3Step Overcome For I dont have the card on me Ep 204

Summary Notes


In the Gym Secrets podcast, the host discusses strategies for overcoming common sales objections in the fitness industry, particularly when potential clients claim they don't have their payment card handy. He suggests this objection often indicates a missed opportunity earlier in the sales process to fully engage the customer or to address their concerns. To counter this, he offers a three-step downsell approach: waiting for the customer to find their card, accepting a minimal down payment and deferring the balance, or starting the service for free with a delayed payment plan. The host emphasizes the importance of resolving any lingering customer hesitations to ensure a successful sale.

Summary Notes

Introduction to the Gym Secrets Podcast

  • The podcast focuses on strategies to increase customer acquisition, maximize customer value, and retain customers.
  • It also shares the lessons learned from failures along the entrepreneurial journey.
  • The host encourages listeners to subscribe for insights into business growth within the gym industry.

Welcome to the Gym Secrets podcast, where we talk about how to get more customers, how to make more per customer, and how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons that we have learned along the way. I hope you enjoy and subscribe.

The quote introduces the podcast and outlines its core focus areas: customer acquisition, revenue increase per customer, customer retention, and learning from past mistakes.

Significance of Engagement and Listening in Sales

  • Missing the signs of a customer's disengagement can lead to lost sales.
  • It is crucial to listen and identify potential obstacles during the sales process.
  • Highlighting and addressing the customer's pain points can make the problem more urgent and increase the likelihood of a sale.

Just didn't notice, you didn't listen, didn't hear them get disengaged, didn't hear a potential obstacle that they brought up or didn't bring out enough pain to make the problem agitated or prioritized enough that they would want to buy.

This quote emphasizes the importance of active listening and engagement during sales to detect and address any signs of customer hesitation or barriers to purchase.

Addressing Sales Objections

  • Overcoming objections is a key part of the sales process in the gym industry.
  • The specific objection discussed is a customer not having their payment card available.
  • The host suggests that such an objection indicates a missed opportunity earlier in the sales conversation.

Okay, so I had a post in one of our groups that said somebody was struggling with the "I don't have my card on me" overcome, saying like, "hey, let me just call you back. I don't have the card on me right now."

The quote introduces a common sales objection encountered by gym owners and sets the stage for discussing strategies to handle such situations effectively.

The "Big Elephant in the Room" in Sales Conversations

  • The phrase "big elephant in the room" refers to a significant issue that is being ignored or overlooked.
  • In the context of sales, this issue is the failure to address customer objections or concerns earlier in the conversation.
  • Recognizing and addressing this issue is critical to improving sales outcomes.

And so first off, let's just address the big elephant in the room, which is if that comes up, it means that you probably lost a sale earlier, right?

This quote identifies a common problem in sales where objections are not properly handled, leading to a potential loss of sale, and underscores the need to recognize and address this issue proactively.

Handling Objections in Phone Sales

  • The speaker discusses strategies for overcoming common objections encountered in phone sales.
  • Emphasis is placed on the objection regarding the customer not having their credit card readily available.
  • The speaker suggests maintaining a calm and accommodating attitude when faced with objections.
  • Strategies include waiting for the customer to retrieve their card or offering to start the process with a different card and swapping it later.

"To make the problem agitated or prioritized enough that they would want to buy. Right? That's probably something that happened earlier on in the sale."

  • This quote highlights the importance of addressing and amplifying the customer's problem or need early in the sales process to increase their motivation to purchase.

"No worries, I'll wait until you get it. You can go grab it. No big deal."

  • The speaker suggests a non-confrontational response to the objection of not having the card on hand, showing patience and understanding.

"They're at home. They have a card at home."

  • The speaker points out the likelihood that the customer does have a card at home since the sales interaction is taking place over the phone, implying that the objection may not be entirely genuine.

"Cool. Then they'll throw the husband or my spouse has the card that I want to use."

  • The speaker acknowledges another common objection, where the customer claims that the desired card is with their spouse, and suggests a workaround.

"Well, why don't we just get you started with the card you got, right. And then we could swap it out with your husband's card later."

