Summary Notes


In a candid discussion, the host reflects on the significant mindset shifts that propelled his financial success. He recounts two pivotal moments: the first, when he made an extra $10,000 a month out of necessity to buy out a business partner, and the second, when he actively chose to increase his upsell average during a campaign. These experiences led him to realize that financial gain often correlates with the urgency of need and the conscious decision to earn more. He posits that money flows towards those who give it the most attention and suggests that entrepreneurs can either trick themselves into making more money or focus on serving their customers to a greater extent. By sharing these insights, he encourages listeners to reassess their relationship with money and consider how a shift in perspective could lead to increased earnings and the ability to serve others more effectively.

Summary Notes

Introduction to Mindset Shift

  • Speaker A discusses the importance of mindset in business.
  • They express a general skepticism towards mindset advice but acknowledge a particular lesson as valuable.
  • The lesson came from two pivotal moments in their career.

"I really don't like talking about mindset stuff because I think a lot of it's fluff, but this one was kind of good and so I wanted to share it with you."

The quote indicates the speaker's usual hesitation to discuss mindset topics, suggesting that the forthcoming lesson holds significant merit.

Encountering Mindset Reality

  • Speaker A encountered a mindset reality early in their career.
  • They did not fully learn from the first encounter but became aware of its existence.

"One of them was the first time that I encountered the mindset reality. I didn't learn the lesson fully then, but I was aware of it."

This quote shows that the speaker had an initial experience that introduced them to a new perspective on mindset, which laid the groundwork for a later, more impactful lesson.

Financial Obligation as a Motivator

  • Speaker A had a financial obligation of $10,000 a month after buying out a partner.
  • This obligation unexpectedly increased their income by the same amount each month.
  • When the obligation ended, their income dropped, revealing a lack of personal financial need.

"And what was interesting is that as soon as I had to start making the payments to this partner, I immediately, for the next twelve months, made $10,000 a month more."

This quote demonstrates how a financial obligation served as a powerful motivator for Speaker A, directly influencing their earnings.

Realization of Comfort and Lack of Need

  • Speaker A realized they were comfortable and did not have a financial need beyond their obligations.
  • They recognized that their drive was not aligned with fulfilling a higher purpose for their clients.
  • The cessation of the financial obligation led to a decrease in income, highlighting the lack of personal need.

"And the reality was I didn't actually, and this is why I talk about having a need that's much greater than yourself, is that I was a single dude and all of my needs were very much financially met and I was comfortable."

The quote reflects on the speaker's realization that their personal financial comfort was not a strong enough motivator to sustain higher income levels without an external obligation.

Breakthrough via Client-Driven Goals

  • Speaker A later experienced a breakthrough by focusing on client-driven goals.
  • They were running a campaign with the aim to increase average upsells per client.
  • Despite initial success, they realized they needed to push further to meet their target.

"I was running a campaign, and this was, gosh, I can't remember, but I knew I wanted to average x amount in upsells per person."

The quote illustrates a shift in focus from personal financial goals to client-centered objectives, marking a significant mindset shift for Speaker A.

Realization of Self-Limiting Financial Decisions

  • An individual recognized they were making less money because they were choosing to do so.
  • By actively selling more, they increased their average sale amount.
  • This led to the realization that urgent needs often prompt a more effective approach to making money.
  • The speaker suggests that urgency changes the way we think about our business and money.
  • A personal anecdote is shared where a partnership agreement led to an immediate increase in income.

"And it was in that moment that I realized that I had been making less money, because I was choosing to make less money."

This quote emphasizes the speaker's epiphany that their financial limitations were self-imposed and that by choosing to sell more, they could increase their income.

"And then what's crazy is that most people who are watching this right now are still here and not homeless, right, because they were able to make the money that they needed to make to make this thing go away."

The speaker points out that people are capable of meeting financial emergencies when necessary, indicating a difference in mindset during times of crisis versus normal circumstances.

"And so I had the partner that I had to make $10,000 a month, extra net per month the moment I signed the agreement, right? And then that next month, we made $10,000 a month extra from what we were making before."

This anecdote illustrates how a new partnership and the obligation to generate additional income resulted in actually achieving that financial goal, suggesting the power of necessity and commitment.

Growth of the Podcast Through Word of Mouth

  • The podcast host explains that the show's growth relies solely on word of mouth.
  • There are no advertisements, sponsorships, or sales involved in the podcast.
  • The host encourages listeners to share the podcast in the same way it was shared with them.

"The only way this grows is through word of mouth. And so I don't run ads. I don't do sponsorships. I don't sell anything."

This quote clarifies the podcast's organic growth strategy, highlighting the importance of listener engagement and sharing for its expansion.

The Energy and Perception of Money

  • The speaker discusses the concept of the energy of money and its influence on financial decisions.
  • They suggest that people often charge less or avoid upselling due to a lack of emotional effort.
  • The speaker reflects on how necessity, particularly when helping others, can drive one to successfully make money.

"Are you choosing to charge less than you could? Are you choosing to not upsell people because you just don't want to make the emotional effort?"

This quote questions the listener's approach to their business practices, implying that self-imposed limitations could be hindering their financial potential.

"And every time in the past you have needed money when it was for someone else and not you, you were able to make it."

The speaker observes that individuals are often more successful in generating income when the motivation involves the needs of others rather than personal gain, suggesting a psychological component to financial achievement.

