Hormozi Life Hacks You Need To Hear Ep 605



In this episode, Alex shares a variety of life hacks and personal philosophies aimed at improving happiness, health, wealth, and personal efficiency. He emphasizes the importance of not letting others' opinions dictate one's actions, and demonstrates this through his approach to skincare, fashion, and responding to criticism. Alex also discusses financial strategies, like valuing future worth of money and considering the cost of purchases in terms of work hours. He promotes a minimalist wardrobe for efficiency and comfort, and champions the idea of living authentically regardless of judgment. Additionally, he provides practical tips such as using watering holes to remember tasks, leveraging beards and hats for sun protection, and the financial benefits of asset appreciation over income. Alex also touches on the significance of environment on behavior, advocating for strategic changes to facilitate desired habits. Lastly, he delves into time management, suggesting tactics like scheduling work around peak productivity hours, controlling communication preferences, and stacking tasks for efficiency.

Summary Notes

Personal Philosophy on External Opinions

  • Alex reflects on the influence of external opinions and the decision to not let them dictate his life choices.
  • He emphasizes the importance of prioritizing personal comfort and values over the fear of criticism from strangers.

"Do I want to be the type of person who changes my life to suit people who I will never meet? Like, I'm literally letting them make my life less comfortable because I'm afraid of what they're going to say."

This quote highlights Alex's stance on not allowing the potential negative opinions of others to impact his life decisions. He questions the logic of altering one's life to please people who are essentially irrelevant to one's personal journey.

Building a Business and Documenting the Journey

  • Alex discusses his goal of building a billion-dollar business with acquisition.com.
  • He expresses a desire for prominent figures like Bezos, Musk, and Buffett to have documented their journeys, and he aims to do this for others.

"I'm trying to build a billion dollar thing with acquisition.com. I always wish Bezos, Musk, and Buffett had documented their journey. So I'm doing it for the rest of us."

Alex conveys his ambition to create a significant business and his regret that influential entrepreneurs did not share their growth processes. He commits to documenting his own journey for the benefit of others who may learn from it.

Life Hack #1: Sun Protection

  • Alex shares his struggle with consistently applying sunscreen and his solution using chapstick with SPF.
  • He introduces the concept of "watering holes" to create cues for habitual actions.
  • He emphasizes the long-term benefits of sun protection and how chapstick with SPF avoids the discomfort of oily hands.

"And so I took it and I put SPF on my face and it actually stuck longer than the sunscreen did. And I didn't get anything on my hands."

This quote explains Alex's discovery of using chapstick with SPF as a more convenient and effective method for facial sun protection, which led to a consistent skincare routine.

Life Hack #2: Appearance and Sun Protection

  • Alex humorously suggests that hats and beards can improve the appearance of "ugly dudes" by leaving more to the imagination.
  • He also notes the practical benefits of these items in providing sun protection.

"Life hack number two is that if you're an ugly dude, recommend having a hat and a beard, because the hat covers the top half of your face and the beard covers the bottom half of your face."

This quote introduces a tongue-in-cheek suggestion for men to use hats and beards to enhance their appearance while also highlighting the sun protection benefits of these items.

Life Hack #3: Spending Less Money

  • Alex discusses the concept of viewing current spending in terms of future value, using compound interest calculations as a deterrent against unnecessary purchases.
  • He also describes evaluating the worth of a purchase by equating the cost to the amount of work required to earn the money.

"So if I spend $100 on a shirt, then that $100 is ten grand of what my future self would use with the money."

This quote illustrates the technique of considering the long-term opportunity cost of spending money now, which can help deter frivolous spending by framing the cost in terms of future value.

Life Hack #4: Simplifying Daily Choices

  • Alex shares his approach to minimizing daily decision-making by creating a personal uniform.
  • He details the extensive testing process he underwent to select the optimal clothing items for his needs.
  • The philosophy behind this hack is to make the best decision once and benefit from it indefinitely.

"I tried 30 or 40 different types of beaters to get the right brand. And then when I had the right brand from material and stretch and cut standpoint, then I tried different sizes."

