A Thought Process That Sickens Me Ep 180

Summary Notes


In the Gym Secrets podcast, host Alex Hormozi delves into the discomfort with the concept of 'deserving,' sparked by an upcoming first vacation since his college years. Hormozi reflects on his relentless work ethic, the guilt associated with taking time off, and his rejection of entitlement. Despite his success and hard work, he grapples with the notion that no one inherently deserves anything, a mindset he believes keeps one driven and focused. Hormozi also shares his plans to stay productive during the vacation by reading and offers advice to fitness entrepreneurs on capitalizing on post-Christmas sales, emphasizing the importance of marketing and planning campaigns.

Summary Notes

Podcast Introduction

  • The podcast is called "Gym Secrets" and focuses on helping listeners gain more customers, increase revenue per customer, and retain them longer.
  • The podcast also shares failures and lessons learned along the way.
  • The host encourages listeners to subscribe for more content.

Welcome to the Gym Secrets podcast, where we talk about how to get more customers, how to make more per customer, and how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons that we have learned along the way. I hope you enjoy and subscribe.

The quote is an introduction to the podcast, outlining its purpose and inviting listeners to subscribe for insights into customer acquisition, monetization, and retention, as well as learning from past mistakes.

Personal Reflection on Vacation

  • Speaker A reflects on packing for a vacation, the first potential successful vacation in their professional life.
  • Previous attempts at taking vacations were cut short due to returning home for work.
  • The upcoming vacation is significant as it represents a break from a pattern of not being able to disconnect from work.

Hey, good morning, everyone. Hope you guys are having a great Friday. I was in a little bit of a pensive mood this morning because I was packing my bags for a vacation, which is the first vacation that I will have gone on, hopefully successfully in my professional capacity since I was 20, basically since I graduated college.

The quote captures Speaker A's mood and context for their reflection, highlighting the rarity of the occasion as they prepare for a vacation that has been elusive since their college graduation.

The Concept of "Deserving"

  • Speaker A is troubled by the word and concept of "deserving."
  • The neighbor, a successful entrepreneur, told Speaker A they "deserve" a vacation for their hard work.
  • Speaker A questions the notion of deserving anything, citing personal shortcomings and a broader perspective on global inequality.
  • The idea of deserving is at odds with Speaker A's identity, especially as someone who viewed others' vacations with envy while working hard themselves.

And it's interesting because I was talking to our neighbor yesterday. He's an entrepreneur, and he sold his business. And I was like, yeah, we're going on vacation tomorrow. And he's like, good for you, man. He's like, you deserve it. He's like, you work your ass off.

The quote reflects the interaction that sparked Speaker A's contemplation on the concept of "deserving," where the neighbor affirms Speaker A's right to a vacation based on hard work.

I don't know what it is about this, but the word and the concept of deserving something bothers me to my core. It's something that I don't think anyone deserves anything.

Speaker A expresses a deep discomfort with the idea of entitlement, suggesting a belief that no one inherently deserves anything, which challenges a common social narrative.

I think that I have done enough bad things in my life. I have wronged people as a human. You know what I mean? I've done things that I am not proud of my life, and I don't think I deserve anything.

Speaker A's personal reflection reveals a sense of unworthiness based on past actions, contributing to their skepticism about the concept of deserving.

And what's weird about that is I think you're born in America. It's like, you already won. We deserve nothing more. You know what I mean? You're not born in Africa with, like, a one out of six chance of living or whatever it is, right?

Speaker A contrasts their own circumstances with those born into less fortunate environments, using this as a basis to question the fairness of the concept of "deserving" anything further when one is already advantaged by birth.

And so it's this really weird sensation for me or thought process that I'm pulling apart of deserving stuff. And I don't know, because what's weird is it feels counter to my identity, right? Because I've always been the guy who, when I was in the gym and really, literally everything up to this point and still was, like, every time I saw someone else on vacation. I was like, fuck,

This quote reveals the internal conflict Speaker A experiences, as the discomfort with the concept of deserving clashes with their past identity of someone who envied others' leisure time and success.