Motivation for Increased Income

  • Individuals with families often earn more due to the necessity of supporting dependents.
  • Creating a sense of urgency or necessity can motivate increased earning.
  • There are two suggested methods to motivate oneself to make more money: self-deception and focusing on service to customers.

"I think the reason that people who are married and have kids make more money is because they have to."

This quote highlights the speaker's belief that familial responsibilities can drive people to earn more money.

"Can you give yourself no other choice but to make more money?"

The speaker is posing a rhetorical question about creating a sense of urgency to increase one's income.

"One is by trying to mind trick yourself, and the other is to not think about money at all and only think about how much more you can serve your customers."

The speaker outlines two strategies to motivate oneself for financial gain: psychological self-motivation and a customer service-oriented approach.

Active Choice to Make More Money

  • The speaker made an active decision to increase their income and demand higher prices.
  • They chose to stop accepting lower prices and unnecessary expenditures.
  • The speaker believes that money flows to those who give it the most attention.

"I'm choosing to make more money. Like, I demand more money, right?"

This quote reflects the speaker's determination to actively decide to earn more money.

"Because the money will always flow to the person who gives it the most attention."

The speaker suggests that being attentive to financial opportunities can result in increased wealth.

Money's Flow and Attention

  • Money tends to flow towards the individual who pays the most attention to it.
  • The speaker notes that previously, money may have flowed through individuals to those who demanded it from them.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of being the person who pays the most attention to money to ensure it sticks with them.

"And so you immediately went and got it and gave it to him. Right, because he's paying attention."

This quote illustrates the concept that money flows to those who are actively seeking it or managing it.

"But eventually, that money will stick to the person who's paying the most attention to it."

The speaker indicates that sustained attention to financial matters will eventually lead to retaining more money.

Connecting with Customers and Community

  • The speaker experienced a shift from not connecting with weight loss customers to forming an emotional tie with gym owners.
  • They express a strong commitment to not letting down the community of gym owners they serve.
  • The speaker suggests that this connection can lead to significant financial success.

"What became more real for me is to connect with the fact that I wanted to be an exceptional business owner."

This quote shows the speaker's realization that their true connection was with the pursuit of business excellence, not necessarily with the customer's struggle.

"Now, with gym launch, I have an emotional tie to the gym lords in our community, to the gym owners."

The speaker acknowledges the strong emotional connection they have developed with their current customer base, which is different from their past experience.

"I can't let them down. Right. And if you can tap into that, more money will flow to you than you have ever had any idea what to do with it, because you're not actually..."

The speaker believes that by not letting down the community they serve, and by tapping into that sense of responsibility, financial success will follow.

Decision to Make More Money

  • Making more money starts with a conscious decision.
  • Acting with urgency, as if there's a pressing need to pay off debts, can drive financial success.
  • Repeating this urgent action monthly can lead to substantial savings.
  • Money earned should be banked and not spent frivolously.

decide, and it's a choice whether you want to make more money.

This quote emphasizes the importance of actively choosing to pursue greater financial gain.

act like you have to pay your car off in the next 14 days, and then do that. And then next month do it again. And then next month do it again.

The repetition of urgent financial actions is highlighted as a strategy for making more money.

bank it. It's for you. You earned it. Keep it. Don't spend it on stupid shit.

The speaker stresses the importance of saving money earned rather than spending it carelessly.

Weapons Grade Compassion

  • Developing deep connections with customers' needs can lead to more value creation.
  • By focusing on delivering exceptional experiences, one can justify charging more.
  • This approach ignores competition and focuses on the value provided to customers.
  • The motivation for married people or those with children to earn more is due to necessity.

But it's genuinely getting into what we call weapons grade compassion.

This quote introduces the concept of deeply understanding and caring for customers' needs to drive business success.

How can I do more? How can I deliver more value, and then by extension, charge more so that I can give a more exceptional experience to those people because they truly deserve.

The speaker discusses the continuous pursuit of improving customer experience as a means to justify higher charges and provide better service.

give yourself no choice but to make more money.

The speaker suggests creating a mindset of necessity to drive the motivation to increase earnings.

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

  • The speaker reflects on their own experience of struggling to break through financial limitations.
  • Investing in oneself, such as paying for coaching, might not immediately yield the mindset shift needed.
  • The concept of acting as if one has a pressing bill to pay to oneself is a mental trick to prioritize personal financial growth.
  • The speaker expresses a desire to help others achieve this realization.

I don't know how to break this belief for you because it took me such a long time, and I literally paid $10,000 a month for over a year, and then was not able to recreate it until much later, until this became real for me.

This quote reveals the speaker's personal challenge in overcoming limiting beliefs about money and the significant investment they made without immediate returns.

act like you have to pay a bill, but the bill is to you. You're the recipient. You're your own landlord.

The speaker offers a mental model for treating personal savings and financial growth with the same urgency as paying a critical bill.

Encouragement and Outreach

  • The speaker encourages sharing the message with others who might benefit, such as managers or trainers.
  • Expresses a desire for listeners to be successful and to use their business gains for helping others.
  • The closing remarks are motivational, emphasizing greed in business as a means to generate wealth for the greater good.

Maybe tag a manager. Who needs to hear it. Or a trainer, or maybe no one.

The speaker suggests that the advice could be beneficial to others in leadership or training positions.

I hope you get greedy with your business so that you can take the money and help other people.

This quote encourages listeners to pursue wealth in business with the intention of using it to assist others, framing greed as a potentially positive force when directed towards charitable actions.

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