Ham and the Garlic Give the market what it wants Ep 260

Summary Notes


In a discussion on effective marketing strategies, the speakers highlight the importance of meeting customers where they are to successfully sell a product or service. The main speaker, recounting personal experiences in fitness and dental marketing, emphasizes the concept of 'giving people what they want to give them what they need,' illustrated through the 'Ham and the garlic' anecdote. This approach involves initially offering a desirable entry point, such as a quick fix, to build trust and then educating customers about long-term solutions. The speakers suggest that by understanding and relating to the customer's current perspective, businesses can guide them towards more substantial, beneficial outcomes.

Summary Notes

Introduction to Marketing Positioning

  • Speaker A introduces the topic of marketing positioning and its significance in eliciting responses from potential customers.
  • Speaker B sets the stage for the discussion by outlining the show's focus on customer acquisition, increasing customer value, and retention, along with the learnings from past failures.

It's what's going on, everyone. In this short video, I want to tell you a story about how you can position your marketing in a way that gets a lot more people to respond to it, independent of whether you may like it or not.

The quote from Speaker A introduces the central idea of the video: how to effectively position marketing to engage more people, regardless of personal preferences.

Welcome to the game where we talk about how to get more customers, how to make more per customer, and how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons we have learned along the way. I hope you enjoy and subscribe.

Speaker B's quote provides an overview of the podcast's themes, focusing on customer-related strategies and the value of learning from past experiences.

The Struggle with Truthful Marketing

  • Speaker A shares their early experience in fitness marketing, emphasizing the challenge of getting people to respond to truthful and helpful marketing messages.
  • They highlight the importance of understanding customer behavior and preferences rather than just presenting the facts.

When I was starting out, right, I. I struggled to get people to buy what I knew would help them, right? So when I started in fitness, I wanted to say, hey, there's a sustainable way to look the way you want to look. You just need to learn how to count your macros and do resistance training. And if you do that, you look the way you want to look. But for whatever reason, my marketing that talked about that, because I knew it was true, didn't get people to respond, right? And I didn't get any new customers, even though I knew I was saying the truth, right.

This quote from Speaker A illustrates the disconnect between marketing that is truthful and the actual response from potential customers. It underscores the challenge of convincing people to engage with a product or service based on factual information alone.

Marketing for Different Audiences

  • Speaker A recounts their experience with marketing for a dentist, highlighting the difference between the dentist's perspective and the customers' needs.
  • The anecdote serves to show that personal preferences of the service provider can differ from those of the target audience.

And later on in my career, before I learned this lesson, I was doing marketing for a dentist and I was running ads and we had landing pages that we had built and it was working. And he called me up furious, and he was like, this looks horrible. This is terrible for my brand. I would never sign up for something like this. And I was like, well, it's a good thing that you're not your customers. You already have nice teeth, right?

Speaker A's quote emphasizes the importance of tailoring marketing efforts to the target audience rather than to the personal tastes of the business owner. It demonstrates that successful marketing often requires a focus on what appeals to customers, not necessarily what the business owner prefers.

The Ham and the Garlic Story

  • Speaker A introduces a community-famous story known as "The Ham and the Garlic" to illustrate a key marketing lesson.
  • The story is used to convey the idea that understanding and catering to the customer's perspective is crucial.

And so the story that drove this home for me was a story that's become famous in our community called the Ham and the Garlic. And so the way the story goes is there was a little kid, and he was incredibly excited to please his dad, right? And his dad one day decides to give him a dog and says, listen, son, you got take good care of this dog. And if you don't take

The quote from Speaker A introduces a story meant to encapsulate a marketing lesson about customer perspective. The story is set up to show the importance of aligning marketing efforts with what is pleasing to the customer, rather than what one thinks is best.

Responsibility and Pet Care

  • The story begins with a father setting a condition for his son regarding pet care.
  • The father implies that taking care of a dog is a responsibility that the son must fulfill.
  • The son agrees to the condition to take good care of the dog.

good care of the dog, then it means you're not responsible, all right? So you got to take good care of it if we're going to buy it.

