an unhinged deep dive into taylor swift

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In her video, Carly delves into a comprehensive analysis of Taylor Swift's career, covering her major milestones, romances, and controversies. The presentation spans from Swift's debut album release in 2006 to her speculated relationship with Matty Healy in 2023, including her interactions with celebrities like Joe Jonas, Kanye West, and Katy Perry. Carly touches on the drama surrounding Swift's masters being sold to Scooter Braun and the public fallout, as well as Swift's strategic friendships forming her "girl squad" over the years. Highlighting key events like the infamous VMA incident with West, Swift's various public relationships, and her shift towards a more private life with Joe Alwyn, the video encapsulates Swift's evolution as an artist and public figure. Carly also discusses Swift's musical re-recordings, the "Eras" tour, and the return of her public persona post-Alwyn breakup.

Summary Notes

Live Twilight Screening Promotion

  • Carly is hosting a live Twilight screening event in Toronto.
  • The event includes Shadow on games, drinking games, and live commentary.
  • It is described as a sleepover movie viewing experience.
  • The next movie to be screened is Eclipse, with previous screenings of Twilight and New Moon completed.
  • The event is scheduled for Friday, May 26th at 8pm, with a link provided in the video description.

"I am hosting a live Twilight screening here in Toronto... it's sleepover movie viewing at its best and now we are doing Eclipse... that's happening Friday May 26th at 8pm."

The quote explains Carly's upcoming Twilight screening event, highlighting the interactive and communal aspects of the experience.

Introduction to Carly's Channel

  • Carly introduces herself and her channel.
  • She mentions her uncompleted University degree for context.
  • Carly is preparing a drama and romance retrospective on Taylor Swift.
  • The retrospective includes a PowerPoint presentation with Taylor Swift's career, romantic, and drama milestones.
  • Carly took a break from the project due to its exhaustive nature.

"My name is Carly... it's the amalgamation of like more research than I ever did for my University degree... I basically made a PowerPoint that is a timeline that will take us through all major career Milestones, romance milestones, and drama milestones in the life of Taylor Swift."

Carly introduces the extensive research she conducted for her Taylor Swift retrospective, emphasizing the effort surpassing her university work.

Carly's Magnum Opus

  • Carly compares her work to Ted Kaczynski's manifesto, calling it her magnum opus and the worst thing she's done.
  • She humorously suggests Taylor Swift could enact a restraining order against her due to the depth of the research.
  • Carly invites viewers to partake in what she jokingly refers to as a "crime" by watching the video.

"Like this is my Ted Kaczynski, Unabomber Manifesto... also the worst thing I've ever done."

The quote reveals Carly's mixed feelings about her exhaustive work on Taylor Swift, seeing it as both her greatest achievement and an overstep.

Video Sponsorship by AG1

  • AG1 is sponsoring Carly's video.
  • AG1 offers nutritional products that aim to simplify body nutrition and support gut health.
  • Carly has been using AG1 every morning and appreciates the routine and quality of ingredients.
  • AG1 replaces various health products and aims to help with stomach issues.

"AG1 believes that giving your body the nutrition it needs should be simple... it helps you get the nutrients your body needs every day and also helps support your gut being healthy and working for you."

Carly explains the benefits of AG1's products, focusing on their comprehensive nutritional support and contribution to daily health routines.

Taylor Swift's Career and Personal Milestones

  • Carly has created a 108-page PowerPoint presentation about Taylor Swift's life.
  • The presentation begins with the release of Taylor Swift's self-titled debut album on October 24th, 2006.
  • Carly acknowledges her own lack of detail orientation, anticipating potential errors in the presentation.
  • The album is described as iconic and a reset in the country-pop cultural canon.

"Oh darling this is an 108 page PowerPoint about milestones in Taylor Swift's life... we're starting at of course October 24th 2006 the release of the self-titled debut album Taylor Swift."

The quote introduces the scope of Carly's presentation and the starting point of Taylor Swift's career milestones.

Taylor Swift's Relationship with Joe Jonas

  • Taylor Swift was linked to Joe Jonas in July of 2008.
  • Selena Gomez, dating Nick Jonas at the time, became close friends with Taylor Swift.
  • Carly comments on the suitability of teenage relationships and the attire of Joe Jonas at the time.

"In July of 2008 Taylor is linked to Joe Jonas... at this time Selena Gomez is also dating Nick Jonas and that's when the two become uh close."

The quote provides context for the beginning of Taylor Swift's friendship with Selena Gomez and her relationship with Joe Jonas.

Taylor Swift's MySpace Video and Breakup with Joe Jonas

  • On November 5th, 2008, Taylor Swift posted a MySpace video suggesting her breakup with Joe Jonas.
  • The video humorously implies Joe Jonas broke up with her over the phone.

