everything we know about the Taylor Swift re-recordings

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Nina delves into the intricacies of Taylor Swift's battle over her master recordings, the re-recording of her albums, and the legalities involved. She explains how Swift's departure from Big Machine Records and her subsequent signing with UMG allowed her to own future masters, while her past works were sold to Scooter Braun, igniting controversy and prompting Swift to re-record her old albums. Nina discusses the significance of Swift maintaining her publishing rights, enabling her to block the use of her old music in projects and diminish the value of the original recordings. She also touches on the lawsuit over "Shake It Off" and speculates on the release of future "Taylor's Versions" albums, noting trademarks and Swift's strategic planning. Nina's research reveals the complexities of music ownership and the power dynamics within the industry, while also hinting at the excitement within the fan community for Swift's next moves.

Summary Notes

Recap and Timeline of Taylor Swift's Masters

  • Taylor Swift's masters were originally bought and sold in 2019.
  • There was a back-and-forth between Taylor Swift, Scooter Braun (referred to as "Scooby Snack"), and Scott Borchetta regarding the masters.
  • Swift announced her intention to re-record her albums following the sale of her masters.
  • She has maintained all publishing rights since her masters were bought and sold.
  • Swift has the legal ability to block future projects using her old music.
  • She released "Fearless (Taylor's Version)" and "Red (Taylor's Version)" last year.
  • Swift is currently involved in a copyright lawsuit regarding her song "Shake It Off."
  • She has filed trademarks for the rest of the four albums she has yet to release.

"everything we're going through in this video we're going to go through a recap and timeline of the buying and selling of her masters originally back in 2019 back and forth between her and scooby snack and scott bruschetta and all that her coming out and announcing that she would be doing the re-recordings all the publishing rights that she has maintained since her masters have been bought and sold her legal ability to block future projects using her old music her following through with this and releasing fearless and read taylor's versions last year the copyright lawsuit she is going through right now with shake it off all the trademarks she has filed for the rest of the four albums that she has yet to release and essentially what i think is going to happen next"

This quote provides an overview of the main events surrounding Taylor Swift's masters, including their sale, her response, and the subsequent actions she has taken, such as re-recording albums, maintaining publishing rights, and legal proceedings.

Taylor Swift's Decision to Leave Big Machine Records

  • Taylor Swift left Big Machine Records in 2018 after being with them since 2005.
  • She signed with Universal Music Group (UMG) because they offered her ownership of her master recordings.
  • Swift hoped that Scott Borchetta would be loyal to her based on their 15-year history.

"so all of this started when taylor swift left her original record label that she had been with since 2005 big machine records which is owned or was owned by scott barcetta or as i like to say bruce getta she wrote this really amicable letter to them on instagram just explaining her choice to not renew her contract with big machine and to sign with a new label universal music group. umg."

This quote summarizes Taylor Swift's departure from Big Machine Records, her decision not to renew her contract, and her reasons for signing with UMG.

Sale of Big Machine Records to Scooter Braun

  • Scott Borchetta sold Big Machine Records to Scooter Braun for $300 million on June 20, 2019.
  • Taylor Swift was devastated by the sale, as she had a negative history with Braun and his clients.
  • Swift expressed her betrayal and disgust in a public letter.

"then on june 20th 2019. it was announced that scott bruschetta was selling the big machine label including all of taylor's old master recordings to scooter brawn aka scooby snack for 300 million dollars obviously we know what happened with all that taylor was obviously devastated and wrote this big long letter saying how disgusted she was and how she can't believe that scott had betrayed her in that way since he knew the history that she had had with scooter and his clients and how they bullied her."

This quote details the sale of Big Machine Records to Scooter Braun and Taylor Swift's reaction, highlighting her feelings of betrayal and her public response.

Taylor Swift's Re-Recording Strategy

  • Taylor Swift decided to re-record her albums to diminish the value of the old masters.
  • The re-recording was confirmed by Swift after the release of her album "Lover."
  • Her actions were supported by her fans and were unexpected by Braun and Borchetta.

"and i don't think they realized what they had done they messed with the wrong person in the wrong fandom because they could have never anticipated that taylor would take this stand and do what nobody thought she was going to do which would be to re-record all the albums and release them herself so it diminishes the value of her old music so lover came out in an interview i think right after lover came out she confirmed that she would be re-recording all the music and they asked her the interviewer."

This quote explains Taylor Swift's strategic decision to re-record her albums as a response to the sale of her masters, a move that was unexpected and supported by her fanbase.

Taylor Swift's Re-recording Initiative

  • Taylor Swift is known for acting on principle rather than for financial gain.
  • She planned to re-record her first five albums as soon as legally possible, starting November 2020.
  • Swift's meticulous planning included the release of her albums "Folklore" and "Evermore."
  • The re-recording was partly a response to issues with performance rights at the American Music Awards (AMAs) in 2019.
  • Swift used social media to rally support and was eventually allowed to perform her old songs.
  • The situation highlighted issues of control over an artist's work.