Alex explains the meticulous process he went through to find the perfect fit and brand for his clothing, which saves him time and effort in daily decision-making.

Life Hack #5: Breathing Enhancement

  • Alex discusses his use of nasal strips for better breathing due to past nose operations.
  • He addresses the misconception that the strips are a fashion statement, clarifying their functional purpose for his respiratory issues.

"I wore them so I could breathe better. And if you ever listen to iPhone videos of me, you can hear me breathing."

This quote clarifies the practical reason behind Alex's use of nasal strips, emphasizing their role in improving his breathing rather than serving as a fashion accessory.

Alex's Experience with Breathing Issues and Personal Choices

  • Alex had severe breathing difficulties, with almost no airflow through one nostril and very limited airflow through the other.
  • The breathing issues led to Alex and his wife, Leila, sleeping in separate bedrooms for about a year.
  • After a procedure, Alex now wears nose strips to prevent snoring and keep his nose from collapsing.
  • Alex emphasizes the importance of prioritizing personal comfort over others' opinions, especially when it comes to health and well-being.

"Before this, I had, like, 100% couldn't breathe out of one, and I had, like, 15% airflow in the other. Like, I couldn't breathe at all."

This quote explains the severity of Alex's breathing issues before he took action to address them.

"I think it's ridiculous because when you started dating, you didn't live in the same place and didn't have the same bedroom."

Alex is challenging the stigma associated with couples sleeping in separate bedrooms and how it may be perceived as a sign of marital issues.

"I was wearing this shit before. It was cool and it was because breathing was cooler to me than other people's opinions about my face."

Alex values his health and comfort over the aesthetic judgments of others, highlighting the importance of personal priorities.

The Importance of Individuality and Selective Feedback

  • People naturally care about others' opinions as a way to orient themselves in society.
  • While feedback can be useful, especially in a market context, Alex argues that personal decisions such as appearance or lifestyle should not be heavily influenced by others.
  • There is a distinction between decisions that should incorporate others' feedback and those that should not.
  • Alex underscores the significance of being true to oneself and not letting the fear of judgment dictate personal choices.

"We're raised when we come up to care about other people's opinions because that's how we orient ourselves to the world."

Alex acknowledges that societal norms condition people to value others' opinions, which can influence personal behavior.

"I think that there are some decisions that incorporating other people's feedback is valuable, and then there are other decisions where it's completely invaluable."

This quote highlights the need to discern when external feedback is relevant and when it is not, particularly regarding personal choices.

"Do I want to be the type of person who changes my life to suit people who I will never meet?"

Alex questions the logic of altering one's life to please strangers, suggesting that one should find more meaningful concerns.

The Role of Environment in Behavior Change

  • Changing one's environment can be an effective way to alter behavior.
  • Different environments naturally elicit different behaviors, and this is not necessarily indicative of insecurity.
  • Alex discusses the phenomenon of soldiers in Vietnam not becoming addicted to heroin upon returning to the U.S. due to the change in environment.
  • He advocates for changing one's environment as a powerful method for making significant life changes.

"If you want to change your behavior, change your environment, change your circumstances."

Alex suggests that environmental change is a key strategy for behavioral change.

"The guys who came back didn't go through a rehab program. And the people who go through rehab programs don't succeed. Like, why is that? It's because the environment changed."

This quote illustrates the impact of environmental factors on addiction and recovery, using the example of soldiers returning from Vietnam.

Life Hacks for Optimizing Living Environment

  • Moving even a short distance within the same city can create a significant change in one's living environment.
  • Living close to parents can limit independence; moving beyond a certain distance can provide necessary space.
  • Reducing living expenses is crucial for financial flexibility and personal development.
  • Alex discusses the difference between tax-free and non-tax-free states in the U.S. and the implications for choosing where to live.
  • He emphasizes that wealth is created through asset appreciation, not income, and that understanding this can influence one's approach to taxes and investments.
  • Alex shares his criteria for choosing a city to live in, including industry presence, social connections, tax advantages, walkability, and access to amenities and transport.

"So number one is you don't have to leave the city you're in in order to get some space and move out on your own."