"November 5th 2008 Taylor Swift in a MySpace video... she says oh look this doll has a phone. so it can break up with other dolls."

The quote describes Taylor Swift's creative way of addressing her breakup with Joe Jonas to her fans on MySpace.

Release of 'Fearless' and Appearance on The Ellen Show

  • 'Fearless' was released on November 11th, 2008, and Taylor Swift promoted it on The Ellen Show.
  • Carly notes Ellen's role in the Taylor Swift Canon and anticipates no future changes in public opinion about Ellen.
  • Swift made a comment on The Ellen Show about the brief phone breakup with Joe Jonas.

"On November 11 2008 Fearless is released... to promote Fearless Taylor Swift goes on The Ellen Show... Taylor Swift says I'm not even going to be able to remember the boy who broke up with me over the phone in 25 seconds when I was 18."

The quote highlights Taylor Swift's promotional activities for her album 'Fearless' and her public commentary on her breakup with Joe Jonas.

Taylor Swift and John Mayer's Relationship

  • John Mayer expressed interest in collaborating with Taylor Swift on Twitter in 2009.
  • Carly comments on the age difference between Swift and Mayer and the candid nature of celebrity tweets at the time.
  • Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner's relationship overlaps with Swift's involvement with John Mayer.

"John Mayer Menace tweets waking up to this song idea that won't leave my head three days straight now... I want to sing it with Taylor Swift."

The quote captures John Mayer's public outreach to Taylor Swift for a musical collaboration, suggesting a personal interest as well.

Taylor Swift's Involvement with Taylor Lautner

  • Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner were photographed together on the set of 'Valentine's Day' in July 2009.
  • Carly discusses the movie's concept and Swift's role alongside Lautner.
  • Carly notes the "messy timeline" of Swift's romantic life during this period.

"July 30th 2009 Taylor Swift is photographed with Taylor Lautner on the set of Valentine's Day... they play two High School boyfriend and girlfriends."

The quote details Taylor Swift's acting role and her off-screen relationship with co-star Taylor Lautner.

Kanye West Interruption at the VMAs

  • Kanye West interrupted Taylor Swift's acceptance speech at the VMAs on September 13th, 2009.
  • Carly describes the incident as the beginning of a significant feud between Swift and West.
  • Carly expects Kanye West to reflect and grow from the incident.

"September 13 2009 the Third plane has hit the Swifty Towers Kanye West jumps on stage while Taylor Swift wins VMA... he says you know. Taylor I'm gonna let you finish but Beyonce had the best album of all time kind of thing."

The quote recounts Kanye West's infamous interruption of Taylor Swift's VMA acceptance speech, which sparked a long-standing controversy.

Taylor Swift and Jake Gyllenhaal's Relationship

  • Taylor Swift and Jake Gyllenhaal were seen together in October 2010, including going apple picking.
  • They were first connected backstage at an SNL episode supporting Emma Stone.
  • Carly comments on the age gap and appropriateness of their relationship.

"October 23rd 2010 Taylor Swift and Jake Gyllenhaal are reportedly seeing going apple picking... they bonded backstage... supporting Emma Stone who was hosting SNL."

The quote provides details on the beginning of Taylor Swift's relationship with Jake Gyllenhaal and their shared social circles.

Taylor Swift's Friendship with Katy Perry and Emma Stone

  • Taylor Swift performed with Katy Perry at the VMAs in April 2010, indicating a friendship.
  • Carly praises Katy Perry's influence on modern pop and expects the friendship with Swift to last.
  • Emma Stone and Taylor Swift's friendship is highlighted by Stone bringing Swift as her date to the 'Easy A' premiere.

"April 15 2010 Taylor and Katy perform hot and cold at the VMAs... September 17th 2010. it is the premiere of Easy A... Emma Stone brings Taylor Swift as her date to this movie."

The quote mentions significant events showcasing Taylor Swift's friendships with Katy Perry and Emma Stone within the entertainment industry.

Release of 'Speak Now' and 'Dear John'

  • 'Speak Now' was released on October 25th, 2010, containing the song 'Dear John.'
  • Carly does not provide further context or quotes regarding the release of 'Speak Now' or the song 'Dear John.'

The absence of a quote or further explanation indicates Carly did not elaborate on this topic within the transcript provided.

Taylor Swift's Relationships and Public Image

  • Taylor Swift's song "Dear John" is perceived as a scathing portrayal of John Mayer.
  • The public and media have scrutinized and speculated about Taylor Swift's relationships, often interpreting her songs as autobiographical.
  • Taylor Swift's relationships often intertwine with her musical releases, influencing public perception and media narratives.
  • Taylor Swift's public image has been shaped by her relationships and the media's portrayal of her reactions to breakups.


