Hot off the press. 🔥🔥🔥 GYM LAUNCH TENET #2 DONT SUGARCOAT IT... Talk To Your Employees Like You Do Behind Their Backs... How to Spot Talent And Identify Cancers Ep 100

Summary Notes


In a candid discussion, the CEO of Gym Launch stresses the importance of direct communication in spotting and nurturing talent within an organization. He cautions against the pitfalls of promoting skilled technicians to managerial roles without assessing their leadership qualities, highlighting that pride can hinder growth and lead to a toxic work culture. He advises that effective leaders should foster an environment of servant leadership, where team members are encouraged to grow and take on new challenges. The CEO also emphasizes the need for honesty in communication, both within the team and with customers, to facilitate genuine relationships and organizational growth. Additionally, he briefly mentions his book, "100 million dollar offers," available on Amazon, as a resource for listeners.

Summary Notes

Identification of Talent and Cancer in the Workplace

  • Speaker A emphasizes the importance of recognizing talent and identifying detrimental individuals within a company.
  • The concept of 'don't sugarcoat it' is introduced as the second tenet of gym launch.
  • The necessity for truthfulness in communication, especially regarding performance, is highlighted.
  • The pitfalls of promoting excellent technicians into management roles without considering their suitability for leadership are discussed.
  • The distinction between individuals who succeed and those who fail after promotion is attributed to the presence of pride and ego.
  • The negative impact of individuals who suppress their subordinates to maintain their status is acknowledged.

"We just finished an hour and a half long meeting, reviewing all of our individual teammates. So we have, you know, over 70 employees at gym launch and, yes, 70. Crazy." This quote introduces the context of the meeting where the speaker and their team reviewed the performance of over 70 employees, setting the stage for the discussion on talent identification and management.

"The second tenet of gym launch is don't sugarcoat it. Right? Which means that at all times, our job as people within a company, and then also, especially as a CEO, is to be a truth teller." The speaker defines the 'don't sugarcoat it' tenet, emphasizing the importance of honest communication within the company and the specific role of the CEO as a truth teller.

"If someone's not doing well, a lot of times we he and haw around it because we're trying to protect their emotions, trying to protect other feels." This quote highlights a common issue where leaders may avoid direct communication about poor performance to spare employees' feelings, indicating a potential mismatch between the employee and their role.

"We have, time and time again, promoted someone who is an excellent technician at something into a management role." The speaker discusses a repeated mistake of promoting skilled technicians to management positions without assessing their leadership abilities, which has led to failures in the company.

"And when it really comes down to it for us, is that all of those people had pride. They had egos." The speaker identifies pride and ego as the key factors that differentiated employees who failed in management roles from those who succeeded, suggesting that these traits can be detrimental in a leadership context.

"And so they wanted to prove how much they could do, how much they could do, how they could rise to the top, which is great, until that person starts suppressing the people underneath of them because they want no one to be as good as they were, right?" This quote explains the negative consequences of promoting individuals with excessive pride and ego, as they may suppress their subordinates to maintain their own status, ultimately harming the organization.

Deceptive Behavior and Ego in Workplace Dynamics

  • Individuals may present a facade to appear cooperative or supportive while behaving differently in private.
  • The presence of ego can lead to a disconnect between what is said and what is felt, creating a dual dialogue.
  • Passive-aggressive behavior can emerge, particularly from individuals who are motivated by personal success over the company's well-being.
  • This behavior can perpetuate as such individuals, when promoted, tend to hire others with similar tendencies, leading to a toxic work environment.
  • Fake communication becomes prevalent, and real issues or sentiments are not addressed.

"But then behind your back, will act completely differently. And they think they're outsmarting you by putting on this face, this facade, when they're not really fooling anyone, right?"

This quote highlights the deceptive nature of some individuals in the workplace who pretend to be something they're not in front of others, especially authority figures.

"And so constantly you start having this dual dialogue that's going on at any given time, and you have the passive aggressiveness that starts."

The quote discusses the issue of having two conversations at once: the overt, polite dialogue and the covert, true feelings, which often leads to passive-aggressive behavior.

The Importance of Direct Communication

  • Sugarcoating or gossiping is discouraged in favor of direct, honest communication.
  • The principle of speaking to someone as if you were speaking about them behind their back can lead to more effective communication.
  • Direct communication gives individuals the opportunity to understand and address the real perceptions others have of them, fostering personal and professional growth.

"Which is why the second tenet of gym launch is, don't sugarcoat it. Don't gossip. Don't sugarcoat. Just say it like it is."

This quote introduces a core policy of the speaker's company, emphasizing the value of direct and straightforward communication.

"So speak to people as though you were speaking behind their back, but just say it to their face and then you'll be amazed at how effective your communication will be."

The quote suggests that honesty in communication, even when it involves difficult truths, can lead to surprisingly positive outcomes in terms of clarity and effectiveness.

Consistency in Personal and Professional Integrity

  • The speaker advocates for personal integrity by ensuring that their words about someone are consistent, whether in their presence or absence.
  • This approach to communication is presented as a goal in the speaker's life, aiming to foster trust and respect.
  • The speaker also applies this principle in social settings, ensuring that any criticism has already been communicated directly to the person involved.

"And so one of the biggest goals that I've had in my life has been to always speak to people behind their back the way I speak to them in person."

This quote reflects the speaker's commitment to integrity and consistency in their communication, striving to be genuine in all interactions.

"I will never say something behind their back that I have not told them to their face."