  • The speaker offers a practical solution to the spouse-related card objection by proposing to initiate the transaction with an alternative card and changing it later, thus not delaying the sale.

Business Growth and Client Acquisition Strategies

  • Discusses strategies for transitioning a business from a smaller scale to a much larger one, specifically targeting those aiming for revenues in the range of $50-100 million.
  • Emphasizes the opportunity for business owners to consult with the speaker's team for guidance on growth.
  • Suggests visiting acquisition.com to apply for consultation.

If you are a business owner that has a big old business and wants to get to a much bigger business, going to 5100 million dollars plus, we would love to talk to you.

This quote outlines the target audience for the speaker's services: business owners seeking significant growth. It also serves as an invitation for these owners to engage with the speaker's team.

Sales Techniques and Closing Strategies

  • Introduces a technique for closing sales when a customer is hesitant to provide payment information.
  • Suggests starting with a smaller charge as a way to initiate the transaction.
  • Proposes using multiple payment options to facilitate the closing process.
  • Offers a strategy to delay the charge to overcome payment objections.

Now, if you've already closed them on 300, right. You didn't close them on anything because they didn't give you a card. But it's like, cool. Why don't we just get you started for $49, right?

This quote introduces a strategy for dealing with a customer who has agreed to a deal in principle but has not yet provided a payment method. It suggests a lower entry price point to secure the transaction.

We'll just put that on the card that you have, and then we'll swap out the rest with the card that you want to use. Fair enough.

The speaker is suggesting a flexible payment approach, allowing the customer to start with one payment method and switch to another later. This could help overcome hesitation related to payment details.

And so that way you have a couple of cards that you can play. Cards, pun intended, cards that you can play when that comes up.

This quote uses a metaphor of "playing cards" to describe having multiple sales tactics to employ when facing objections, emphasizing the importance of adaptability in sales.

And then the final downsell from there is like, well, why don't we just use the card that you've got? And I'll just put a two day delay on it so it's like you're good.

The speaker offers a final strategy for closing a sale by suggesting the use of the customer's current card with a delayed charge, which may alleviate the customer's immediate financial concerns.

Membership Enrollment Process

  • The process involves a three-step downsell approach for potential members who do not have their payment card on hand.
  • The first step is to wait, implying a pause or holding off on the transaction.
  • The second step is to accept a minimal down payment and charge the remaining amount to the card they prefer later.
  • The third step is to start the membership for free and delay the full payment until the member can provide their card.
  • This approach ensures that the enrollment process can still proceed even if the member does not have their payment card.

That way you can get in. I'll get you set up with the group. We'll get you set up on your nutrition orientation, et cetera, and then on your nutrition orientation.

This quote indicates the initial steps of the enrollment process, including group setup and nutrition orientation, which are part of the member's onboarding experience.

So one is wait, second is minimal down payment, and then put the rest on the card they want.

This quote summarizes the first two steps of the downsell approach, emphasizing flexibility in payment methods.

Third would be cool. We'll just start you for free and delay the payment, and then you can swap the card out.

This quote describes the third step of the downsell approach, offering a free start to the membership with delayed payment to accommodate the member's situation.

Importance of Addressing Emotional Barriers in Sales

  • The speaker suggests that issues in the sales process might stem from not adequately addressing the potential member's emotional barriers.
  • The metaphor of an "emotional backpack" is used to describe unresolved concerns or objections that the potential member may have.
  • The speaker implies that these barriers should be addressed before reaching the closing stage of the sale.
  • Failing to address these concerns is likened to attempting to board a plane with bombs in one's backpack, indicating potential risks or problems that could sabotage the sale.

Big picture, though, it probably got messed up earlier in the sale when you didn't bring out enough pain or you let them get to the close with some stuff in their back, their emotional backpack that you didn't take out and throw out.

This quote highlights the importance of uncovering and addressing the potential member's emotional barriers early in the sales process to prevent issues at the closing stage.

You were trying to get them on the plane when they still had some bombs in the backpack.

This quote uses a metaphor to illustrate the danger of proceeding with the sales process without addressing underlying emotional issues that the potential member may carry.

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