Taylor Swift and Carly Kloss's Friendship

  • Taylor Swift and Carly Kloss have a notable friendship, often referred to as "Kaylor."
  • They took a trip to Big Sur and drew their names in the sand, symbolizing their friendship.
  • A photo of them in turtlenecks was described as reminiscent of a lesbian couple from the 1940s.

"Carly and Taylor they take a trip to Big Sur...they draw their names in the sand Carly Hart Taylor and take this photo."

This quote describes a moment where Taylor Swift and Carly Kloss expressed their friendship by drawing their names together in the sand, which fans of Swift have noted and discussed in various contexts.

Taylor Swift's 4th of July Parties

  • Taylor Swift is known for her iconic 4th of July parties at her Rhode Island home.
  • Celebrities like Emma Stone, Andrew Garfield, and Lena Dunham have attended these parties.
  • The parties are described as fun, despite the speaker's discomfort with celebrating a colonial country.

"I included this one because Emma Stone was invited which means Andrew Garfield was invited Spider-Man himself Tick Tick boom."

This quote highlights the celebrity attendance at Taylor Swift's 4th of July party, specifically mentioning Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield, which adds to the party's iconic status.

Taylor Swift and Katy Perry Feud

  • Taylor Swift and Katy Perry had a public feud that escalated in 2014.
  • Swift hinted at the feud in a Rolling Stone interview, suggesting Perry tried to sabotage her arena tour.
  • Perry responded with a tweet implying Swift was a "Regina George in sheep's clothing."

"Taylor Swift said she did something so horrible I was like, oh we're just straight up enemies."

This quote from the transcript references Taylor Swift's perspective on the feud with Katy Perry, indicating a significant conflict that was not about a romantic relationship but rather professional sabotage.

Release of 1989 and Jack Antonoff's Role

  • Taylor Swift's album "1989" marked a renaissance period for her music.
  • Jack Antonoff produced "1989" and this began his long-standing partnership with Swift.
  • Antonoff was dating Lena Dunham, one of Swift's friends, which further connected him to Swift's circle.

"Jack Antonoff produced 1989 this is the beginning of a long-standing partnership between the two of them."

This quote explains the professional relationship between Taylor Swift and Jack Antonoff that started with the album "1989," which was significant in Swift's career and their ongoing collaborations.

Taylor Swift's Public Relationships

  • Taylor Swift's relationships are often publicized, including her breakup with Harry Styles and her relationship with Calvin Harris.
  • She was seen with Carly Kloss at a Knicks game, adding the Knicks to the "Taylor Swift Canon."
  • Swift was rumored to have kissed Carly Kloss at a 1975 concert, fueling speculation about their relationship.

"Taylor and Carly have a beer courtside at the Knicks."

This quote places Taylor Swift and Carly Kloss together at a public event, linking their friendship to the New York Knicks and highlighting the public nature of Swift's personal life.

Taylor Swift's Girl Squad

  • Taylor Swift has a notable "girl squad" including celebrities like Selena Gomez, Hailee Steinfeld, and Camila Cabello.
  • The Vogue photo shoot with Carly Kloss and Swift was seen as fodder for fans who speculate about their relationship.
  • Swift's squad often appears in her music videos, such as the "Bad Blood" video, which included many celebrities.

"Taylor Swift holds a birthday party for Camila Cabello...Selena Gomez in attendance we have Haley Seinfeld an attendance."

This quote notes the inclusion of various celebrities in Taylor Swift's social circle and their participation in events like birthday parties, contributing to the concept of Swift's "girl squad."

Feuds and Public Image

  • Taylor Swift's public image has been shaped by feuds, such as with Kanye West over his song "Famous."
  • Swift's response to Kim Kardashian West leaking a phone call about "Famous" led to her being labeled as a "snake" by the public.
  • Swift's relationship with Tom Hiddleston was seen as a PR move and was highly publicized.

"Kim Kardashian West leaks the phone call between Taylor Swift and Kanye West in which she says that the idea for the song famous is a good idea and it's funny."

This quote refers to a pivotal moment in Taylor Swift's public image when Kim Kardashian West leaked a phone call that contradicted Swift's previous statements about Kanye West's song "Famous," leading to significant backlash against Swift.

Taylor Swift's Music and Career Milestones

  • Taylor Swift's album releases, such as "1989," and music videos are significant events in her career.
  • Her music often reflects her personal experiences and relationships, which the public closely follows.
  • Collaborations with other artists and producers, like Jack Antonoff, are important aspects of her music production.

"1989 is released when a tale Taylor Swift Renaissance of sorts."

This quote signifies the importance of the "1989" album in Taylor Swift's career, marking a period of transformation and success for her as an artist.