Alex provides practical advice on making impactful changes without drastic relocation.

"I think a lot of people over index on taxes, all right?"

This quote suggests that people may place too much emphasis on taxes when making decisions about where to live and work.

"Remember why you started. Remember why you got on this path to begin with. For me, I optimize for freedom, and I want to live wherever I want to live."

Alex reflects on the importance of staying true to one's original motivations and values when making life decisions.

Alex's Book on Amazon

  • Alex has authored a book titled "100 Million Dollar Offers" available on Amazon with a high rating.
  • The book is priced affordably on Kindle, making it accessible to a wide audience.

"Hey guys, real quick, if you're new to the podcast, I have a book on Amazon, it's called 100 million Dollar offers that over 8005 star reviews."

Alex promotes his book, highlighting its success and positive reception.

Alex's Book Contribution to the Community

  • Alex has invested over 1000 hours into writing a book as a gift to the community.
  • The book is available on Amazon and is part of Alex's strategy to build rapport and potentially partner with others in their business careers.

"The reason I bring it up is that I put over 1000 hours into writing that book and it's my biggest give to our community."

This quote emphasizes the significant time and effort Alex has dedicated to creating a resource for the community, which also serves as a strategic move to foster future business relationships.

Strategic Networking via Common Destinations

  • Alex spends a significant amount of time in Vegas because it is a common destination for many people.
  • The convenience of Vegas allows Alex to network efficiently as people reach out when they are in town.
  • This strategy allows Alex to maintain a high level of relationships without the extensive time commitment typically required for networking.

"And so the last piece is if you're a place where it's a common destination for most people. Like, the reason that I spend a lot of time in Vegas is because most people fly into Vegas every year or two for something."

Alex explains that choosing a common destination like Vegas for networking is strategic because it brings people together naturally, making it easier to connect without the overhead of full-time hosting.

Rethinking Water Consumption

  • Alex challenges the modern obsession with water consumption, suggesting ancient humans survived with less.
  • He discusses the inconvenience of frequent urination and the potential depletion of minerals from excessive water intake.
  • Alex now drinks only when thirsty and has noticed his body adjusting, requiring less water.
  • He points out that food, especially fruit, contributes significantly to our water intake, which is often overlooked.

"And so I actually went completely the other direction. And I only drink when I'm thirsty. And when I drink, I drink enough to not be thirsty, not enough to be full."

Alex shares his personal experience with adjusting his water consumption habits, focusing on drinking to quench thirst rather than to meet a specific quota, which has led to a more convenient and balanced lifestyle.

Embracing Comparison with the "Comma, And That's Okay" Approach

  • Alex believes comparison is not inherently negative; it's the judgment that follows which can steal joy.
  • He uses the phrase "comma, and that's okay" to accept negative situations without harsh judgment.
  • This approach allows for learning from others and self-improvement without self-deprecation.
  • Alex shares a personal anecdote of a costly mistake to illustrate how embracing the situation can lead to positive outcomes, such as loyalty and learning.

"And so one of the monikers that is actually my team that turned me on to this because apparently I say it a lot, but it's just that I will have a negative situation and then say comma, and that's okay."

Alex introduces a mindset that helps him deal with negative situations by acknowledging them without letting them impact his self-worth or happiness, thereby maintaining a positive perspective.

The Benefits of Hanging from Elevated Surfaces

  • Alex hangs from a pull-up bar to stretch his back and shoulders, which he finds beneficial for posture and decompression.
  • This practice is part of his strategy for maintaining the longevity of his training regimen.
  • Alex emphasizes the importance of consistent, long-term training over short-term intensity.

"I just hang from a pull up bar for three or four minutes, ideally before and after I train."

Alex shares a simple yet effective physical routine that contributes to his overall fitness and training longevity, highlighting the importance of maintenance exercises.

Time Management Life Hacks

  • Alex views time as his scarcest resource and believes mastering time management is key to mastering money.
  • He gives himself permission not to reply to everyone, understanding that not all communications are equally important.
  • Alex uses a kitchen timer to maintain focus and avoid distractions while working.
  • He controls his environment to minimize interruptions, including turning off messaging notifications.