This quote establishes the premise that pet ownership comes with the obligation to be responsible. The father is teaching his son that caring for a pet is a serious commitment.

Encountering a Problem

  • A few weeks after acquiring the dog, the son discovers that the pet has ticks.
  • The son is very distressed upon finding the ticks.
  • He seeks help from his grandmother, who is babysitting while his father is at work.

And so one day the dad goes to work a couple of weeks later, and the kid sees the dog, he's playing with him, and he notices he's got ticks all over him. And he's like, oh, my God.

The quote highlights the son's shock and concern upon discovering the dog's condition, indicating his emotional investment in the pet's well-being.

Seeking Solutions

  • The grandmother suggests a home remedy for the tick problem, advising the use of garlic.
  • Initially, the dog is reluctant to consume the garlic due to its strong smell.

And the grandma says, ah, miho, you just have to give the dog some garlic. All right, so go feed him some garlic, and then the ticks will go away.

The grandmother's advice introduces a traditional solution to the tick problem, showing the family's reliance on home remedies.

Persistence and Creativity

  • The son reports back to the grandmother that the direct approach with garlic was unsuccessful.
  • The grandmother then suggests an alternative method to administer the garlic by wrapping it in ham.

And she says, mule, did you just try and give him the garlic straight up? He's like, yeah. He says, you have to wrap it in ham.

This quote demonstrates the need for creativity and adaptation when the initial solution to a problem is ineffective. It shows the importance of persistence and thinking outside the box.

Successful Resolution and Lesson Learned

  • The son follows the grandmother's revised advice, and the dog eats the garlic wrapped in ham.
  • The remedy works, and the ticks leave the dog, crawling up the wall.
  • The son feels relieved and believes he has upheld his responsibility, which maintains his father's pride in him.
  • The story concludes with a moral lesson about providing what people want to fulfill their needs.

the dog eats it, and then an hour later, the ticks start crawling up the wall because the dog starts sweating out garlic, whatever, right? And the kid feels saved because the dog is taken care of and the dad still is proud of him, et cetera.

The quote captures the successful outcome of the situation and the son's relief at resolving the issue, which reinforces his sense of responsibility and the father's trust.

Moral of the Story: Understanding and Perspective

  • The story ends with a moral about the importance of delivering information or solutions in a way that the recipient can accept and understand.
  • It is suggested that many times people lack the perspective or context to understand advice or information if they are not already knowledgeable about the subject.

But the moral of the story is that you have to give people what they want in order to give them what they need. And so many times, people are not at the perspective from which they don't have the perspective. They don't have the context to understand what you're saying, because you already in the know.

This quote encapsulates the core message of the story, highlighting the necessity of communicating in a way that is accessible and appealing to the audience, especially when they may not have the same level of understanding or context as the person providing the information.

Business Growth Strategies

  • Discussing methods to scale a business from large to much larger, specifically aiming for the 50 to 100 million dollars mark.
  • Emphasis on meeting potential clients where they are and guiding them towards the desired business goals.
  • Importance of understanding the customer's mindset and initial desires to effectively market and sell a service or product.
  • The strategy of initially offering what customers want to earn their trust before educating them on the long-term solutions they actually need.
  • Analogy of "ham" to attract customers and "garlic" to represent the essential, but less immediately appealing, aspects of the service.

Would love to talk to you. And if you like that, or would like to hear more about it, go to acquisition.com.

This quote is an invitation to business owners who are looking to scale their businesses to a much larger size, directing them to a resource for further information.

And so you have to go back in time to before you knew what you know now and meet people where they're at and then walk them across the bridge to where you need them to go.

This quote emphasizes the need for business owners to empathize with their customers' initial states of knowledge and needs, suggesting a tailored approach to guiding them towards more sophisticated solutions.

And so when we started marketing fitness, we would market short duration, challenges, detoxes, things like that, because we knew that people who were in that state of mind, what they want is a quick fix, right?

This quote illustrates the initial marketing strategy used to attract customers by offering solutions that align with their immediate desires, in this case, quick fixes in the fitness industry.

