In a thought-provoking discussion on the influence of wealth, prominent figures Chris Sacca, Brad Gerstner, Gary Vaynerchuk, Chamath Palihapitiya, Cyan Bannister, George Zachary, and Biz Stone share their personal experiences with money. They explore the psychological impact of affluence, the importance of maintaining humility despite success, and the amplification of one's innate characteristics when wealthy. The conversation delves into the practical aspects of wealth management, the potential for money to change personal relationships, and the varying approaches to risk and investment. Throughout the dialogue, a common theme emerges: money is a tool that can either enhance one's life or lead to greater complexity, heavily influenced by individual perspectives and choices.
"Those people look like money fucked them up. Let's go sit with them for a drink and ask them a lot of questions and get to the root of it."
"So I certainly look at it as, what can I do with the money we have? And luckily, we have all the stuff we want."
"We sat down with a bunch of people who had been through that process. And by the way, not just the successful people, we intentionally sat down with people whose marriages had completely dissolved, whose lives looked like they had imploded, whose kids were assholes, and we sat down to get the counterexamples."
"The only real competitor is yourself, because the only thing you're really fighting is not really market gyrations, but it's your own psychology."
"The financial markets are a beautiful test of your ability to self actualize and to psychologically evolve and survive and to build true emotional resilience."
"Angellist has been a key partner for me in managing my investments."
"Squarespace is the all in one platform to build a beautiful online presence and run your business."
"I find a way to just constantly become a little bit calmer, a little bit more humble, a little bit more focused, find a way to be kind to myself."
This quote encapsulates Sacca's commitment to self-improvement and the recognition that personal growth is a continuous process.
"It's been a great test. You have to be very vulnerable. You have to be super authentic. You don't know the answers."
Sacca acknowledges the challenges of personal growth, emphasizing the need for vulnerability and authenticity without having all the answers.
"But in this crazy way, Harry, it's also a professional evolution."
Sacca connects his personal development with his professional life, suggesting that the skills and insights gained from personal growth are beneficial in a professional context.
"I have to make a million dollars by the time I'm 30. It was a dragon in my life because it destroyed our lives."
Gersner shares his early goal and the metaphorical "dragon" that represented his family's financial challenges and his determination to overcome them.
"My priority is to raise two sons that have humility, understand the burden of having things, and to know what it feels like to climb up the mountain rather than being dropped out of helicopter on top of the mountain."
This quote reflects Gersner's shift in priorities from financial success to imparting values of humility and effort to his children.
"It's not what you say to your kids... It's the life you live."
Gersner believes that actions and lifestyle choices are more influential than words in teaching children values.
"I used to hate money, literally hate money."
Bannister candidly shares her past aversion to money and the emotional journey she underwent to change her perspective.
"I changed that mindset when I started my first job, and then also when I started my first business and when I started realizing the power of capitalism."
This quote captures Bannister's shift in attitude towards money as she began to recognize its potential for positive impact through capitalism.
"Even to this day, if I have change in my pocket, I have to get rid of it."
Bannister's quote reveals a lingering discomfort with physical money, despite her successful career as an investor and her enthusiasm for the financial success of the companies she invests in.
"But that's not necessarily true for everybody, including me. So anytime I have an exit, it's a celebratory moment, not for my own personal gain, but because that means that more startups are going to flourish and I have another chance at it again, if I were to fail over and over again, there goes my chances."
This quote highlights the importance of liquidity events in providing the means to continue investing in new startups and the cyclical nature of investment and reinvestment in the entrepreneurial space.
"I take extraordinary risk and sometimes it makes people uncomfortable, but it often means that I'm the first check in, I'm sometimes the largest check, and I move very quickly, and that's how I win some of the deals that I win."
This quote underscores the speaker's aggressive investment strategy, which involves taking significant risks by moving quickly and often being the first or largest investor in a deal.
"I think I've always trusted my convictions, even before I was an investor and partially as a survivor, as someone who depends on making decisions, just literally to survive."
The speaker reflects on their history of trusting their instincts, which has been a fundamental aspect of their decision-making process throughout life, not just in investing.
"All that money and fame do, Harry, is exposes who you actually are. It just accelerates your truth."
This quote expresses the idea that wealth and recognition simply highlight one's authentic character and values, rather than changing them.
"Self love is. I'm almost using business as a disguise to try to help people be happier."
The speaker suggests that their business advice is a vehicle for encouraging individuals to find happiness and self-worth beyond material success.
"When I finally made enough money in the year 2000, I went from kind of zero to enough money that I didn't have to worry about money. And I have to tell you that it was pretty anticlimactic because all of a sudden, I thought, like, these incredible things would happen in my life, but they actually didn't."
This quote reflects on the speaker's personal experience with achieving financial security and the realization that it did not dramatically change their life in the ways they had anticipated.
"And when I talked to people in my extended family about that, they thought it was great. But then I realized that I had a lot more members of my extended family that I had never known were in my extended family that seemed to have come out of the woodwork."
This quote reflects George's realization that his wealth attracted people, including distant family members, who may have had ulterior motives.
"It's not my issue that they have problems in their life... It's not my problem to help them continuously."
George expresses his frustration with the expectation that he should continuously solve others' financial issues due to his wealth.
"I actually became scared because I didn't know who to trust."
Wealth created a sense of fear and mistrust in George, making it difficult for him to discern genuine relationships from those seeking financial gain.
"I just started hanging out with people in approximately the same economic zone because I knew they had no interest in wanting to get any money."
George explains his choice to socialize with people of similar wealth to avoid the complications that come with disparate economic statuses.
"You're not changed by great wealth, too much money. What happens is whatever the type of person you were before is then amplified, like 100 times over."
Biz Stone suggests that wealth doesn't change people but instead magnifies their existing characteristics, whether good or bad.
"If you're lucky and you get too much money, that's what happens to you. You get amplified who you are and maybe you're never happy because that wasn't the kind of person you were in the first place."
This quote emphasizes that happiness isn't guaranteed by wealth, and one's fundamental nature remains unchanged despite financial status.
"I also see this with people in the venture business. Like, I don't have many friends that I hang out with in the venture business here in Silicon Valley."
George's observation indicates that while economic similarity can influence socializing patterns, it's not the sole factor in his personal relationships within the industry.
"Andopen helps companies of all sizes deliver better gifts, and they make it super easy."
Harry promotes Andopen's corporate gifting platform, emphasizing ease of use for businesses of all sizes.
"Angellist has been a key partner for me in managing my investments."
Harry shares his personal experience with Angellist, highlighting its utility in investment management.
"Squarespace is the all in one platform to build a beautiful online presence and run your business."
The quote summarizes the comprehensive services offered by Squarespace for building and managing an online business presence.