The quote emphasizes the speaker's principle of transparency, ensuring that they do not engage in speaking ill of others without first addressing the issue directly with the person concerned.

Authentic Communication

  • Authentic communication involves being a "truth teller" and expressing one's genuine thoughts to others.
  • This type of communication allows for real conversations and the development of stronger relationships and teamwork.
  • Being authentic means that others perceive you as "real" and can lead to mutual respect and support within a group.

"You can actually have a real conversation about the issue rather than having all these constant, for lack of a better term, pussy footing around the issues, right. You get to really say it."

The quote emphasizes the importance of direct and honest communication in addressing issues without avoidance or evasion. It suggests that such forthrightness leads to meaningful conversations and relationships.

Promotional Tactics

  • The speaker promotes their book available on Amazon, highlighting the effort put into writing it and the value it provides to the community.
  • The promotion is framed as a "gift" to the listeners, with the underlying goal of increasing the speaker's likability and future business opportunities.

"I put over 1000 hours into writing that book and it's my biggest gift to our community."

The speaker is justifying the promotion of their book by emphasizing the time invested in its creation and framing it as a generous contribution to the community, which serves as a segue into the promotional offer.

Identifying Talent and Toxicity

  • The ability to spot talent and identify potentially harmful individuals ("cancers") is crucial for organizational growth.
  • A key differentiator between a talented individual who can lead and one who cannot is the presence of pride, which hinders personal growth and learning.
  • A prideful person refuses to acknowledge their faults and is resistant to feedback, which can negatively impact a team or business.
  • When hiring or promoting, it is often the quieter individuals who are open to growth and lack ego, which makes them more suitable for leadership roles.

"The difference between the star player who is able to move up and manage well and lead, and the difference between the star player who is not able to move up and manage and lead is pride."

This quote outlines the central idea that pride can be a barrier to professional advancement and leadership, as it prevents individuals from acknowledging their own shortcomings and learning from them.

"If you put that person in charge, then that person is going to create a culture of that which will literally destroy your business."

The speaker warns that putting a prideful person in a leadership position can lead to the creation of a toxic work culture, which can have disastrous consequences for a business.

"Sometimes it's just someone who's like medium on their loudness. Like they do their work and they don't say anything. And sometimes when you have the conversations with those people, they are willing to grow because they don't have an ego."

This quote suggests that the best candidates for leadership may not always be the most vocal or noticeable individuals, but rather those who are quietly competent and open to personal growth and development.

Pride vs. Pridefulness

  • Distinguishes between healthy pride in one's work and detrimental pridefulness.
  • Healthy pride is about striving to do one's best work.
  • Pridefulness is characterized by the belief that one's work is the best solely due to one's own involvement.
  • The distinction is important for evaluating potential team members during interviews.

"The difference between being prideful and taking pride in your work. And it's semantics. Because of the english language in different languages, those words are different. But taking pride in your work versus being prideful, right. One is about, I want to do this for the best. I want to put my best into this versus I am the best, and therefore it is the best because it was made by me."

This quote explains the nuanced difference between having pride in one's work, which is constructive, and being prideful, which can be obstructive. The former is about effort and quality, while the latter is about ego.

Interview Strategies for Assessing Pridefulness

  • Suggests using probing questions during interviews to reveal a candidate's level of pridefulness.
  • A prideful person may become annoyed and defensive under scrutiny.
  • Identifying and avoiding hiring prideful individuals is important for team cohesion.

"One of the best tactical things, if you're trying to interview someone, is poke at them, give them a scenario, and then ask them what they would do and then poke. Why would you do that? Why would you do that? But why? And the prideful person will become annoyed, and then they will start to lash out."

The quote provides a practical interviewing technique to discern a candidate's level of pridefulness. Persistent questioning is used to gauge their reaction and potential for disruptive behavior.

Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset in Team Management

  • Highlights the pitfalls of a fixed mindset where one believes they are the smartest in the room.
  • Emphasizes the importance of a growth mindset for personal development and effective team management.
  • Describes the ideal team member as a servant leader willing to empower others and seek growth opportunities.

"But the problem is, when you're the smartest person in the room, there's nothing left for you to learn, right? And so if you have that mind set, it's very difficult for you to grow someone who has that mindset. It's very difficult for them to manage a team because they don't actually want anyone to be better than them."

This quote addresses the limitations of a fixed mindset on personal and team growth, emphasizing that a good leader should foster learning and encourage team members to excel.

Servant Leadership and Organizational Growth

  • Defines servant leadership as a key trait for team members in a high-growth environment.
  • Contrasts survival instincts with the need for delegation and empowerment in a growth-focused company.
  • Describes the process of moving up in the company as one of coaching others and taking on higher-level responsibilities.

"You need every single person to be a servant leader. You need every single person to be willing to grow and literally put themselves out of a job. And that is countersurvival, because survival tells you I need to get as many things on my plate as I possibly can so that they have to keep me."

The quote emphasizes the importance of servant leadership and the paradox of growth within an organization, where success is defined by enabling others rather than hoarding responsibilities.

Transparency as a Core Value

  • Stresses the importance of truth-telling as a core tenet for CEOs and leaders.
  • Advocates for direct and efficient communication to foster respect and enable real growth.
  • Encourages transparency with both team members and customers for clearer communication and easier operations.

"Our job as CEO is to be a truth teller at all costs. Always tell the truth. And if you can confront the truth, people respect you for it because you're having efficient communication. You're telling them what is actually happening, and then you create the platform for real growth within your team."

The quote highlights the necessity of honesty in leadership for building trust and facilitating progress within a team or organization.

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