And then once we earned their trust, we said, hey, I know we had some success in this first few weeks, but you're not here just for a few weeks because you don't want to gain it back right.

This quote shows the transition from fulfilling immediate customer desires to building trust and then introducing the idea of long-term goals and sustainable results.

You really want this to be a long term thing because if you lose it and gain it back, what's the point?

This quote reinforces the importance of setting long-term goals with customers, highlighting the futility of short-term solutions that don't offer lasting benefits.

And at this point, we said, this is the garlic. What you need to do is you need to learn how to count your calories. You got to learn how to eat macros. You got to learn how to train for real.

This quote details the "garlic" or the essential components of the service that customers need to engage with for long-term success, which includes educating them on nutrition and training.

But it took the ham to get them in the door.

This quote summarizes the strategy of using an initial, attractive offering ("ham") to engage customers before introducing them to the more substantial, beneficial aspects of the service ("garlic").

And so right now, you may have something that you're trying to market in your business and you're trying to get new customers in the door, and you're marketing from a position of already knowing the answer.

This quote addresses the common mistake of marketing from the business owner's perspective, with the assumption that potential customers understand and value the long-term solutions from the outset.

Understanding and Meeting Customer Needs

  • The necessity of aligning marketing strategies with the current mindset and desires of the target audience.
  • The process of transitioning customers from seeking immediate gratification to understanding the value of long-term solutions.
  • The concept of using an attractive initial offer to bring customers in, followed by educating them on the more complex aspects of the product or service.
  • The challenge of marketing effectively when the business owner is too far removed from the customer's initial perspective.

And you may shake your f

This incomplete quote suggests a continuation of the discussion on the challenges faced when trying to attract new customers, potentially addressing the disconnect between what the business offers and what the customer initially seeks.

Understanding and Relating to Your Audience

  • Effective marketing requires understanding the audience's current beliefs and meeting them where they are.
  • Marketers should communicate in a way that resonates with the audience's language, problems, and fears.
  • Building trust is essential before introducing new concepts or products.
  • Giving the audience what they want is a strategy to eventually provide them with what they need.

"I'd encourage you to shift your perspective from saying this is the truth to this is their truth right now, and I need to meet them where they're at."

This quote emphasizes the importance of recognizing the audience's current perspective and adapting communication to align with that viewpoint for effective marketing.

"You have to give them what they want in order to give them what they need."

This quote illustrates the marketing strategy of initially offering something desirable to the audience to build a bridge towards introducing what they ultimately need.

The Journey of Transformation in Marketing

  • Marketing often involves guiding the audience through a transformational journey.
  • This is especially relevant in businesses that offer coaching, mentoring, or services that require a change in the consumer's beliefs.
  • Marketers should not start with the end goal but rather guide the audience through a journey similar to their own.

"And so that story has always stuck with me because it applies to any type of coaching or mentor, mentee relationship or really anything that you're marketing to the public where you need them to break a belief in order to consume your service or get the result that you need them to have or that they really need for themselves."

This quote discusses the applicability of the transformational journey approach in marketing, particularly in contexts where the audience needs to overcome existing beliefs to benefit from the service or product.

"You can begin with the end in mind, but you do not begin with the end. You have to start where they're at and then tape them along the journey, the same one you did, so that they can get to where they want to go, which is where you know is going to be the best place for them."

This quote advises marketers to have a clear vision of the desired outcome but to initiate the marketing process from the audience's current position, leading them step by step towards the goal.

Engaging with Marketing Content

  • The speaker encourages engagement with marketing content through available interactive elements.
  • The speaker expresses a desire for the information shared to be valuable to the audience.

"I'm sure there's buttons and things that you can click, can learn more and all that stuff."

This quote suggests that there are interactive features, such as buttons, associated with the marketing content that can provide additional information or engagement opportunities for the audience.

Conclusion and Well-Wishes

  • The speaker concludes the message with well-wishes and a positive farewell.
  • There is an indication of future interactions or communications.

"But anyways, keep being amazing. Have an awesome day and I'll catch you soon. Bye."

This quote serves as a friendly and uplifting conclusion to the marketing message, implying ongoing support and future engagement with the audience.

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