"I guess they just didn't think anyone was crazy enough to spend the time to re-record six albums literally over a hundred songs like that's gonna be a lot of work."

This quote illustrates the underestimation of Taylor Swift's commitment to re-recording her albums, emphasizing the extensive effort involved.

"She Taylor always does stuff out of principle like the whole lawsuit um with her sexual assault lawsuit she sued them countersued them for a dollar it's never about the money it's about the principal in like the future of the industry."

Swift's actions, such as her symbolic lawsuit for a dollar, are framed as principled stands that focus on the broader implications for the music industry.

  • Taylor Swift does not have master rights but holds synchronization (sync) and publishing rights.
  • Master rights refer to the original recording, while publishing rights allow for re-recording and covers.
  • Holding publishing rights enables Swift to block certain uses of her old music.
  • This distinction allowed Swift to re-record her albums and maintain some control over her music.

"The reason Taylor is actually able to re-record these songs exactly how they were created in the first place is that even though she doesn't have the master's rights to it she has the synchronization rights or the publishing rights to these songs."

This quote explains the legal basis for Swift's ability to re-record her music, highlighting the importance of synchronization and publishing rights.

"By re-recording the albums Taylor is covering her own songs because she is the artist of the songs."

The quote clarifies that Swift's re-recordings are legally considered covers, despite her being the original artist.

The Sale of Taylor Swift's Masters

  • Scooter Braun sold Taylor Swift's masters to Shamrock Holdings for over $300 million.
  • Swift tried to negotiate with Braun but was required to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) before discussing the sale, which she refused.
  • Swift would not work with Shamrock Holdings if Scooter Braun continued to profit from her music.
  • The situation exemplifies the power dynamics and control exerted by industry executives over artists.

"On November 16, 2020, Scoot Scoot sold Taylor Swift's masters for over 300 million dollars to a group called Shamrock Holdings."

The quote details the transaction where Braun sold Swift's masters, indicating the high value of her music catalog.

"Taylor later revealed that she had spent months with her team trying to get through to Scooter to negotiate to try to get you know to see if he would sell them to her."

Swift's attempts to regain control of her masters are highlighted, showing her proactive approach and the challenges she faced.

"She said her lawyers and everyone said that is not a normal request."

This quote refers to the abnormality of the NDA requirement in the negotiation process, suggesting an attempt to silence Swift.

Taylor Swift's Music Rights and Re-Recordings

  • Taylor Swift holds the master and publishing rights to her re-recorded versions, as well as her albums "Lover," "Folklore," and "Evermore."
  • Swift's original contract with Big Machine included a clause preventing her from re-recording her music until a specified time.
  • The clause has expired, allowing her to re-record all her music, including "Reputation," which she can legally re-record starting November of the current year.
  • The value of Swift's old music is expected to diminish as she releases new re-recorded versions, referred to as "Taylor's Versions."
  • Swift's new versions are outstreaming the old versions, indicating a successful strategy.

"Taylor Swift's new music is being used in TV shows like 'The Summer I Turn Pretty' because she is the master and publishing rights owner to her new re-recorded versions as well as her songs from 'Lover,' 'Folklore,' and 'Evermore.'"

This quote explains that Taylor Swift's music is prominently featured in media because she owns the rights to her new re-recorded music and recent albums.

The Success of "Fearless (Taylor's Version)"

  • "Fearless (Taylor's Version)" was announced in February and released in April, including original tracks, the "Fearless Platinum" version tracks, the single "Today Was a Fairytale," and six new songs from the "Fearless" vault.
  • The release strategy provided an incentive for fans to choose the new version over the original, contributing to its success.
  • Swift's re-recorded albums have been more popular on streaming platforms than the originals, despite physical CD sales not being as impacted.

"Last year was such a great year because she announced 'Fearless (Taylor's Version)' in February, it came out in April, she had the original 13 tracks plus the 'Fearless Platinum' version tracks, 'Today Was a Fairy Tale' single, and also six brand new songs that were from the 'Fearless' vault that never made it on the album in the first place."

This quote details the components of "Fearless (Taylor's Version)" and highlights its successful release strategy, including new and previously unreleased content.

The Significance of "Fearless"

  • "Fearless" was Taylor Swift's breakthrough album, making it a logical choice for the first re-release.
  • The album won Swift her first Grammy and contained numerous award-winning tracks, including the hit single "Love Story."
  • The re-recording of "Fearless" coincided with a lack of promotional activities due to the pandemic, but still managed to engage fans through social media platforms like TikTok.

"It makes perfect sense why 'Fearless' was the first re-release since it was kind of like her breakthrough album."

This quote explains the rationale behind choosing "Fearless" as the first album to be re-recorded, given its historical significance in Taylor Swift's career.