Work Ethic and Competitive Drive

  • The speaker expresses a strong competitive drive, equating relaxation with falling behind.
  • They find satisfaction in working while others are on vacation, feeling that it allows them to get ahead.
  • The speaker associates personal advancement with constant work, even during times typically reserved for rest.
  • There is a sense of urgency to not let others gain on them professionally.
  • Despite planning to take a vacation, the speaker intends to use the time to further their skills by reading books.
  • They express a conflicted feeling about going on vacation, questioning the normality of taking time off from work.

"I was like, every time you relax and you sleep and you enjoy your life, I was like, I'm getting one step closer while you do whatever you're doing, right?" This quote highlights the speaker's belief that while others are relaxing, they are gaining a competitive edge by working harder.

"And while everyone else was on vacation, everything was even quieter for me. So I got laser focused, you know what I mean?" The speaker feels that the quiet of vacation time allows for more focused and productive work, seeing it as an opportunity to double their efforts.

"And so it's this weird thing where I'm like, I don't want anyone to feel like they can gain on me while I'm taking this five days, you know what I mean?" The speaker is uncomfortable with the idea of taking a break, fearing it might allow others to catch up or surpass them professionally.

"I'm still going to end up not working, but I'm going to bring a bunch of books that I want to read while I'm there." Despite planning to take a break, the speaker intends to use the time for self-improvement by reading, maintaining a sense of productivity.

Entitlement and the Concept of 'Deserving'

  • The speaker challenges the notion of entitlement and the idea that people inherently deserve certain things.
  • They find the concept of 'deserving' based on identity or any other factor to be particularly frustrating.
  • The speaker believes that thinking one deserves something leads to a passive attitude, waiting for the universe to provide.
  • They equate the notion of 'deserving' with pity and express a strong desire never to be pitied.
  • The speaker's stance is that no one is inherently entitled to anything, and expectations should not be placed on external factors.

"I don't think anyone deserves anything. I think the thought of deserving something is literally the most entitled bullshit like I've ever heard of in my entire life." This quote encapsulates the speaker's belief that the concept of deserving is inherently entitled and illogical.

"If you're like, I deserve, it's like if someone says, I deserve, you deserve jack shit. You deserve nothing, ever." The speaker emphatically states that no one deserves anything by default, rejecting any sense of automatic entitlement.

"And especially if it's because you're of an identity thing of like, I deserve this because I'm a woman, I deserve this because I'm a man, because I'm a race, because I'm whatever." The speaker is particularly critical of the idea that one deserves something based on aspects of their identity, such as gender or race.

"For me, deserve is like a pity. It's like I deserve to be pitied. Like, I never want to be pitied. You know what I mean? Ever. In my whole life. Never." The speaker associates the concept of 'deserving' with pity and makes it clear that they have a strong aversion to being pitied or seen as deserving of pity.

Podcast Listening Options

  • Speaker B introduces the option for a video version of the podcast.
  • The video version includes additional effects, visuals, and graphs.
  • Speaker B suggests that these enhancements can help with cognitive processing.
  • The video content is available on Speaker B's YouTube channel.
  • Access to the video version is promoted as being free of charge.
  • Listeners are encouraged to check out the video version if they prefer visual content, but are also reassured that the audio podcast remains available for enjoyment.

"Video version of this, which usually has more effects, more visuals, more graphs, drawn out stuff, sometimes it can help hit the brain centers in different ways. You can check out my YouTube channel."

This quote explains that the video version of the podcast may offer a different learning experience due to visual enhancements and is available on YouTube for free.

"It's absolutely free."

This quote emphasizes the accessibility and cost-free nature of the video content on YouTube, making it an attractive option for listeners.

"Go check that out if that's what you are into. And if not, keep enjoying the show."

Speaker B acknowledges the different preferences of the audience, offering them the choice between video and audio formats and encouraging continued enjoyment of the podcast.

Perception of Deserving Success

  • Speaker A reflects on the concept of feeling undeserving yet still achieving success.
  • The idea that one can be imperfect and undeserving but still use "cheat codes" to attain goals is considered.
  • Speaker A finds it paradoxical that actions can lead to success regardless of one's self-perception of worthiness.
  • This internal conflict is highlighted by Speaker A's upcoming vacation to a luxury resort, which feels incongruent with their self-image.

"I think that the game is rigged, because I think if you don't think you deserve things at all, like you deserve nothing, then what's interesting is that you can take the actions while still being undeserving and get the thing that you want, which is weird, right?"

