In the late 1970s and early 1980s, while the American video game industry faced a catastrophic crash, Nintendo, under the leadership of Hiroshi Yamauchi and with the creative genius of Shigeru Miyamoto, quietly revolutionized gaming in Japan with the Famicom. By focusing on high-quality, narrative-driven games and a superior home console that could accurately port arcade hits, Nintendo not only revived the industry but also built a global monopoly. With strategic distribution, a direct relationship with customers, and a library of iconic games like Super Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda, Nintendo's NES became a household staple, achieving 95% global market share. Their innovative business model, including third-party licensing with strict quality control and the creation of a coveted brand experience, positioned Nintendo as an unrivaled titan in the gaming world by 1990.
"Oh. Have I ever done my Mario impression for you?" "That is amazing."
This quote shows Ben introducing his Mario impression and David's positive reaction, highlighting a light-hearted moment before delving into more serious discussion.
"I had no idea what an incredible story it is of how Nintendo single-handedly resuscitated this industry and achieved 95% global market share and dominated this multibillion-dollar industry that was left for dead."
The quote emphasizes the remarkable story of Nintendo's rise to dominance in the video game industry, which will be the main topic of the podcast episode.
"So Nolan, in addition to having this incredible entrepreneurial streak and background in arcades, he does something pretty unique."
This quote refers to Nolan Bushnell's entrepreneurial spirit and his unique contribution to the early video game industry, which laid the groundwork for the home video game console market.
"By 1985, [the home video game console market] would be worth $100 million, a reduction of 32x in the market size, because the entire category just evaporated."
The quote highlights the dramatic collapse of the home video game industry, illustrating the volatility and challenges faced by early video game companies.
"Nintendo becomes quite successful in this new industry. So successful, in fact, that they become the largest playing card manufacturer in Japan."
This quote summarizes Nintendo's early success in the playing card industry, which would later serve as a foundation for its entry into video games.
"Welcome to season twelve, episode three of Acquired, the podcast about great technology companies and the stories and playbooks behind them. I'm Ben Gilbert."
The quote serves as the formal introduction to the episode, setting the stage for the discussion on Nintendo and the broader video game industry.
"The LP show is now known as ACQ2. It still has the same great expert interviews with founders and investors"
This quote announces the rebranding of the LP Show to ACQ2, indicating a continuation of the show's content with a new name.
"Pilot both sets up and operates your company's entire financial stack."
The quote introduces Pilot's services, emphasizing their comprehensive approach to financial management for startups and growth companies.
"The rise of video games and the rise of Nintendo is this incredible, interwoven global tale."
This quote stresses the interconnectedness of Nintendo's history across different regions, underscoring the podcast's aim to provide a cohesive narrative.
"Casino, basically, it's organized crime. It's the yakuza in Japan, the japanese mafia." "These gaming parlors run by the yakuza who need thousands and thousands of packs of cards." "Very successful business and a quite interesting distribution capability that Nintendo builds up over these 50 plus years that they're just a playing cards company."
The quotes highlight the unexpected connection between Nintendo and organized crime, with the Yakuza being a significant customer for Nintendo's playing cards, which in turn helped Nintendo establish its distribution network.
"So Fusajiro Yama Yuji runs this business for a number of decades quite successfully." "Sekiro also doesn't have any male heirs." "Hiroshi is five years old. Shikanojo walks out on the family and abandons the business, the family son, and leaves." "He escapes Kyoto and goes to Tokyo to study law at Waseta University."
These quotes outline the succession challenges faced by the Yamauchi family and the emergence of Hiroshi Yamauchi as a future leader of Nintendo. They also set the stage for Hiroshi's eventual role in transforming the company.
"He institutes a massive purge. He fires not just anyone who is loyal to Sekiro in the company. He fires every single manager in Nintendo just decapitates everybody." "Nintendo licenses Walt Disney characters and puts them on playing cards, and they sell playing cards to kids in Japan." "Nintendo transforms itself into a japanese toy company."