The Unexpected Announcement of "Red (Taylor's Version)"

  • Fans were surprised by the announcement of "Red (Taylor's Version)" as the next re-release because Swift had been hinting at "1989."
  • The use of "Wildest Dreams (Taylor's Version)" in a movie trailer and its viral moment on TikTok led to its early release.
  • The release of "Red" was strategically timed for the autumn/winter season, aligning with the album's themes.
  • Promotional activities for "Red" included TV appearances, a short film, music videos, and interviews, creating significant hype.

"Then in June last year she announced that 'Red' would be next. And we really didn't see that one coming because she had been dropping Easter eggs that led to '1989' all spring long."

This quote reflects the unexpected announcement of "Red (Taylor's Version)" as the next re-release, despite previous hints suggesting "1989" would be next.

Anticipation for "1989 (Taylor's Version)"

  • Swift has been dropping hints about "1989 (Taylor's Version)," but it has not been released yet.
  • The inclusion of "This Love (Taylor's Version)" in the Amazon Prime series "The Summer I Turned Pretty" suggests that more songs from "1989" may be available.
  • Fans are eagerly awaiting an official announcement for "1989 (Taylor's Version)" given the numerous hints and the release of individual tracks from the album.

"She has dropped so many 1989 hints and it's not here yet."

This quote captures the anticipation for "1989 (Taylor's Version)" and the curiosity surrounding its release, given the clues Taylor Swift has provided.

Lawsuit Over "Shake It Off" Lyrics

  • In 2017, Taylor Swift was sued over the lyrics to "Shake It Off".
  • The lawsuit claims similarities with a 2001 song called "Players Gon' Play".
  • Taylor's team argued the phrase "players gonna play" is too generic to be copyrighted.
  • The case was initially dismissed in 2018 but was later reversed in December.
  • A jury trial is scheduled for August 2022, potentially delaying "1989 (Taylor's Version)".

"In 2017 Taylor was being sued because there was a song that came out in 2001 called players gone play and so the writers of that song are suing Taylor because the lyrics are similar."

This quote explains the origin of the lawsuit against Taylor Swift, highlighting the reason for the legal action based on perceived similarities between the songs.

"Taylor's team tried to get the case dismissed because they were saying it's a generic phrase... In 2018 the case was actually dismissed... but then that ruling was reversed last year in December."

The quote outlines the legal argument made by Taylor Swift's team regarding the generic nature of the phrase and the initial dismissal, followed by the reversal of that decision, indicating the ongoing legal battle.

Potential Delay of "1989 (Taylor's Version)"

  • The lawsuit may set back the release of "1989 (Taylor's Version)".
  • "Shake It Off" is the lead single from the album, complicating its re-release.
  • Taylor Swift may have recorded the album already but is waiting for legal clearance.
  • The gap since announcing "Red (Taylor's Version)" suggests the album might be ready.

"Taylor Swift cannot release 1989 until this is all cleared up because Shake It Off is the lead single from 1989."

This quote highlights the direct impact of the lawsuit on the release schedule of "1989 (Taylor's Version)" due to "Shake It Off" being a critical component of the album.

Taylor Swift's Public Appearances and Social Media Activity

  • Taylor Swift has made no public appearances since the release of "Taylor's Version" in December.
  • She has been quiet on social media for the past six months, raising suspicions about her activities.

"She's been very quiet on social media over the past six months which makes me suspicious."

The quote reflects on Taylor Swift's low profile in public and on social media, prompting speculation about her work behind the scenes.

Trademark Filings for "Taylor's Version" Albums

  • Taylor Swift has filed for trademarks for all her albums' "Taylor's Version".
  • Many trademarks are pending, but they do not prevent album releases.
  • It is uncertain if more re-recordings or a new album will be released this year.

"Taylor Swift has filed for trademarks for all of her albums... a lot of them are still pending but it doesn't mean she can't release the album while the trademark is still pending."

This quote explains Taylor Swift's proactive approach to trademarking her re-recorded albums and clarifies that pending trademarks do not stop her from releasing new music.

Strategy for Re-Recording Albums

  • Taylor Swift likely has a plan for the order of re-releasing her albums.
  • The debut album has not been hinted at as being re-recorded yet.
  • The debut album might be saved for last due to its sentimental value and difference from her current style.

"I feel like the only album she hasn't hinted at that's being recorded is the debut album."

The quote suggests speculation about Taylor Swift's strategy for re-recording her albums, with a focus on the debut album's absence from public discussion.

Future Content and Research on Taylor Swift's Easter Eggs

  • A follow-up video is planned to discuss Taylor Swift's Easter eggs regarding re-recordings.
  • The host expresses enjoyment in researching Taylor Swift theories and plans to create more content.

"I really want to do a part two to this video where I go through all of the Easter eggs Taylor Swift has dropped over the past couple years about the re-recordings."

This quote indicates the host's intention to delve deeper into Taylor Swift's hints and clues about her future music releases in a subsequent video.

"I literally spent two hours researching this yesterday and it was so fun."

The quote shows the host's dedication to researching the topic and their enthusiasm for sharing findings with viewers, emphasizing the meticulous approach to content creation.

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