Speaker A introduces the notion that success can be achieved even by those who feel they don't deserve it, suggesting a disconnect between self-worth and the outcomes of one's actions.

"I don't deserve this life. I don't deserve these things. But I can still enter the cheat codes and do the things to get there and still get it, even though I don't deserve it."

This quote captures the speaker's internal struggle with enjoying success and the feeling of being undeserving, likening success strategies to cheat codes in a game.

Struggle with Identity and Lifestyle Changes

  • Speaker A discusses their discomfort with lifestyle changes that accompany success.
  • There is a fear of losing one's identity and becoming "soft" due to enjoying luxury.
  • Speaker A expresses a desire to remain grounded and unaffected by material comforts.
  • The upcoming vacation serves as a test of Speaker A's resolve to maintain their identity and work ethic.

"I'm wearing $14 freaking champions that I've been wearing. I've only have two pairs of these, and I alternate the same blue pair every day."

Speaker A uses their choice of inexpensive clothing as an example of their current identity and lifestyle, which contrasts with the luxury they will experience on vacation.

"I don't want nice things like, oh, I can't take a shower and anything but marble. You know what I mean? I just don't want that to rub off on me."

This quote reveals Speaker A's apprehension about becoming accustomed to luxury and how it might change their preferences and self-perception.

"I don't want to think, oh, I can't wait to the next vacation because then it's going to throw off the game."

Speaker A is concerned that looking forward to vacations could distract from their work and progress, indicating a strong dedication to their career over leisure.

"I want to be on vacation and hope, and this is what's happened every time, is like, I go there and then I'm like, man, I can't wait to get back to work so I can move forward."

Speaker A shares that despite going on vacation, their ultimate desire is to return to work and continue making progress, which reflects a work-centric mindset.

Balancing Work and Leisure

  • The speaker is grappling with enjoying the holidays without losing their edge in the fitness industry.
  • They express hope that listeners have an amazing holiday and are preparing their teams for the post-Christmas sales rush.
  • The speaker acknowledges the challenge of taking vacations, especially during crucial business times.

me code of figuring out how to be there, enjoy it, while also not feeling like I'm getting soft to the game.

The quote reflects the speaker's internal conflict between enjoying leisure time and staying competitive in their business.

Importance of Post-Christmas Sales in Fitness

  • The period from December 26th to 31st is highlighted as a significant sales opportunity in the fitness industry.
  • People feel motivated to join fitness programs due to holiday indulgence and the desire for improvement in the new year.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of being prepared for this sales period and leveraging it effectively.

From the 26th to 31, December is one of the hottest sales weeks in fitness. Everyone is off. Everyone is just doing nothing, feeling bloated.

This quote underlines the speaker's view of the post-Christmas period as a prime time for fitness sales due to potential clients' availability and mindset.

Personal Experience with Holidays and Work Commitment

  • The speaker shares their personal experience of cutting short a holiday visit due to work demands.
  • They emphasize the necessity of returning to work immediately after Christmas to capitalize on the busy season in the fitness industry.
  • This experience reflects the speaker's dedication to their business and the sacrifices made for success.

I went back home twice, first years of owning the gyms and I left within 48 hours.

This quote provides a personal anecdote demonstrating the speaker's commitment to their business over holiday leisure.

Strategies for Capitalizing on the Fitness Sales Rush

  • The speaker encourages listeners to have marketing campaigns ready for the post-Christmas sales opportunity.
  • Suggestions include both external and internal campaigns, such as referral incentives and challenges for members.
  • A simple marketing plan is outlined, involving emails, texts, and social media posts leading to an event and sign-up.

If you don't have campaigns planned, please, dear God, plan something externally and internally as an internally to your existing membership base.

This quote is a call to action for listeners to prepare marketing strategies to attract both new and existing customers during the sales rush.

Simplifying Marketing Efforts

  • The speaker advises against overcomplicating marketing efforts.
  • They suggest a straightforward approach to marketing with a focus on letting customers' desires for fitness improvement guide the campaign.
  • The message is to be receptive and accommodating to the influx of interest in fitness during this period.

Just don't get crazy with it. This is like the Black Friday time. Everyone wants to feel better about fitness. Let them do it.

The quote suggests that the desire for fitness improvement is already present in customers, and businesses should facilitate this without overcomplicating their marketing approach.

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