The quotes reflect Hiroshi Yamauchi's decisive actions to take control of Nintendo and his strategic moves to pivot the company towards the toy industry and partnerships with powerful brands like Disney, laying the groundwork for Nintendo's future success.
"Nintendo's getting into indoor light gun shooting ranges." "Nintendo, who single handedly, in a minute, comes in and dominates not just the american, but the worldwide market for home video game consoles and builds this incredible juggernaut around the world." "Nintendo, thanks to this relationship with Magnavox, is in this incredibly privileged position in this new industry."
These quotes illustrate Nintendo's innovative approach to repurposing spaces for entertainment, the rise of Gunpei Yokoi as an influential designer, and Nintendo's strategic positioning in the early video game market through its relationship with Magnavox.
"We, Nintendo, need to build a programmable home video game console like the Atari 2600." "Let's take our time, and let's make something really amazing." "Nintendo's R&D teams from one singular team that's working on all of their video game business into multiple teams."
The quotes convey Nintendo's ambitious goal to create a home console that would surpass its rivals in quality and price, the strategic division of R&D efforts, and the company's methodical approach to market entry and product development.
"Yamauchi's kind of inclined to sell because, remember, he doesn't really care about the arcade business. He really just wants to set up Nintendo of America to get the distribution arm for the console that's coming. But he lets Arakawa make the final call."
"Nintendo, led by Seattle lawyer Howard Lincoln, who would go on to succeed Arkawa as the president of Nintendo America."
"Yamauchi completely understands this, just like he understood with Kumpayokoi that there are these certain engineers out there who are so talented and so creative that they can do things and enable things with technology that nobody else can do."
"They've created a home video game console that is not just a year, many years ahead of the competition and will sell for cheaper and profitably."
"They're going to launch in a test market to start the New York City metro market."
"By the end of 1991, third of American households, 30 million American households have an NES."
Pretty amazing perks to get to work there. You end up with free game systems and free games, and you are a cool parent.
The quote highlights the benefits employees receive at Nintendo, emphasizing the appeal of working for the company and the positive image it can bestow on employees in their personal lives.
So this is one half of the amazingly innovative direct relationship with customers that Nintendo of America comes up with.
This quote points to Nintendo's innovative strategy of building a direct relationship with customers, which is exemplified by the creation and success of Nintendo Power magazine.
Well, I used to buy so much of next episode is going to be about Pokemon, but I used to buy Nintendo power for the maps of the Pokemon levels to be able to show you where you need to go, walk to unlock something and where different Pokemon are found.
This quote explains how Nintendo Power was a valuable resource for players, offering detailed guides that enhanced the gaming experience, particularly for games with complex worlds or levels.
Everybody who mails in the warranty card for an NES automatically gets added to the Nintendo Fun Club fan club.
The quote explains Nintendo's method of collecting customer data through warranty card registrations, which was a clever marketing tactic that helped build a direct line of communication with their customer base.
Nintendo's revenue alone in 1990 is the same as the entire industry in 1983 at the height of the mania.
This quote emphasizes the scale of Nintendo's financial success and market dominance by comparing its revenue to the entire industry's market size at its previous peak.
It's one of the greatest businesses that's created of all time.
The quote praises Nintendo's business model and its success in creating one of the most impressive monopolies in the history of business, highlighting its comprehensive control over the gaming ecosystem.
Not only are you doing what the NFL did, which is building hype around your media properties and around all of your intellectual property, you are going one level further.
This quote compares Nintendo's marketing and customer relationship strategies to that of the NFL, noting how Nintendo's approach was even more direct and engaging, leading to a massive customer database.
It started as Control Video Corporation in 1983.
The quote reveals the origins of AOL, which began with a focus on gaming but shifted to become a major internet service provider, demonstrating how companies can pivot from their initial business plans to find success in different markets.
Id would then go on to rip Mario out of that pc side scroller and turn that into Commander Keen.
This quote discusses a pivotal moment where Nintendo's decision not to pursue PC gaming led id Software to develop its own successful games, illustrating how business decisions can lead to significant shifts in the industry landscape.