"Time is the one thing that we can't get more of. And so for me, it's my scarcest resource."

Alex discusses the significance of time management in his life and business, suggesting that understanding and valuing time can lead to better financial outcomes and overall productivity.

Visual and Audio Work Environment

  • Alex prefers working in a closet without windows to avoid distractions and increase productivity.
  • He believes the long-term benefit of productivity outweighs the short-term pleasure of a view.
  • To block out noise, Alex uses earplugs with gunshot headphones, which helps him reach a meditative state and focus solely on his work.
  • This setup includes a large screen, a timer for tasks, and sound-blocking measures, all contributing to increased work efficiency per unit of time.

"So visually, I almost always work in a closet without windows. And I do that because I want to stare out the window if it's a nice day. And every time I that it detracts from my work."

This quote explains Alex's preference for a windowless workspace to avoid the temptation of looking outside and becoming distracted, thereby enhancing his work focus.

"I double headphones. So I actually put earplugs in and then I put gunshot headphones on top."

Alex describes his method of using two layers of headphones to create a quiet environment that aids concentration and reduces stress.

Smartphone Usage Reduction

  • Alex uses grayscale on his phone to reduce its appeal and decrease daily usage.
  • Research supports that grayscale can cut phone usage by 30-40 minutes per day.
  • The lack of color on the phone makes it less rewarding and less likely to be checked frequently.
  • He emphasizes the influence of colors on behavior and mood, suggesting that changing phone colors can alter usage habits.

"I use grayscale on my phone... it decreases, I think, phone usage by 30 or 40 minutes a day on average for people."

This quote highlights Alex's strategy of using grayscale on his phone to reduce its usage, backed by research indicating significant daily time savings.

Scheduling and Productivity

  • Alex schedules his time from back to front, starting early in the morning with no meetings and focusing on priorities.
  • He minimizes time wasted between waking up and starting work, which varies based on personal routines and values.
  • For years, Alex scheduled creative work in the mornings and meetings in the afternoons, a practice that proved effective.
  • Recently, he has shifted his workday start time slightly later, optimizing his schedule further based on personal and social changes.
  • Alex now schedules meetings at the end of the day, allowing uninterrupted deep work time during the day.
  • He gives himself permission to demand preferred communication methods, favoring bullet-point messages over audio or video for efficiency.

"I schedule my time back to front, and I start my day early with no meetings with all my priorities."

Alex shares his approach to productivity, emphasizing the importance of starting the day early and focusing on priorities without interruptions from meetings.

"I give myself permission to demand how I want to be communicated with."

This quote reflects Alex's preference for efficient communication, instructing others to provide bullet-point messages to save time for both parties.

Time Management and Efficiency

  • Alex practices "double dipping" time, meaning he combines activities to maximize efficiency.
  • He looks for opportunities to leverage necessary activities by adding elements that provide additional value, such as combining meals with work discussions.
  • By working out with his team, he accomplishes three goals at once: exercising, team building, and content creation.
  • He believes in leveraging time to achieve more output from the same input.

"I like doing meals with people that I work with because I have to eat anyways."

Alex uses the example of combining meals with work-related discussions to illustrate how he "double dips" time for greater efficiency and relationship-building.

Habit Formation

  • Alex suggests making new habits as easy as possible by attaching them to existing habits, a technique known as "daisy chaining."
  • He provides examples from his experience with his supplement company, where he encouraged customers to associate supplement intake with daily routines.
  • Alex also discusses personal strategies for habit formation, such as combining teeth brushing with another nightly routine.
  • He emphasizes the importance of creating a reward system for new habits to make them self-reinforcing.

"I don't try and create new habits. I try and daisy chain it onto an existing habit."

Alex shares his method for habit formation, which involves adding new habits onto existing ones to make them easier to adopt and maintain.

"Is there a way that I can create a reward for doing this?"

In this quote, Alex discusses the significance of rewards in habit formation, suggesting that positive reinforcement can help sustain new behaviors.

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