Katy Perry and Taylor Swift's Feud and Resolution

  • Katy Perry publicly forgives Taylor Swift and expresses regret for past actions in a 2017 interview.
  • Perry changes the lyrics in her song "Swish Swish" to a more positive message during a performance.
  • This indicates a shift in their relationship from conflict to reconciliation.

"I forgive her and I'm sorry for anything I ever did, and I hope the same from her... God bless you on your journey, oh baby girl."

This quote shows Katy Perry's public declaration of forgiveness towards Taylor Swift and her desire to move past their feud.

Taylor Swift's Reputation Era

  • Taylor Swift releases the music video for "Look What You Made Me Do" with a shirt listing her true friends' names.
  • Notable absences on the shirt hint at rifts with certain friends, such as Lorde and Carly Kloss.
  • The video signifies Swift's stance on her friendships and possibly her feelings of betrayal.

"She's wearing a shirt with the names of her true friends on it."

The quote points out a symbolic element in Taylor Swift's music video that represents her inner circle of friends during the "Reputation" era.

Carly Kloss and Taylor Swift's Friendship

  • Carly Kloss's actions and statements are scrutinized for hints about her friendship with Taylor Swift.
  • Kloss's tweet and comments to the New York Times suggest ambiguity and denial of a rift.
  • Public speculation grows regarding the status of their friendship.

"Don't believe everything you read."

Carly Kloss's quote advises caution against taking media reports at face value, especially concerning rumors about her friendship with Taylor Swift.

Katy Perry's Olive Branch to Taylor Swift

  • Katy Perry sends an actual olive branch to Taylor Swift, symbolizing a desire to end their conflict.
  • This gesture is a traditional sign of peace and indicates Perry's intent to reconcile.

"Katy Perry sends Taylor Swift a legitimate Olive Branch and a note presumably apologizing."

The quote describes Katy Perry's action of extending an olive branch to Taylor Swift, which is a significant step towards mending their relationship.

Taylor Swift's Public Appearances and Relationships

  • Taylor Swift continues to make public appearances, including performances and tours, with various celebrities indicating ongoing relationships.
  • The presence of certain celebrities at events signifies continued friendships despite rumors.
  • Swift's attendance at events with her partner, Joe Alwyn, confirms their relationship status.

"Taylor Swift performs with Troye Sivan... Taylor Swift and Gigi Hadid perform together."

These quotes highlight Taylor Swift's public appearances with other celebrities, showcasing her connections within the industry.

Taylor Swift's Music and Private Life

  • Taylor Swift releases multiple albums, with songs that reference her personal experiences and relationships.
  • Her decision to re-record albums and release "Taylor's version" tracks is a response to not owning her original masters.
  • Swift's music and public statements often reflect her desire for privacy and control over her narrative.

"Taylor Swift releases folklore, Evermore, and re-recorded albums... She releases the song 'would have could have should have'."

The quotes summarize the release of Taylor Swift's albums, emphasizing her continued musical output and the themes within her songs.

Taylor Swift's Environmental Impact Controversy

  • Taylor Swift is criticized for her private jet usage amid environmental concerns.
  • She defends herself by stating the jet is rented out, but the criticism highlights the tension between celebrity lifestyle and environmental responsibility.

"Taylor Swift is listed among other celebrities as people who deeply overuse their private jet."

This quote brings attention to the scrutiny Taylor Swift faces regarding her environmental impact due to her private jet usage.

Taylor Swift's Industry Friendships

  • Taylor Swift's friendships within the industry are a point of interest, with Selena Gomez stating she is her only industry friend.
  • This comment sparks controversy, especially considering Gomez's history with other friends.
  • The dynamics of Swift's friendships are often publicized and analyzed by fans and media.

"Selena Gomez is quoted saying that Taylor Swift is her only friend in the industry."

The quote captures Selena Gomez's statement about her friendship with Taylor Swift, which becomes a topic of discussion due to its exclusivity.

Taylor Swift's Love Life and Public Perception

  • Taylor Swift's relationships, breakups, and rumored new partners are constant media fodder.
  • Her public persona is shaped by her romantic relationships and how they intersect with her music.
  • Swift's handling of her private life in the public eye is a recurring theme in her career.

"Joe and Taylor announce their split... Taylor Swift is rumored to be dating Maddie Healy."

These quotes report on changes in Taylor Swift's romantic life, showcasing the public's interest in her personal affairs.

Speak Now Taylor's Version Release

  • Anticipation builds for the release of "Speak Now Taylor's Version."
  • Fans eagerly await the re-recorded album as part of Swift's efforts to own her music.

"In the near future, speak now Taylor's version will be released."

The quote announces the upcoming release of Taylor Swift's re-recorded "Speak Now" album, highlighting her ongoing project to reclaim her discography.

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