limitations
- Awakening is not a personal choice but rather something that happens to an individual.
- People have different capabilities in changing their mental programs; some find it extremely difficult.
- It's important to recognize that not everyone can change their mental state or behaviors as easily as others.
"Your particular Awakening isn't something that you chose; it's something that chose you."
- Awakening is portrayed as an external event that selects individuals rather than a conscious decision.
"Not everybody has the same capability as you to change their programs."
- Highlights the varying abilities of individuals to alter their mental and behavioral patterns.
Dealing with Others' Programs
- Recognize that interactions are often with people's mental programs rather than their true selves.
- Understanding others' backgrounds and experiences can help in predicting their behavior.
- Accepting others' limitations can prevent frustration and unrealistic expectations.
"Before you look at somebody, think to yourself, what is the program that this person has?"
- Encourages empathy and understanding by considering others' life experiences and backgrounds.
"If you know somebody's program, you can never be frustrated by it."
- Knowing someone's mental program helps to manage expectations and reduce frustration.
Internal Harmony and External Manifestation
- Internal disharmony often reflects in external interactions and relationships.
- Mental arguments and negative internal dialogues can manifest as real-life tensions and conflicts.
- Altering internal conversations to be harmonious can lead to more positive external experiences.
"The mind is the cause or factor of reality, and causes must always lead to effects."
- Emphasizes the power of the mind in shaping reality and the importance of positive mental states.
"When you're beefing somebody in your head, you're actually setting in motion the frequency of a certain level of disharmony."
- Internal conflicts can lead to real-world disharmony, underscoring the need for internal peace.
Conscious Control of Manifestation
- Manifestation is an automatic process akin to breathing; awareness is key to controlling it.
- Redirecting negative internal dialogues to positive ones can change the vibrational state and outcomes.
- Creating harmonious internal conversations can transform relationships and interactions.
"Manifestation is an autopilot process; you don't have an issue manifesting, you have an issue with controlling what it is that you want to manifest."
- Stresses the need for conscious control over what one manifests through their thoughts.
"Make sure your internal conversations are reflecting... everything's harmonious."
- Advocates for conscious effort in maintaining positive internal dialogues to influence external reality.
Practical Application of Internal Harmony
- Catching oneself in negative mental arguments and consciously altering them is crucial.
- Transforming internal dialogues to reflect understanding and agreement can change external perceptions.
- Experimenting with this method can lead to noticeable changes in relationships and interactions.
"Try it, do this for a couple of weeks, couple of days... you will see."
- Encourages practical application of the discussed concepts to observe real-life changes.